Mom scolds son for Musical Ambitions


The Darkitecht
Jun 3, 2007
Daytona, Florida

I know several people that don't understand why music is so important to some people, and I hope those people see this and realize how much pain they can cause someone that is only pursuing a dream.

Luckily for me I have a family that supports what I do musically and actually enjoys any effort I've ever put into it. Music has been my life since the beginning of High School when i was in Marching Band and it only stemmed from there to flourish into me being a bassist and then a vocalist performing with a few different bands over the past few years. It has become a therapy of sorts for me....

I hope this woman is embarassed for what she said to her son. She isn't a good parent or a good person for that matter....if you think otherwise - you're entitled to that opinion but I feel just as sorry for your close minded mentality as I do hers. Take Heed.
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Reminds me of the beginning to the video for THIS song:
Mom had to go mix another screwdriver...that's why she left the room briefly...
So she's mad because he's at home, safe, pursuing music.

Clever woman, that.

I'd be tickled pink if my daughter turned out so dedicated to anything as glorious as music. Even if it was music I hated.
Wow, WTF? Now, if she was only encouraging the guy to go outside, get some fresh air, but had some encouraging words for his musical pursuits, I could kind of agree with her. Obviously, that sure doesn't seem to be the case here. Nice amp there, too! :Spin:
I think you mean "We're Not Gonna Take It."

Ha, yeah, whatevs.
Haven't seen either video in over 20 years.

Yeah, there will always be people in society who don't appreciate music.
Even in the schools, if you are a thespian or in band, you were considered a nerd. At least in my schools.

Though if you were a jock or cheerleader who skipped class and passed through based on your popularity, you were praised as local heros who "represent" the school to the public.

Well, hopefully going viral, this will push the kid to practice harder than ever.
Boy, my mom was the one who took me to auditions. I wouldn't have a thing without her encouragement! My dad just wants me to settle down and have babies, but my mom is awesome and brings her friends to all my shows. I'm very lucky.
I dunno everyone here is one sided but maybe theres 2 sides to the story. Does the kid have a job? Is he helping around the house? Or is he just playing on a guitar, his video games, and sitting on a computer all day, and living with no direction? Now trust me nobody loves music more than me...I grew up in a house where my Dad had 5 or more instruments all the time, and I have been on a drumset since age 2.

I'm all for pursuing the dream as a musician but unless I know all the facts about how this kid lives his lifestyle I can't just automatically side with him. That's the problem with this World people think narrow minded without looking at the big picture. Again not siding with Mom...she sounds like a douche...but I would need to know more to choose sides here.
I kind of agree with Madman. There's no way a 17 year old kid can afford all that gear on his own. If his mother bought all that stuff for him she can't entirely be opposed to him playing music, and if he really is locked up in his room practicing guitar 24/7 - well that's kind of weird. Not defending the words that were said in the video though, there's definitely a better way to go about it. That being said - locking yourself up in your room and trying to become a guitar master does fuck all. It doesn't guarantee you a band or a record deal. You can have a musically enriched life without having a music-obsessed life. But denying yourself friends, relationships and other experiences in life you're making a big mistake that you will regret later in life.
I'm all for pursuing the dream as a musician but unless I know all the facts about how this kid lives his lifestyle I can't just automatically side with him. That's the problem with this World people think narrow minded without looking at the big picture. Again not siding with Mom...she sounds like a douche...but I would need to know more to choose sides here.
Exactly my thoughts. I've known too many bedroom shredders that complain about how hard it is to make it as a musician, despite never playing a gig or making an official release in their lives, killer chops be damned.
When I first started listening, I thought "wow, this sounds just like my ex from high school's mom..." then she refers to how much better things were in Michigan (presumably visiting family on vacation) and I got chills. What's the deal with cunty, soul-crushing mothers from Michigan? I've really known too many not to discriminate at this point...

Anyway, that gear is perfectly affordable for a 17-year-old, so I don't think it's fair to assume he didn't pay for most of it... Sure, it's a $3000 head and presumably a couple thousand more in guitar and rack gear, but a kid who starts working at 16, or gets a hardship even early, and makes $200 a week after taxes can still take home $10k a year, and he probably doesn't have rent and utilities to pay at 17. Sounds like he didn't have a job last summer when that was recorded, but I don't really have a problem with a 17-year-old taking off the summer before his senior year to keep to himself and do what he loves before going off to live in a dorm room or going straight into the rat race that has demoralized so many. 100w tube amps and 4x12 cabs aren't really compatible with dorm rooms and apartments--"strum along" while you can.

Edit: Ok, so after checking his other vids, he does have a shitload of expensive gear. Looks like he had some help ;) Mother is still a cunt.
An Engl Invader can be had for $2800.


Metal Madman, you are very correct.


...if she wants to motivate her son to achieve things in life, that was the worst way possible to do it. She's likely made him regret her and spite her for years and years to come. She probably caused more damage to her relationship with her son than she'll ever understand.

And yes, I say this with bitter, hateful, sorrowful experience. I'm far more familiar with this than I want to remember.