More clean vocals!

opacity said:
WTF?! NO !!!
even nightwish have more balls than etos now :erk: you want skyfire to go all silk and satin? where's the crispness then, the specialty?

First of all since when does having 4 songs in your entire library (of 5 albums) that have clean vocals make your band pussy? You're telling me since Children of Bodom don't use clean vox they are less pussy then EToS?o_O I'll take a track like Sinister Rain over any Are You Dead Yet bullshit any day.

As for Skyfire, one of my favorite aspects of the music is just how raw and evil Henrik's scream is. Im not saying go silk and satin, if anything go deeper and meaner (kalmah, anyone?)! I just think it would be a nice surprise if there was a clean passage or two. They don't have to permeate an entire album with bitch vocals (soilwork-fnf), but it'd be nice to see a bit of a change.
IMO, as a general rule, bands should avoid clean vocals unless they have a damn good singer. I don't understand why some bands even bother with them .. take some damn singing lessons first !
The Don said:
First of all since when does having 4 songs in your entire library (of 5 albums) that have clean vocals make your band pussy? You're telling me since Children of Bodom don't use clean vox they are less pussy then EToS?o_O I'll take a track like Sinister Rain over any Are You Dead Yet bullshit any day.

As for Skyfire, one of my favorite aspects of the music is just how raw and evil Henrik's scream is. Im not saying go silk and satin, if anything go deeper and meaner (kalmah, anyone?)! I just think it would be a nice surprise if there was a clean passage or two. They don't have to permeate an entire album with bitch vocals (soilwork-fnf), but it'd be nice to see a bit of a change.
first, it was about EVEN MORE clean vocals, right?
second, read my entire post, i won't elaborate endlessly and to no avail on issues that are not life matters (if you get my point) :rolleyes:

opacity said:
WTF?! [color=red
if skyfire need a new feature, perhaps they could try some cold-ish electronic additions[/QUOTE]

I really hope you're thinking of a different Cold than one I'm thinking of ("Stupid Girl").
Wow, we kicked up a little shitstorm with this. I don't know that I even care about clean vocals that much; I'd just like to see some new stuff happen in the newer material. 'Clean' vocals ala "Moon of My Nights" by Kalmah, pitch-shifted narration ala Bal-Sagoth(though I think only they can get away with that)..I swear, I don't want to emasculate Skyfire.

But I disagree with clean vocals having no place in this genre. Noumena is totally rawkin' the clean vocals in some places, and they are an absolute gem (according to me).

And aye, if it sounds bad, don't do it. Makes sense to me. Just want something funky-fresh and sweet to hit me when I hear this new one. Play some didgeridoo or something. Get a priest to scream in Latin while he gargles acid. Maybe return to the choruses of screamed-ness that was in TD, that gave Henrik some added oomph.

I don't think they'll disappoint. This band is a very good band at being Skyfire. I just wonder what other directions they could take it and still have it be Skyfire.
Feel_The_Force said:
Clean Vocals have no place in this genre.

Bah. Skyfire has no place in "this" genre...

By that I mean Skyfire's in a whole 'nother league apart from Soilwork and In Flames have EVER been in, singing or not.

'Sides, the aforementioned pansy metal bands would have begun to suck regardless. Although that said... notice that when they started picking up popularity is when Dark Tranquillity stopped, which I think is pretty cool of them. But it worked pretty damn well for Gardenian.

I like the little touch, little glimmer of cleanness that Shadow Creator's got. I'm a little hesitant to say they should do a lot more because first of all, if we are to trust Henrik, he's not that great a clean singer, and also because those little gimmerous touches wouldn't be so special.

In my opinion there aren't that many screamers out there whose voices really add a decent amount to the music but Henke is one of them. Most of the time I think clean vocals, when done well, can be far more substantial a musical supplement than grunts and growls, but as far as I'm concerned I have no problems with Skyfire's vocal department staying as it is.

[edit] Oh, and I agree with Gadlor. As long as they keep throwing new ideas at us, which they haven't stopped doing since TD, I don't have any doubt they'll do it well.
haha yeh, Jester Race is faaar better/more important than anything skyfire has done/will do. im not taking anything away from skyfire, but some on. Jester Race. oh yeh, clean vocals are gay and trendy.
It's stupid to do something just because it's trendy. But it's even stupider to refuse to do something because it's trendy. Humans are social creatures and naturally seek groups to fit into; Being truly different tends to involve eating horses, not wearing clothes, and speaking in Middle English.

Anyways, clean vocals have been around for a lot longer than harsh ones has. I'd say screaming is the trend.

How about going a cappella? That would be pretty unique!
hahah @ acappella

I see what you're saying, Freeman, but the problem I see with clean vocals and metal is that 99% of metal singers sound like ass when they go clean. Most of them became vocalists because of their good growls. I think it'd be cool to have someone who's actually a good singer mixed with metal music, but when screamer dudes try singing, it usually sounds shitty and barfy.