Modus Vivendi kicks ass!


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
And Breed is one hell of a vocalist. How could I have missed this band for so long?

/Hawk slaps his forehead :D

Please let me know when you guys are going across the great pond to play on the metal continent. :headbang:
Hawk said:
And Breed is one hell of a vocalist. How could I have missed this band for so long?

/Hawk slaps his forehead :D

Please let me know when you guys are going across the great pond to play the metal continent. :headbang:

Ha ha ha glad you like it Hawk !!!! I guess Flo (Fang) and I have some use over at Oldschool, huh ? TM knocked my teeth out when I first heard them (btw Urban, my dental bills are on the way... pay up :loco: .) I try not to just post any new band I hear at Oldschool just because I like them. Everyone has different tastes and I am sure many there won't even like TM, but I knew some would. They are too good to be so obscure.

Yup :}

Hawk said:
And Breed is one hell of a vocalist.

Lol, I wondered how I could've missed Tad Morose for so long too when I first heard them! ;}

I don't think anyone can call themselves the metal continent though Hawk... it spans the globe! :Big evil toothy grin:

Hawk said:
How could I have missed this band for so long?

Hawk slaps his forehead :}
WIntersReflection said:
Yup :}

I don't think anyone can call themselves the metal continent though Hawk... it spans the globe! :Big evil toothy grin:
I did not call myself the metal continent. I called Europe the metal continent. Seeing that metal in Europe is about 10 x more populair than any other continent on the globe I am wholly justified to say so.

Besides I don't see how the one excludes the other ie saying that Europe is the metal continent is not implying that there are no metal fans in the rest of the world. Seems selfevident to me :rolleyes:

Btw most of my favorite band come form the US. Which is a fine demonstation of David Ricardo's Law of comparative advantage
Well I can't deny I spent my entire high school career being pointed out as "the metal head..." Kinda lonely feeling really... Besides, who am I to get in the way of a person's metal pride? :>}

Well hopefully the metal will spread, most of the bands on my own continent I just don't "click" with lately... It's cool you found so many bands from here to be your favorites. :>)

Hawk said:
I did not call myself the metal continent. I called Europe the metal continent. Seeing that metal in Europe is about 10 x more populair than any other continent on the globe I am wholly justified to say so.
WIntersReflection said:
Well I can't deny I spent my entire high school career being pointed out as "the metal head..." Kinda lonely feeling really... Besides, who am I to get in the way of a person's metal pride? :>}
:D I can imagine the loney feeling. When I started to listen to metal in 1976 I knew noone else who also liked metal. I already had a job then and took some of my music with me. O boy, you should have heard the reactions :rolleyes: in *1976* I might add.

WIntersReflection said:
Well hopefully the metal will spread, most of the bands on my own continent I just don't "click" with lately... It's cool you found so many bands from here to be your favorites. :>)
So what are your favorite bands? Have you heard Nevermore? Don't you like them? AS I always say taste in music is personal but I am curious.
Yes, but they don't qualify as a favorite. :}

My favorite bands are:

Savatage-First metal band I ever heard and the best.
Queensryche-When at their best were AMAZING
Tad Morose-Hits the emotional nail on the head so often it's scary
Memory Garden-Doom prog, what more can I say?
Blind Guardian-I drool over the guitar-work of this band.
Anathema-Absolutely painful to listen to in their depression.
Sentenced-Only band whose music can be more unhappy then Anathema and still be good.
Zed Yago-If I remember correctly, these guys and girl are one of the first power metal bands to come out of Germany. And certainly they are one of the best!
Fates Warning-You knew this had to be in here somewhere didn't you? Fates is an incredible band! :}
Sonata Arctica-I love the super-fast guitar-work and Sonata is one of those rare bands where I pay attention to the keyboards.
Dio: "We'll know for the first time... if we're evil or divine..."
Twisted Motivations-A great little known progressive metal band.
Helloween-"We've got the power!"
Illusion Suite-Another great little known progressive metal band.

Hawk said:
what are your favorite bands? Have you heard Nevermore? Don't you like them? AS I always say taste in music is personal but I am curious.
WIntersReflection said:
Sentenced-Only band whose music can be more unhappy then Anathema and still be good.
:D Heehee...I agree with you. I always feel like telling the singer, "Buck up, little fella, everything's gonna be'll see."

Hawk said:
And Breed is one hell of a vocalist. How could I have missed this band for so long?

/Hawk slaps his forehead :D

Please let me know when you guys are going across the great pond to play on the metal continent. :headbang:
Ummm...... Hawk, they are Swedes. I think they are on the same continent as you. >:p~ you know..... all those European countries are the same to us though......... Holland, Sweden, Madagascar.... :loco:

Urban breed said:
Heh, why bother, we'll have another album out and then you'll be right back at the dentist. :)
Ha ha ha well I can't wait. Your releases are getting better and better. MV has cought up to MotD in my ears. Keep the quality up Urban and you will have to keep putting up with me on this message board. Well maybe I should rephrase that one.....:err:

WIntersReflection said:
Yup :}

Lol, I wondered how I could've missed Tad Morose for so long too when I first heard them! ;}

I don't think anyone can call themselves the metal continent though Hawk... it spans the globe! :Big evil toothy grin:

Well one thing is for certain..... this website (UM) has fans from all over the globe. I have even met metal fans from places in the far east like Malaysia.

As far as being pointed out and looked down upon because of my "metal ways" it hardly ever happens to me. I have a "friendly face" I suppose. I could dress in all black, let my hair down in my face, put on my most graphic Slayer shirt and walk into a grocery store and some little old lady will walk up to me and say "your hair is so pretty. I have to go to the beauty salon to get curls like that." Of course I do live in "The South" as well and it is part of the culture here to be friendly.

Don't ever live in Northern Illinois... they aren't friendly at all there... people are pretty... cold (where I live a few hours drive could take me to Wisconsin or Minnesota) :big toothy grin:

I personally don't think I look scary but people in my hometown just seem to have something against metal heads... I've seen people go from polite to really mean in 5.2 seconds over it.

"WHAT you like metal?" Rude person

And I get irritable at about that point and give 'em a big evil looking toothy grin... "Yes, I do and I don't think someone as rude as you has a right to go judging other peoples musical taste."

Bryant said:
Well one thing is for certain..... this website (UM) has fans from all over the globe. I have even met metal fans from places in the far east like Malaysia.

As far as being pointed out and looked down upon because of my "metal ways" it hardly ever happens to me. I have a "friendly face" I suppose. I could dress in all black, let my hair down in my face, put on my most graphic Slayer shirt and walk into a grocery store and some little old lady will walk up to me and say "your hair is so pretty. I have to go to the beauty salon to get curls like that." Of course I do live in "The South" as well and it is part of the culture here to be friendly.

Rider of Theli said:
gotta love that good ol' Southern Hospitality! :D


No doubt about it. There are some definite negatives of living in Alabama, but the people in general are pretty friendly. It's hot though. It's already made it up to 95 degrees (35 C) and it's barely June. :hotjump:

I'm relatively new to the band as well, having heard of them on the Oldschool board. I heard "Anubis" and the song was stuck in my head for days. So based on that one song I bought Undead, Matters Of The Dark, and Modus Vivendi in one shot. It paid off in spades and I like all three albums. The music is catchy as hell and the vocals fall right into the range that I like them (I've never been a huge fan of the constant super-high vocals). I'm gearing up to buy more. Keep up the great work!!