Morality with MP3 encoding

Static Acts

Apr 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Hello everyone,

I'm soliciting your opinions on the topic of encoding a CD collection. I have 600+ discs and I've gotten just about all of them converted to MP3's. I have to say that it's VERY convenient to have my entire collection at my finger tips!

The part where morality comes in is this: Would you sell your CDs and keep the MP3 and sleep well at night? Or should you have a disc on hand to represent the "backed up" MP3 version?

This came to mind recently after moving. My discs are sitting in boxes and I have not listened to an actual CD in ages. And having 600+ discs takes up a lot of room whether they be in boxes or on a shelf. I wouldn't mind thinning out my collection but is it wrong to keep the MP3 versions of them?

What do you think?
I've got like 300 cd's and only 10 or so are originals. So I've got no problems with getting songs and cd's from the internet. Since cd's are so expensive these days, I'd rather go drink something with friend an entire night then to stay at home to have money to buy a cd.
Own about 1000 cds, most of which I bought.

If you sell them off, and kept the mp3s, I guess the question is up to you. What would you do with the money made? If it were me, I'd send at least some to the bands I support if possible in that situation. Tough call.
I have about 200 CDs - I'll keep em.
However, having all of them mp3'd on 1 DVD and on 6 CDs (for the car) is pretty convenient.
Legally speaking you should keep them as a backup...
however it is a personal preference decision, I have my CD collection ripped and stored on my computer but I like to keep them anyways... theres a feeling you can't really replace when you hold a CD and can flop through the booklet.
I'm also quite active on Direct Connect so I have no problem with people checking music out as long as they intend to actually support the artist when possible.
Make a secondary backup of all your mp3s just incase something happens, but ya, sell every last cd you have ..and maybe buy a lear jet.
Static Acts said:
This came to mind recently after moving. My discs are sitting in boxes and I have not listened to an actual CD in ages. And having 600+ discs takes up a lot of room whether they be in boxes or on a shelf. I wouldn't mind thinning out my collection but is it wrong to keep the MP3 versions of them?

What do you think?

OK i got away with 1200 albums in MP4 written to DVD's due to that i keep them for myself and not selling them it's only when you start selling or sharing mp3's you end up in crap keepin for yourself there's only one thing to bring you down they Need evidence e.g. where your ontaining it e.g. ugpc or what your are doing with them if they have abtained an copy you sold with covers and all forged then good bye for an very very long time