Montreal's Serious Snow Storm!!!

well they say the roads will not be clear and thousands of cars will not be dug out untill friday... Especially since we're getting hit with more snow on Wednesday. What happened was in the rough areas near fields and by the water (where my boss was situated) everyone stopped moving, after 30 minutes of not moving, and being unable to turn around everyons cars where snowed in and where not going anywhere. Thousands of people slept in cars, strangers houses, or in the metro system, which was opened all night (which aint usually) no one was able to get their cars out anywhere, so basically they are slowly digging peoples cars out, and I havent heard if anyone has been seriously injured or not so that is a good sign :).

snow can be cool, and even during a shitty winter we get alot of it, but the weather was just horrific, you could not see anything it was like a wall of white everywhere!!!
Damn we havent had a good blizzard in years, its a cool natural phenomena but harsh no doubt for those caught in it that arent prepared. The wind sounds like it was the biggest problem, drifting snow.... impossible to keep up with or get through, its so dense.
proulxski, i know much that sucks...i think most canadians do. here in the prairies, we get quite a fair bit of snow, but january and february here (winnipeg) was almost a constant deep freeze, with the temperature lingering around -30 to -40 most of the time, occasionally dipping to -45 to -50. the only thing about it that could be considered "okay" was that usually only happens when it's clear (ie no snow) giving us a lot of sunshine, but with clear days comes lots of wind...snow means warmer winter because of the overcast weather. i tried to miss some of our crappy winter by heading overseas, but i came back in time to catch the tail end of it.
severe summers and severe winters both blow. good luck to you all in the east!
heat waves suck, but theyre still more bearable than a massive snow storm id say.. at least you can use your aircon (assuming you have it, i dont) and get through it.. your car doesnt get stuck in the middle of the road etc.
Yeah without an aircon I'm sure I'd complain more. This is what umm.. day 11 or 12 so far and looks like it'll still be 38-40 deg until Tues. The temp only went down to 30.6 deg last night O_O