Momofest 2006


Mongoloid Elitist
Jan 24, 2005
Long Island N.Y
Ok Pick Your top 5 bands to play at MOMOfest this summer. Only criterias are the bands must be still together and fit somewhere in the metal genre. I want to know what you motherfuckers like.

Best Regards,

Johnny Cakes
Whats Up Bob? Nothing Much just looking forward to a summer of fun. Concerts, Travel and lots of BBQ's. I will actually be in Texas around July 4th and check out the music scene there. I hope everything is shits and giggles on your end.

Take Care Brotha,

I loved seeing Scott Ian taking credit for inventing raprock and how Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, et al. would not be around if they didn't do Bring the Noise.

Thanks Scott, you fucking shitdick. You effectively cut your own throat, as well the throats of metal bands and fans in general because they got pushed aside to set resources aside for these fuckers.