more proof Islam is evil and should be destroyed

just a minor clarification:
they dont commit 'hysterectomies' on young girls. they perform forced 'female circumcision.' they cut off the clits then sew up the vagina lips, leaving only a small hole, just big enough for blood and urine to pass through. it's supposed to keep them 'sexually pure.'

You never give any proof and haven't said anything intelligible (sp?) since you posted in this thread.. At least with some of the other people here, they'll READ the other persons arguement before responding. Because I don't want to re-write it, here's a quote from my last arguement:

No religion can create all positives. It's in the eye of the beholder. Morals, etc, can help a normal person.. But if an insane person converts to Islam and kills civilians, that's because they were insane to begin with, it doesn't matter what religion they chose, they still would commit the acts.

Of course some heinous acts such as this are commited. But a normal Muslim would never have this done to their daughter, spouse, etc.. Nor would a normal Christian attack an abortion center.. It's these extreme acts that are committed by already insane people, it's a problem with genetics, not the religion.

And in all my time in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, I have not seen one of these.
You never give any proof and haven't said anything intelligible (sp?) since you posted in this thread.. At least with some of the other people here, they'll READ the other persons arguement before responding. Because I don't want to re-write it, here's a quote from my last arguement:

Of course some heinous acts such as this are commited. But a normal Muslim would never have this done to their daughter, spouse, etc.. Nor would a normal Christian attack an abortion center.. It's these extreme acts that are committed by already insane people, it's a problem with genetics, not the religion.

And in all my time in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, I have not seen one of these.

ok. now that i know you're only a baby of 16, i'm not going to call you an idiot. you're guilty of youthful ignorance. one day you'll either grow out of it or become a suicide bomber. either way, you wont think this way forever.

with that said, here is the 'proof' you want, concerning the genital mutilation of little girls amongst Muslims. the first is from a 'religious tolerance' website.

that's enough for now.
get into some of these articles and be informed.
I have seen with my own eyes in Cairo a medical practitioner who specialized in the mutilation thing.

I've read all the books when I was your age, which is too far gone to remember exact quotes. Ive tried the quoting the Koran thing before and know what I was told when I proved my point? "Oh, you cannot really translate the koran correctly, so you are still wrong." This coming from a professor.

600,000 is the total for the war. What you fail to realize, is that the majority of deaths occur not at the hands of Americans or their allies, but at fellow arabs and Iraqis. Who does all the suicide bombings in marketplaces? Every chickenshit attempt at taking life is from muslims who will before they kill themselves say the famous God Be Praised quote that is synonymous with Islam. The last time America really killed a shitload of people was Vietnam. We inflicted over 1.6 million. We dont do that now because unfortunately we do not carpet bomb towns anymore. Precision weapons and minimal use of force is the easiet way to capture an objective and still maintain some sense of decency.

Tribes, I meant the bushmen and whatnot living further south in Africa. And what I mean is they live like they did 1000 years ago, cook eggs on hot coals in the dirt, live in huts etc etc, "archaic ways and practices." The essence is the same in the Islamic world along the lines of practicing old and no longer relevant ideals. And yes, Christians and Jews do the same things.

The only religious holiday in the US that people get time off of work for is Christmas. And even that is debatable about being religious. Hell, Im just looking for good food and presents. And Federal holidays, ones where the government shuts down, are the ones that matter. No one gets Easter off. Jews dont get Chanakuh off. Look at the federal holidays, Memorial Day, Veterans day, Labor day, MLK day, Independence Day, Columbus day, Washingtons Bday. None of em are religious. So why should Muslims want a religious holiday off?

It is kind of like smoking at the workplace. Your boss doesnt let you smoke on the you kill him? No, go work somewhere else if your need to smoke is something you must have to make the work you do seem satisfactory to you then go elsewhere, or quit. No muslim holidays? Move back to a muslim country that is run by Islam. I am sure there are tons of days off there. No jew holidays? Go elsewhere. I am sure Wiccans want halloween off.

And the KKK is a joke. It is a nearly died off group of rednecks who just drink natural light and keystone..and do a bunch of talk. Compare racism violence of them against some muslim areas and you will see the KKK isn't shit.

And on the topic of racism, and slavery for that matter, the muslim world leads the way, even to this day. Race was never an issue in European slaves, you just took who you conquered. Ah..but the muslims..had to have white folks or black people. Their slave trade has gone on for centuries, way before any mass African exodus to Brazil and N.America. Hell, even today the do a slave trade. in Saudi and the UAE they kidnap children as young as 2 years old from poor Asian countries like Bangledesh, and use them as camel jockies. once the kids get too old they are put on the streets. And for some reason, they all end up in Bahrain, which is scummier and sleazier than skid row.
ok. now that i know you're only a baby of 16, i'm not going to call you an idiot. you're guilty of youthful ignorance. one day you'll either grow out of it or become a suicide bomber. either way, you wont think this way forever.

with that said, here is the 'proof' you want, concerning the genital mutilation of little girls amongst Muslims. the first is from a 'religious tolerance' website.

that's enough for now.
get into some of these articles and be informed.

Why would I grow up to be a suicide bomber. Contrary to the southern belief, Muslims actually are people, not dogs.. We don't have instrinct to suicide bomb. And I'm veyr confused, why is it dismissable when a more powerful army, lets say the Israeli army, commit mass genocide, Shipa and Shatila for example, or kill civilians without harming themselves.. But when a Muslim, due to complete lack of military technology from hundreds of years of opression, suicide bombs and does the same amount of damage? Both are horrible, but only one is recognized as so..

Anyways, back on the subject, what proof have you that I'm the idiot and you yourself aren't? Hating an entire nation and religion because of a few extreme acts? I don't hate all Christians and Christianity because of the dozens of large anti-abortion organizations..

And I asked for proof of FORCED MUTILATION. What more is a sex change, vasectomy or Tubal ligation than a form of genital mutilation? You know what else is a form of genital mutilation performed usually on small children? Circumcision. Quote from one of the articles:

Some girls undergo genital mutilation alone, but mutilation is more often undergone as a group of, for example, sisters, other close female relatives or neighbours.

Almost of 100% of people who have this procedure done, have it done on their own accord. In all honesty, I don't see why all the feminists, etc, are trying to have this done. And considering how the procedure is described, it's no more "mutilating" than a Circumcision.. Not to say I agree with FORCED clitoridectomy, but if a woman chooses to get it done, which in all but a small few percent it is, why shouldn't she be able to? For christs sake in the US we allow sex changes where all that's being done is a doctor hacks up the persons's genitals and tries to replicate the genitals of the opposite sex with it..

If you read the articles more thoroughly you would have noticed that the region Forced marriages and clitoridectomys is mostly a problem is INDIA, a Hindu country...
I have seen with my own eyes in Cairo a medical practitioner who specialized in the mutilation thing.

I've read all the books when I was your age, which is too far gone to remember exact quotes. Ive tried the quoting the Koran thing before and know what I was told when I proved my point? "Oh, you cannot really translate the koran correctly, so you are still wrong." This coming from a professor.

600,000 is the total for the war. What you fail to realize, is that the majority of deaths occur not at the hands of Americans or their allies, but at fellow arabs and Iraqis. Who does all the suicide bombings in marketplaces? Every chickenshit attempt at taking life is from muslims who will before they kill themselves say the famous God Be Praised quote that is synonymous with Islam. The last time America really killed a shitload of people was Vietnam. We inflicted over 1.6 million. We dont do that now because unfortunately we do not carpet bomb towns anymore. Precision weapons and minimal use of force is the easiet way to capture an objective and still maintain some sense of decency.

Tribes, I meant the bushmen and whatnot living further south in Africa. And what I mean is they live like they did 1000 years ago, cook eggs on hot coals in the dirt, live in huts etc etc, "archaic ways and practices." The essence is the same in the Islamic world along the lines of practicing old and no longer relevant ideals. And yes, Christians and Jews do the same things.

The only religious holiday in the US that people get time off of work for is Christmas. And even that is debatable about being religious. Hell, Im just looking for good food and presents. And Federal holidays, ones where the government shuts down, are the ones that matter. No one gets Easter off. Jews dont get Chanakuh off. Look at the federal holidays, Memorial Day, Veterans day, Labor day, MLK day, Independence Day, Columbus day, Washingtons Bday. None of em are religious. So why should Muslims want a religious holiday off?

It is kind of like smoking at the workplace. Your boss doesnt let you smoke on the you kill him? No, go work somewhere else if your need to smoke is something you must have to make the work you do seem satisfactory to you then go elsewhere, or quit. No muslim holidays? Move back to a muslim country that is run by Islam. I am sure there are tons of days off there. No jew holidays? Go elsewhere. I am sure Wiccans want halloween off.

And the KKK is a joke. It is a nearly died off group of rednecks who just drink natural light and keystone..and do a bunch of talk. Compare racism violence of them against some muslim areas and you will see the KKK isn't shit.

And on the topic of racism, and slavery for that matter, the muslim world leads the way, even to this day. Race was never an issue in European slaves, you just took who you conquered. Ah..but the muslims..had to have white folks or black people. Their slave trade has gone on for centuries, way before any mass African exodus to Brazil and N.America. Hell, even today the do a slave trade. in Saudi and the UAE they kidnap children as young as 2 years old from poor Asian countries like Bangledesh, and use them as camel jockies. once the kids get too old they are put on the streets. And for some reason, they all end up in Bahrain, which is scummier and sleazier than skid row.

Do you really have to add "thing" to the end of most nouns? :p Please try not to use personal experience. I'm not going to tell you your wrong if one word is off form the Arabic, just use the quotes you're thinking of.

I don't really know why you used the number 600,000, I just went along with it, but it's more 70,000-100,000 Iraqi civilians dead. Here's a quote from "Iraq Body Count: War Dead Figures":

War-related & criminal violence deaths (civilians) Iraq Body Count-English language media only:

Those are the numbers as of Early September of 2006, it's almost a year later now.. And when are suicide bombings most commonly used? Against enemy forces, while I can't say I agree with anything the Taliban, etc, do, including suicide bombings... I don't see why they're viewed as so horrible in wars such as in Israel. Watch "The Battle of Algiers". It won 3 oscars and is very highly rated.. Because it showed that just because the French were more concealed in their killings and were able to use a more powerful to media to spread how horrible Islam was, doesn't mean that they don't use even worse tactics. There was a 'triangle' at the head of the Algerian freedom movement, and the movie was mainly based on this triangle, and eventually the French killed the leaders, how? Through torture, many Algerians were killed, tortured, mutilated, etc, by the French just to find 3 leaders of the Algerian forces. These tactics are still practiced commonly, namely in Israel, not so much by the US.. You never hear about Military torture because you always get the US' point of view when you watch the news and Israel is their ally and they would never make an ally look bad.

Most towns/cities in MA, where I live, Jewish people get Chanukah off, Easter is off as well, as well as Good Friday and Passover. Usually in towns of higher Jewish population, Jewish holidays are off. I was saying more in the perspective of towns with higher Muslim population asking for Muslim holidays off.. And incase you didn't know, Wiccans are not related to Halloween in any perspective.

And are you comparing work to where you live and smoking to an Islamic religious holiday? Smoking is (according to the FDA.. ) harmful to others.. Practicing a holiday is not.. And just like people adapt to their surroudings, as does a town to there inhibitants.. A town/city with a 40% Jewish population would obviously add Chanukah and other major Jewish holidays to town/city-wide holidays. And asking for religious holidays was just an example, the things Muslims in the US are trying to change are harmless..

And please show me an example of Islamic racism? The problems with Kuwait, etc, are more a civil (maybe not the best word to describe it, but you know what I mean), than a racial one (Hard to be racist towards someone of the same race :p ). The KKK has seemed to die down, there are still some semi-powerful concentrated populations of it left, but many other organizations of been established in place of it (White Nationalist Party, The Lambs of Christ, Army of God and so many more). Christian extremism is still very much present, if not more so because of all the rights being discussed lately (Abortion, Gay marriage).

The last paragraph is kinda ridiculous. Camel Jockies? Lawl. I've never heard anything about this.. And race was never involved in Islamic slavery. Most slaves bought from Europe by the Islamic world were given many more rights than they previously had. At the time when slavery was widely used (pre-1000 AD), lawful enslavement was restricted to two instances: capture in war, or birth in slavery. It was no matter of race, and slavery was near non existant (except for those who offended law by having them) in the Muslim world long before the time South and West African slaves were being sent over to the New world by Shiploads. By the time of the Holy Wars, the law was changed, in that prisoners of war were made free instead of slaves and only captured crusaders were used as slaves until the end of the Holy Wars when slavery was abolished. That could be why you might think whites, but they weren't just shipping white people over, other than the impossibility of that considering how powerful the European nations were, they only took those who were captured in the Holy Wars, which was no matter of race, just because of how violently they attacked the Muslim empire (and they still were allowed to be slaves, with rights to marry, etc.. Any other nation of the time would just execute such enemies..).
Do you really have to add "thing" to the end of most nouns? :p Please try not to use personal experience. I'm not going to tell you your wrong if one word is off form the Arabic, just use the quotes you're thinking of.

I don't really know why you used the number 600,000, I just went along with it, but it's more 70,000-100,000 Iraqi civilians dead. Here's a quote from "Iraq Body Count: War Dead Figures":

War-related & criminal violence deaths (civilians) Iraq Body Count-English language media only:

Those are the numbers as of Early September of 2006, it's almost a year later now.. And when are suicide bombings most commonly used? Against enemy forces, while I can't say I agree with anything the Taliban, etc, do, including suicide bombings... I don't see why they're viewed as so horrible in wars such as in Israel. Watch "The Battle of Algiers". It won 3 oscars and is very highly rated.. Because it showed that just because the French were more concealed in their killings and were able to use a more powerful to media to spread how horrible Islam was, doesn't mean that they don't use even worse tactics. There was a 'triangle' at the head of the Algerian freedom movement, and the movie was mainly based on this triangle, and eventually the French killed the leaders, how? Through torture, many Algerians were killed, tortured, mutilated, etc, by the French just to find 3 leaders of the Algerian forces. These tactics are still practiced commonly, namely in Israel, not so much by the US.. You never hear about Military torture because you always get the US' point of view when you watch the news and Israel is their ally and they would never make an ally look bad.

Most towns/cities in MA, where I live, Jewish people get Chanukah off, Easter is off as well, as well as Good Friday and Passover. Usually in towns of higher Jewish population, Jewish holidays are off. I was saying more in the perspective of towns with higher Muslim population asking for Muslim holidays off.. And incase you didn't know, Wiccans are not related to Halloween in any perspective.

And are you comparing work to where you live and smoking to an Islamic religious holiday? Smoking is (according to the FDA.. ) harmful to others.. Practicing a holiday is not.. And just like people adapt to their surroudings, as does a town to there inhibitants.. A town/city with a 40% Jewish population would obviously add Chanukah and other major Jewish holidays to town/city-wide holidays. And asking for religious holidays was just an example, the things Muslims in the US are trying to change are harmless..

And please show me an example of Islamic racism? The problems with Kuwait, etc, are more a civil (maybe not the best word to describe it, but you know what I mean), than a racial one (Hard to be racist towards someone of the same race :p ). The KKK has seemed to die down, there are still some semi-powerful concentrated populations of it left, but many other organizations of been established in place of it (White Nationalist Party, The Lambs of Christ, Army of God and so many more). Christian extremism is still very much present, if not more so because of all the rights being discussed lately (Abortion, Gay marriage).

The last paragraph is kinda ridiculous. Camel Jockies? Lawl. I've never heard anything about this.. And race was never involved in Islamic slavery. Most slaves bought from Europe by the Islamic world were given many more rights than they previously had. At the time when slavery was widely used (pre-1000 AD), lawful enslavement was restricted to two instances: capture in war, or birth in slavery. It was no matter of race, and slavery was near non existant (except for those who offended law by having them) in the Muslim world long before the time South and West African slaves were being sent over to the New world by Shiploads. By the time of the Holy Wars, the law was changed, in that prisoners of war were made free instead of slaves and only captured crusaders were used as slaves until the end of the Holy Wars when slavery was abolished. That could be why you might think whites, but they weren't just shipping white people over, other than the impossibility of that considering how powerful the European nations were, they only took those who were captured in the Holy Wars, which was no matter of race, just because of how violently they attacked the Muslim empire (and they still were allowed to be slaves, with rights to marry, etc.. Any other nation of the time would just execute such enemies..).

So this is what it must be like to have a teenage kid. It is like the merry go round of insanity never ends.:zombie:

Don't use personal experience? Where is the logic in that? It's isnt like some muslim hit my car, and all of a sudden I have an extreme hatred for muslims. I don't hate anyone really, and muslims are far from being close to the top of the list of people I really don't like anyhow.

If you are looking for quotes, as I have said before I have no reference at hand, and I am really not going to take more effort to find these quotes for you.

If your town has a shitload of muslims and they can get their days off, fine. Chances are they work together, much as the jews do and then obviously you can have your holiday off. There will never be federally mandated holidays for Jews or Muslims in this country. The one, let me repeat, ONE christian holiday is more about presents and eggnog than any guys birth. If your employer lets you have a week off to hit up the Hajj thats cool, but its America where an employer can discriminate against those types of things. You must live in a small town to get Easter off, because I've never seen that. Companies discretion though.

The last paragraph is ridiculous, but true. Just like most practices in modern religions. I am betting you are probably American born of muslim decent and really have no idea what it is like in the muslim world. And if your experiences only include northern Africa than you need to do some more traveling around and really experience the world. Ive done my share, including every state in this country so I'm not being biased. People live like shit and act like it all over this country, but it pales in comparison to Almost all other continents (Ive been to them all) Ive seen penguins living better than people in Pakistan. And thanks for quoting high school slavery ideas.

Suicide bombings..big difference between that and something Israel does. First off, I am sure you read the news and have seen the Hamas CHILDRENS show talking about there is nothing greater for god than to blow ones self up. You've seen that right? You have seen the palestinian suicide bomber dolls the kids play with right? But no, that sort of thing is not part of muslim society. Maybe not everywhere, but in the actual middle east it sure as hell is. Christians do weird things too, but I have never heard of anything remotely like that. Oh wait.. I have, there is a word for it..umm..cults. Thats right, cults.

That therein lies the problem. Most civilians have zero understanding of military laws and strategy. So being confused about what one people spin as mass murder and what a legit military target is gets common.

To ever say Islam is a religion of peace is a flat lie. The Islamic world continues to maintain barbaric standards practiced over a thousand years ago, keeping them alive and well. And you have to be honest with yourself, comparing Christian extremism to Muslim extremism, well..there is no comparision. A couple bombed abortion clinics, gay rights protests kind of pale in comparision to suicide bombings everyday for the past 4 years. I wont include any countless other times. When was the last time some christians hijacked a plane? When was the last time christians caputured some aid workers, trying to help a country, raped them, and chopped their heads off? When is the last time christians, or actually anyone not a muslim, video taped them sawing a guys head off? When was the last time anyone not muslim killed 186 children (Beslan) in a school, and children not adults like VA tech(that kid was a loon for sure)

When the day comes that muslims can commit to a political process and are willing to concede some things, is the day that the religion can begin to clear its name, because now it is mud. And it hasn't become that way because of how the Western world has portrayed muslims, your actions have consistently provided the fuel to your own immolation.

Anyhow, this debate will never end and will go on and on and on.
So this is what it must be like to have a teenage kid. It is like the merry go round of insanity never ends.:zombie:

Don't use personal experience? Where is the logic in that? It's isnt like some muslim hit my car, and all of a sudden I have an extreme hatred for muslims. I don't hate anyone really, and muslims are far from being close to the top of the list of people I really don't like anyhow.

If you are looking for quotes, as I have said before I have no reference at hand, and I am really not going to take more effort to find these quotes for you.

If your town has a shitload of muslims and they can get their days off, fine. Chances are they work together, much as the jews do and then obviously you can have your holiday off. There will never be federally mandated holidays for Jews or Muslims in this country. The one, let me repeat, ONE christian holiday is more about presents and eggnog than any guys birth. If your employer lets you have a week off to hit up the Hajj thats cool, but its America where an employer can discriminate against those types of things. You must live in a small town to get Easter off, because I've never seen that. Companies discretion though.

The last paragraph is ridiculous, but true. Just like most practices in modern religions. I am betting you are probably American born of muslim decent and really have no idea what it is like in the muslim world. And if your experiences only include northern Africa than you need to do some more traveling around and really experience the world. Ive done my share, including every state in this country so I'm not being biased. People live like shit and act like it all over this country, but it pales in comparison to Almost all other continents (Ive been to them all) Ive seen penguins living better than people in Pakistan. And thanks for quoting high school slavery ideas.

Suicide bombings..big difference between that and something Israel does. First off, I am sure you read the news and have seen the Hamas CHILDRENS show talking about there is nothing greater for god than to blow ones self up. You've seen that right? You have seen the palestinian suicide bomber dolls the kids play with right? But no, that sort of thing is not part of muslim society. Maybe not everywhere, but in the actual middle east it sure as hell is. Christians do weird things too, but I have never heard of anything remotely like that. Oh wait.. I have, there is a word for it..umm..cults. Thats right, cults.

That therein lies the problem. Most civilians have zero understanding of military laws and strategy. So being confused about what one people spin as mass murder and what a legit military target is gets common.

To ever say Islam is a religion of peace is a flat lie. The Islamic world continues to maintain barbaric standards practiced over a thousand years ago, keeping them alive and well. And you have to be honest with yourself, comparing Christian extremism to Muslim extremism, well..there is no comparision. A couple bombed abortion clinics, gay rights protests kind of pale in comparision to suicide bombings everyday for the past 4 years. I wont include any countless other times. When was the last time some christians hijacked a plane? When was the last time christians caputured some aid workers, trying to help a country, raped them, and chopped their heads off? When is the last time christians, or actually anyone not a muslim, video taped them sawing a guys head off? When was the last time anyone not muslim killed 186 children (Beslan) in a school, and children not adults like VA tech(that kid was a loon for sure)

When the day comes that muslims can commit to a political process and are willing to concede some things, is the day that the religion can begin to clear its name, because now it is mud. And it hasn't become that way because of how the Western world has portrayed muslims, your actions have consistently provided the fuel to your own immolation.

Anyhow, this debate will never end and will go on and on and on.


*waits for the inevitable childish retort*
*waits for the inevitable childish retort*

Here it is:

"EVIL DEAD is a Poopy-head! Nya nya nya!"

No wait. I haven't been a part of this "conversation" so I guess I can't do a childish retort, huh?

BTW, Sue. Could you bring back photo #2? You were so great in that one!

Here it is:

"EVIL DEAD is a Poopy-head! Nya nya nya!"

No wait. I haven't been a part of this "conversation" so I guess I can't do a childish retort, huh?

BTW, Sue. Could you bring back photo #2? You were so great in that one!


ok. which one was #2? :lol:
Here it is:

"EVIL DEAD is a Poopy-head! Nya nya nya!"

No wait. I haven't been a part of this "conversation" so I guess I can't do a childish retort, huh?

BTW, Sue. Could you bring back photo #2? You were so great in that one!


I'm actually a huge uneducated hillbilly living in the mountains drinking keystone at the lake in overalls creating huge run on sentences like a bad Japanese cartoon.

This kind of discussion will never have a conclusion, but as far as the title "more proof islam is evil" I can see that having a definitive end. What I would like to see is "Proof Islam is NOT evil." That would be an undertaking!
I'm actually a huge uneducated hillbilly living in the mountains drinking keystone at the lake in overalls creating huge run on sentences like a bad Japanese cartoon.

This kind of discussion will never have a conclusion, but as far as the title "more proof islam is evil" I can see that having a definitive end. What I would like to see is "Proof Islam is NOT evil." That would be an undertaking!

Hey! Defaming those who wear overalls is a hate-crime in this country. You watch your step. Besides, I like my overalls.
So this is what it must be like to have a teenage kid. It is like the merry go round of insanity never ends.:zombie:

Don't use personal experience? Where is the logic in that? It's isnt like some muslim hit my car, and all of a sudden I have an extreme hatred for muslims. I don't hate anyone really, and muslims are far from being close to the top of the list of people I really don't like anyhow.

If you are looking for quotes, as I have said before I have no reference at hand, and I am really not going to take more effort to find these quotes for you.

If your town has a shitload of muslims and they can get their days off, fine. Chances are they work together, much as the jews do and then obviously you can have your holiday off. There will never be federally mandated holidays for Jews or Muslims in this country. The one, let me repeat, ONE christian holiday is more about presents and eggnog than any guys birth. If your employer lets you have a week off to hit up the Hajj thats cool, but its America where an employer can discriminate against those types of things. You must live in a small town to get Easter off, because I've never seen that. Companies discretion though.

The last paragraph is ridiculous, but true. Just like most practices in modern religions. I am betting you are probably American born of muslim decent and really have no idea what it is like in the muslim world. And if your experiences only include northern Africa than you need to do some more traveling around and really experience the world. Ive done my share, including every state in this country so I'm not being biased. People live like shit and act like it all over this country, but it pales in comparison to Almost all other continents (Ive been to them all) Ive seen penguins living better than people in Pakistan. And thanks for quoting high school slavery ideas.

Suicide bombings..big difference between that and something Israel does. First off, I am sure you read the news and have seen the Hamas CHILDRENS show talking about there is nothing greater for god than to blow ones self up. You've seen that right? You have seen the palestinian suicide bomber dolls the kids play with right? But no, that sort of thing is not part of muslim society. Maybe not everywhere, but in the actual middle east it sure as hell is. Christians do weird things too, but I have never heard of anything remotely like that. Oh wait.. I have, there is a word for it..umm..cults. Thats right, cults.

That therein lies the problem. Most civilians have zero understanding of military laws and strategy. So being confused about what one people spin as mass murder and what a legit military target is gets common.

To ever say Islam is a religion of peace is a flat lie. The Islamic world continues to maintain barbaric standards practiced over a thousand years ago, keeping them alive and well. And you have to be honest with yourself, comparing Christian extremism to Muslim extremism, well..there is no comparision. A couple bombed abortion clinics, gay rights protests kind of pale in comparision to suicide bombings everyday for the past 4 years. I wont include any countless other times. When was the last time some christians hijacked a plane? When was the last time christians caputured some aid workers, trying to help a country, raped them, and chopped their heads off? When is the last time christians, or actually anyone not a muslim, video taped them sawing a guys head off? When was the last time anyone not muslim killed 186 children (Beslan) in a school, and children not adults like VA tech(that kid was a loon for sure)

When the day comes that muslims can commit to a political process and are willing to concede some things, is the day that the religion can begin to clear its name, because now it is mud. And it hasn't become that way because of how the Western world has portrayed muslims, your actions have consistently provided the fuel to your own immolation.

Anyhow, this debate will never end and will go on and on and on.

Aye, I have myself lived in Algeria for almost 2 years when I was 11 when my dad went over to take a job a. I guess I can't really say so much about the Middle East. The Numidian nations are all very advanced and followed the European nations (A bit later due to French occupation) in creating a bill of rights, etc, based on that of the US. Women are just as free in Algeria as in America, have the same opportunities, etc, the public education is great in Algeria, too (Colleges included, as they are government funded). And honestly, how is what Israel does less extreme than what Palistinians do? I keep going back to it, I know, but Shipa and Shatila was a modern genocide, with thousands of civilians, of all ages, killed. Palistinians are treated terribly by Israeli government, while Israeli civilians are just as free and safe to do what they will as Americans. Most suicide bombings are against I haven't heard of the childrens show you are talking about, but I'll look into it.

Anyways, what I'm saying is, yes Islam is a peaceful religion. Nowhere in the Qur'an is violence promoted in any way. Saying it's the religion's fault is like as if Charles Manson read "Thomas The Tank Engine" before his first murder and then claiming it was the book that made him do it. First, most terrorist attacks were more a matter of nationality and were against warring nations.. It's not a matter of religion, and the small few who for some obscure reason might have believed it was some form of religious rite, were already insane to begin with and would have found other reasons to commit extreme acts otherwise.. Still, the large majority of muslims are just peaceful, religious people. Any person with the conviction, I don't care what religion, to pray 5 times a day, and follow all the morally strict scriptures of any holy book, I'd at least have enough respect not to group together with the few extremists who attack civilians. And honestly, the only Islamic nation in a war right now that I'd side with would be Palistine. Until and agreement is made between both sides (Both of which are refusing to negotiate), to at least find some way to create joint leadership of Jerusalem and give Palestinians more land (of which, along with several other terratories, is much more than they were given originally according to the UN partition plan)..Originally, the the land was split about half and half, but within that time, Israel has claimed MORE THAN HALF of what they were given of the west bank, and their, what used to be, decently sized portion of the Gaza Strip is nothing more than an extremely small plot of land, less than 6 or 7 km wide (only about 3 or 4 miles... The town I live in is 4 miles wide). And honestly I blame the UN for just trying to ship off the jews after WWII to any land mass as soon as they could, negotiations should have been made BEFORE this was done, but oh well.

And what sense of the word slavery were you using? Because using it in terms of a Camel Jockie would be the same sense I'm using it in; Forced Physical Labor. Which has long been abolished in Middle Eastern countries.

Proof Islam isn't evil: The Qur'an. Read it :)

@Jurched: Poopy actually is not a confirmed word of the english language. "EVIL DEAD is a Poop-head! Nya, nya, nya", would be much more accurate. I'll ignore the use of the Japanese word for "Meow" at the end of the sentence, I guess..
Aye, I have myself lived in Algeria for almost 2 years when I was 11 when my dad went over to take a job a. I guess I can't really say so much about the Middle East. The Numidian nations are all very advanced and followed the European nations (A bit later due to French occupation) in creating a bill of rights, etc, based on that of the US. Women are just as free in Algeria as in America, have the same opportunities, etc, the public education is great in Algeria, too (Colleges included, as they are government funded). And honestly, how is what Israel does less extreme than what Palistinians do? I keep going back to it, I know, but Shipa and Shatila was a modern genocide, with thousands of civilians, of all ages, killed. Palistinians are treated terribly by Israeli government, while Israeli civilians are just as free and safe to do what they will as Americans. Most suicide bombings are against I haven't heard of the childrens show you are talking about, but I'll look into it.

Anyways, what I'm saying is, yes Islam is a peaceful religion. Nowhere in the Qur'an is violence promoted in any way. Saying it's the religion's fault is like as if Charles Manson read "Thomas The Tank Engine" before his first murder and then claiming it was the book that made him do it. First, most terrorist attacks were more a matter of nationality and were against warring nations.. It's not a matter of religion, and the small few who for some obscure reason might have believed it was some form of religious rite, were already insane to begin with and would have found other reasons to commit extreme acts otherwise.. Still, the large majority of muslims are just peaceful, religious people. Any person with the conviction, I don't care what religion, to pray 5 times a day, and follow all the morally strict scriptures of any holy book, I'd at least have enough respect not to group together with the few extremists who attack civilians. And honestly, the only Islamic nation in a war right now that I'd side with would be Palistine. Until and agreement is made between both sides (Both of which are refusing to negotiate), to at least find some way to create joint leadership of Jerusalem and give Palestinians more land (of which, along with several other terratories, is much more than they were given originally according to the UN partition plan)..Originally, the the land was split about half and half, but within that time, Israel has claimed MORE THAN HALF of what they were given of the west bank, and their, what used to be, decently sized portion of the Gaza Strip is nothing more than an extremely small plot of land, less than 6 or 7 km wide (only about 3 or 4 miles... The town I live in is 4 miles wide). And honestly I blame the UN for just trying to ship off the jews after WWII to any land mass as soon as they could, negotiations should have been made BEFORE this was done, but oh well.

And what sense of the word slavery were you using? Because using it in terms of a Camel Jockie would be the same sense I'm using it in; Forced Physical Labor. Which has long been abolished in Middle Eastern countries.

Proof Islam isn't evil: The Qur'an. Read it :)

@Jurched: Poopy actually is not a confirmed word of the english language. "EVIL DEAD is a Poop-head! Nya, nya, nya", would be much more accurate. I'll ignore the use of the Japanese word for "Meow" at the end of the sentence, I guess..

The Shatila incident was done by the Lebanese, not Israeli's. The IDF was there around the area, and probably knew what was happening but that was arab on arab violence.

And the camel jockey issue. What I mean is actual Camel Jockeys, ie. people racing camels. The countries in question kidnap children and use them until the age of 5 or 6, or whenever they get too big, then dump them on the streets. It is pretty terrible, and it borderlines on child slavery. But child slavery is not confined to the muslim world, its in asia making kathy lee gifford clothes, South America making..stuff I guess, Pakistan making soccer balls for 3 cents a day.

Muslims used slaves for all kinds of things, labor, sex etc etc, but what they did that no one else was doing at the time was picking and choosing races. A red head white slave was worth more than an italian one. It was of higher status to have certain races of slaves (aka racism.)

The whole Palestine/ Israel issue is soo touchy. BOTH sides seriously need to sit down and realize that concessions will have to be made for peace. But neither side seems to want to concede anything. There was a somewhat relative calm for a while but then the rockets again started going. I honestly believe (and know) that unemployment breeds these terrorists. What else is there to do? No real job economy, the governments don't give two shits. So when they are promised 10k to their families if they blow themselves up it makes sense. Islam is used as a huge crutch to rationalize all of these ideas.

Here is some fun reading:

Koran 17:16-17
When we decide to destroy a population, we send a definite order to them who have the good things in life and yet transgress; so that Allah's word is proved true against them: then we destroy them utterly. How many generations have we destroyed after Noah? And enough is thy Lord to note and see the Sins of his servants

The Shatila incident was done by the Lebanese, not Israeli's. The IDF was there around the area, and probably knew what was happening but that was arab on arab violence.

And the camel jockey issue. What I mean is actual Camel Jockeys, ie. people racing camels. The countries in question kidnap children and use them until the age of 5 or 6, or whenever they get too big, then dump them on the streets. It is pretty terrible, and it borderlines on child slavery. But child slavery is not confined to the muslim world, its in asia making kathy lee gifford clothes, South America making..stuff I guess, Pakistan making soccer balls for 3 cents a day.

Muslims used slaves for all kinds of things, labor, sex etc etc, but what they did that no one else was doing at the time was picking and choosing races. A red head white slave was worth more than an italian one. It was of higher status to have certain races of slaves (aka racism.)

The whole Palestine/ Israel issue is soo touchy. BOTH sides seriously need to sit down and realize that concessions will have to be made for peace. But neither side seems to want to concede anything. There was a somewhat relative calm for a while but then the rockets again started going. I honestly believe (and know) that unemployment breeds these terrorists. What else is there to do? No real job economy, the governments don't give two shits. So when they are promised 10k to their families if they blow themselves up it makes sense. Islam is used as a huge crutch to rationalize all of these ideas.

Here is some fun reading:

Koran 17:16-17
When we decide to destroy a population, we send a definite order to them who have the good things in life and yet transgress; so that Allah's word is proved true against them: then we destroy them utterly. How many generations have we destroyed after Noah? And enough is thy Lord to note and see the Sins of his servants

You need to read more about Sabra and Shatila. The Lebanese army carried out the act by force, while under occupation by the Israeli's. Who lead them in this act? An Israeli trained and deployed commander, Elie Hobeika. Of course, Israel wouldn't just use their army to directly commit a genocide, that would be too obvious. So they just used the army of a country under their occupation with an Israeli-trained commander at the front. It's already been accepted that they commited the act, they've just done a good job of putting it behind them, and if they can make so many people forget about this, imagine how simple small murders of a few Palistinians would be to cover up.

And I've never heard anything about the Camel Jockie stuff. What exactly do you mean? They steal children to mind camels? Kidnapping is present in every culture, this isn't something unique to .. And there is actually some form of law in the Middle East, if a parent sells their child into slavery, they will be punished, as it's an extremely uncommon occurance. And slavery in the form used by Europeans, the Americas, etc, was abolished and made illegal long before it was elsewhere.. And I'll repeat myself, by the time of the first crusade, being 1095, slavery in the Middle-East was cut down to ONLY prisoners of war from the Crusades. No other war prisoners were taken as slaves, just those from the Crusades for the horrible, vile acts they inflicted upon the Islamic nation. Shipments were being taken over from oher countries, etc.. And honestly, how would Middle Eastern countries be able to take slaves from powerful European countries like Italy? The reason the Americas took slaves from Southern/Western Africa, was not a matter of race, it was because they weren't advanced and easy to capture. The Islamic nation was only taking prisoners of war as slaves, not completely innocent African tribes.

And Islam is in no way related to suicide bombing in Palistine at least. America is not the only country where patriotism exists. Many patriotic Palistinians are more than willing to give their lives to fight back against the Israeli forces.

And considering the extreme bias in the writting of the site you posted, I really can't trust the facts. This is the first claim of 3,000,000 lives in that war, too, almost every other source claims app. 300,000, and there was no such war as the Pakistan-Bangledesh war.. There were a few wars that intertwined around the time in India, but I disregard any sites, anti-Christian, Pro-Christian, Anti-Islam, Pro-Islam, etc, that use bias a part of their arguement. Even the Bangledesh who originally claimed the casualties to be 3,000,000, said that it was really 300,000 and was a mis-translation from Bengali to English. And considering the time of this war, 300,000 wasn't that much when the Viatnamese war from around the same time produced about a half a dozen more civilian casualties.

And I looked up the quote you used. It's correct, except for one part. You added in the word "Allah" before word.. It's not Allah's word, and the word "Allah" does not appear at all in 17:16
. It means law, not Allah's word :p And yes, if an enemy force breaks the laws by attacking your army, etc, you should fight back, which is what is being said. An example of this happening today is like when the US army is in Iraq, if civilians are firing upon them, the US army would of course be allowed to strike back as they are not obeying the law. And the second section was just a reference to Noah's Ark.
You need to read more about Sabra and Shatila. The Lebanese army carried out the act by force, while under occupation by the Israeli's. Who lead them in this act? An Israeli trained and deployed commander, Elie Hobeika. Of course, Israel wouldn't just use their army to directly commit a genocide, that would be too obvious. So they just used the army of a country under their occupation with an Israeli-trained commander at the front. It's already been accepted that they commited the act, they've just done a good job of putting it behind them, and if they can make so many people forget about this, imagine how simple small murders of a few Palistinians would be to cover up.

And I've never heard anything about the Camel Jockie stuff. What exactly do you mean? They steal children to mind camels? Kidnapping is present in every culture, this isn't something unique to .. And there is actually some form of law in the Middle East, if a parent sells their child into slavery, they will be punished, as it's an extremely uncommon occurance. And slavery in the form used by Europeans, the Americas, etc, was abolished and made illegal long before it was elsewhere.. And I'll repeat myself, by the time of the first crusade, being 1095, slavery in the Middle-East was cut down to ONLY prisoners of war from the Crusades. No other war prisoners were taken as slaves, just those from the Crusades for the horrible, vile acts they inflicted upon the Islamic nation. Shipments were being taken over from oher countries, etc.. And honestly, how would Middle Eastern countries be able to take slaves from powerful European countries like Italy? The reason the Americas took slaves from Southern/Western Africa, was not a matter of race, it was because they weren't advanced and easy to capture. The Islamic nation was only taking prisoners of war as slaves, not completely innocent African tribes.

And Islam is in no way related to suicide bombing in Palistine at least. America is not the only country where patriotism exists. Many patriotic Palistinians are more than willing to give their lives to fight back against the Israeli forces.

And considering the extreme bias in the writting of the site you posted, I really can't trust the facts. This is the first claim of 3,000,000 lives in that war, too, almost every other source claims app. 300,000, and there was no such war as the Pakistan-Bangledesh war.. There were a few wars that intertwined around the time in India, but I disregard any sites, anti-Christian, Pro-Christian, Anti-Islam, Pro-Islam, etc, that use bias a part of their arguement. Even the Bangledesh who originally claimed the casualties to be 3,000,000, said that it was really 300,000 and was a mis-translation from Bengali to English. And considering the time of this war, 300,000 wasn't that much when the Viatnamese war from around the same time produced about a half a dozen more civilian casualties.

And I looked up the quote you used. It's correct, except for one part. You added in the word "Allah" before word.. It's not Allah's word, and the word "Allah" does not appear at all in 17:16
. It means law, not Allah's word :p And yes, if an enemy force breaks the laws by attacking your army, etc, you should fight back, which is what is being said. An example of this happening today is like when the US army is in Iraq, if civilians are firing upon them, the US army would of course be allowed to strike back as they are not obeying the law. And the second section was just a reference to Noah's Ark.

Not my quote. Internet information, which is sketchy at best. And the Israeli thing, man do you think the moon landing was staged? It sounds like another arab vs jew conspiracy theory.

You know palestinians are wishing Israel would reoccupy their lands? Several people today were interviewed wishing Israel to come back in..because when Israel is around there is more peace than when left to govern themselves. Some even praised recent bombings because it kept the gunmen off the streets. Palestine is about to have its own little civil war, I think Israel is the least of its concerns when they cannot even unify themselves. -via CNN

And honestly, how would Middle Eastern countries be able to take slaves from powerful European countries like Italy?
Italy wasnt a unified country until not to long ago. Before that people from Rome would go and take people from, lets hypothetically say, Lazio. Then sell them into slavery. Also during Roman times the romans would trade off people they took from as far as the UK.

And camel jockeys, here you go
@Jurched: Poopy actually is not a confirmed word of the english language. "EVIL DEAD is a Poop-head! Nya, nya, nya", would be much more accurate...

Ya know, I tried to avoid hopping a ride on this silly merry-go-round. But you just HAD to fuck with me, didn't you? Couldn't keep yer trap shut, could ya?

Know this: NOBODY, NOOOOBODY* fucks with me and escapes!!

*Tip of the hat to the Lord Humungus from the Road Warrior.

Aye, I have myself lived in Algeria for almost 2 years when I was 11 when my dad went over to take a job.

Excellent! Been to any wedding massacres while you were there?

The Numidian nations are all very advanced. Women are just as free in Algeria as in America, have the same opportunities, etc, the public education is great in Algeria, too (Colleges included, as they are government funded).

Sure, sure. And that explains why the slums of Paris, Nantes, Lens, Angers, Soissons, Marseilles, and Le Havre are called "Nouvelle Afrique-Nord," while good citizens of the Maghrib have completely taken over such places as Malmo and Copenhagen.

I'm sure the Berbers will agree with you as well. Even those uncontrollable people can't stand the filthy dirt and corruption of the Arab rulers in Algiers.

And honestly, how is what Israel does less extreme than what Palistinians do? I keep going back to it, I know.

Yes, you won't let a mad bomber's bloody pieces lie.

Call it pure favouritism: The U.S. favours Israel and that's it. We do not favour the fatalistic barbarism or the human sacrifices of the Palestinians. They are the hopeless, feral children of that devilish cur, Yasser Arafat.

Anyways, what I'm saying is, yes Islam is a peaceful religion. Nowhere in the Qur'an is violence promoted in any way.

Uh huh.

"The Angel Gabriel came unto Mohammed and, while choking him, declared, 'Submit! Submit to the one true God!' and Mohammed fell to the ground, wailing in tears, 'There is no god but God!'"

The first moslem, "he who submits," was forcibly converted! There was no choice. Submit or perish!! Thus began a campaign of conquest and brutal oppression... whose conclusion has not yet ended!!

History follows: Mohammed easily pissed off the Meccans, and was forcibly driven by an angry mob to Medina. Sound familiar? Yesss, I believe that's why Ramadan is celebrated, is it not?

And what did Mohammed do after that? Yes. He gathered his forces, stormed Mecca and every other city of the Fire worshippers who dared oppose him!

The deserts of Hejaz soaked a fair ocean of blood before the prophet secured victory for the standard of Islam.

Saying it's the religion's fault is like as if Charles Manson read "Thomas The Tank Engine" before his first murder and then claiming it was the book that made him do it.

You're partially right. In virtually all religious wars, especially the European ones, the whole purpose was to enrich whichever leaders insitgated it.

First, most terrorist attacks were more a matter of nationality and were against warring nations.

Unfortunately for the cause, Americans and all other cultured, educated, and civilized peoples of the world cannot understand the moslem-arab philosophy of "the weakest make the best targets."

I mean, from a purely tactical standpoint, blowing up schoolchildren and executing women is completely logical in a civil war situation.

But these days, it is disgusting, savage, and worthy of no respect, and even less understanding.

It's not a matter of religion, and the small few who for some obscure reason might have believed it was some form of religious rite, were already insane to begin with and would have found other reasons to commit extreme acts otherwise.. Still, the large majority of muslims are just peaceful, religious people. Any person with the conviction, I don't care what religion, to pray 5 times a day, and follow all the morally strict scriptures of any holy book, I'd at least have enough respect not to group together with the few extremists who attack civilians.

If the civilized, peace-loving moslems wish to have understanding and sympathy, then THEY shall find the savages who do these things, and stop them in the name of their God.

Originally, the the land was split about half and half, but within that time, Israel has claimed MORE THAN HALF of what they were given of the west bank, and their, what used to be.

Israel was promised what is now Jordan, too. So what? Nevermind what map-makers were doling out to the undeserving some 60 years ago. What matters is what is now.

And what sense of the word slavery were you using? Because using it in terms of a Camel Jockie would be the same sense I'm using it in; Forced Physical Labor. Which has long been abolished in Middle Eastern countries.

Are you still on about that shit??! The Maghrib alone is pale because of the huge numbers of whites who were captured by slavers along all of the mediterranean coast and even the Atlantic coast!

As late as 1905, the London Times reported a witnessed abduction of a school girl on the coast of Cornwall by a pirate gang of Moroccans!

Spanish coastal villages were located four miles inland, because of the Maghrib slavers!

Every nation of Europe was at war against the Barbary pirates, and also the U.S.

It wasn't until the French broke the beys and deys and conquered their realms, that savage abduction, enslavement, forcible conversion, and marriage of christian girls to their mohammedan masters finally ended.

Who do you think you're lecturing on slavery here?

Not my quote. Internet information, which is sketchy at best. And the Israeli thing, man do you think the moon landing was staged? It sounds like another arab vs jew conspiracy theory.

You know palestinians are wishing Israel would reoccupy their lands? Several people today were interviewed wishing Israel to come back in..because when Israel is around there is more peace than when left to govern themselves. Some even praised recent bombings because it kept the gunmen off the streets. Palestine is about to have its own little civil war, I think Israel is the least of its concerns when they cannot even unify themselves. -via CNN

Italy wasnt a unified country until not to long ago. Before that people from Rome would go and take people from, lets hypothetically say, Lazio. Then sell them into slavery. Also during Roman times the romans would trade off people they took from as far as the UK.

And camel jockeys, here you go

Not everything done in politics is straight forward... There's a huge difference between this and the moon landing being stage or 9/11 being gov't conspiracy. Those two are complete shots in the dark with very little or no proof. While on the other hand Sabra and Shatila directly links to Israel. The Palestinian population was killed by an army under Israeli occupation and the person at the head of that army was some ISRAEL personally trained and then deployed into position as commander of that only the army that killed the Palestinians. The Labenese had NO REASON at all to kill these civilians for no reason. Could you just damn accept that some things are attempted to be done in secret.. Of course the Israeli army wouldn't just go and kill these civilians directly, but they did a hack job of doing it secretively.

And honestly, from your second paragraph I'm 100% positive you've never been to Palestine, maybe Afghanistam or Saudi Arabia, but I myself have only visited Palestine in the middle east, and it's horrible. Israeli militaries will openly fire upon a crowd for no reason other than a few rocks being thrown at them. Because of all the blockades and checkpoints made by Israel in Palestinian land, what would normally take only an hour or two to travel by an Israeli, takes about 8-12 hours for a Palestinian. Israel puts curfews on all Palestinian homes, allowing them only to leave their houses for a few hours per day, helping in killing their economy. I could go on and on. No Palestinian wishes Israel had more power, and no civil war is about to start, the only war in Palestine is the continious fight against Israeli occupation and opression of Palestinians.. The Palestinians are almost kept under house arrest in the small strips of land Israel herded them into. I didn't get into Afghanistan, because you're right, I haven't traveled there, I don't know for sure. But I've been to Palestine, and I've yet to see or hear of a modern land where oppression ran so rampant than in Palestine.. Which I might as well call Israel, because it's not an independent state of Palestine, it's a little pen that Israelis brutally forced millions and millions of Palestinians into, to live like animals from their previous state of good economy and government. And why would I give a fuck what CNN says about the opinions of a Palestinian.. Is CNN stationed in Palestine and run by Arabic people? No, so until they are, they have no right to portray their opinions as those of the Palestinians themselves...

And just because Italy sold slaves, didn't mean the Middle East had a slave trade and were taking them by the masses. Purchasing slaves at the time was illegal and if any were purchased it was illegally and by a single or very small number of people. And by the mid 16th century, slavery was already non-existant in the Middle East.

And the Camel Jocky shit, occurs in Qatar, Oman and Kuwait, very SMALL and overly rich countries, all together, only make up about 5 million people in the three countries total.. The more populated Muslim countries are largely against this, like Pakistan, Ansar Burney leads an anti-Camel Jocky organization to help find and rescue children from these smaller countries that still use such primitive ideas as Child Jockies. Like I said, it's only three extremely small countries with a combined population of less than the population of Boston, Massachusetts, that still have Child Jockies and many surrounding, larger Muslim countries have organizations to help end this.
Ya know, I tried to avoid hopping a ride on this silly merry-go-round. But you just HAD to fuck with me, didn't you? Couldn't keep yer trap shut, could ya?

Know this: NOBODY, NOOOOBODY* fucks with me and escapes!!

*Tip of the hat to the Lord Humungus from the Road Warrior.

Excellent! Been to any wedding massacres while you were there?

Sure, sure. And that explains why the slums of Paris, Nantes, Lens, Angers, Soissons, Marseilles, and Le Havre are called "Nouvelle Afrique-Nord," while good citizens of the Maghrib have completely taken over such places as Malmo and Copenhagen.

I'm sure the Berbers will agree with you as well. Even those uncontrollable people can't stand the filthy dirt and corruption of the Arab rulers in Algiers.

Yes, you won't let a mad bomber's bloody pieces lie.

Call it pure favouritism: The U.S. favours Israel and that's it. We do not favour the fatalistic barbarism or the human sacrifices of the Palestinians. They are the hopeless, feral children of that devilish cur, Yasser Arafat.

Uh huh.

"The Angel Gabriel came unto Mohammed and, while choking him, declared, 'Submit! Submit to the one true God!' and Mohammed fell to the ground, wailing in tears, 'There is no god but God!'"

The first moslem, "he who submits," was forcibly converted! There was no choice. Submit or perish!! Thus began a campaign of conquest and brutal oppression... whose conclusion has not yet ended!!

History follows: Mohammed easily pissed off the Meccans, and was forcibly driven by an angry mob to Medina. Sound familiar? Yesss, I believe that's why Ramadan is celebrated, is it not?

And what did Mohammed do after that? Yes. He gathered his forces, stormed Mecca and every other city of the Fire worshippers who dared oppose him!

The deserts of Hejaz soaked a fair ocean of blood before the prophet secured victory for the standard of Islam.

You're partially right. In virtually all religious wars, especially the European ones, the whole purpose was to enrich whichever leaders insitgated it.

Unfortunately for the cause, Americans and all other cultured, educated, and civilized peoples of the world cannot understand the moslem-arab philosophy of "the weakest make the best targets."

I mean, from a purely tactical standpoint, blowing up schoolchildren and executing women is completely logical in a civil war situation.

But these days, it is disgusting, savage, and worthy of no respect, and even less understanding.

If the civilized, peace-loving moslems wish to have understanding and sympathy, then THEY shall find the savages who do these things, and stop them in the name of their God.

Israel was promised what is now Jordan, too. So what? Nevermind what map-makers were doling out to the undeserving some 60 years ago. What matters is what is now.

Are you still on about that shit??! The Maghrib alone is pale because of the huge numbers of whites who were captured by slavers along all of the mediterranean coast and even the Atlantic coast!

As late as 1905, the London Times reported a witnessed abduction of a school girl on the coast of Cornwall by a pirate gang of Moroccans!

Spanish coastal villages were located four miles inland, because of the Maghrib slavers!

Every nation of Europe was at war against the Barbary pirates, and also the U.S.

It wasn't until the French broke the beys and deys and conquered their realms, that savage abduction, enslavement, forcible conversion, and marriage of christian girls to their mohammedan masters finally ended.

Who do you think you're lecturing on slavery here?


NOBODY at all fucks with you OVER THE INTERNET and gets away with it, bad ass :rolleyes: And if you're going to try to bring the intelligence level of your arguement up to using quotes, try to at least cite them to show you didn't just rape the wording of the text.. I'll argue with people who have fact-based arguements, not just a couple of racist, Muslims are dogs, stereotypes.. And considering almost all of what you said is complete bull shit, it's not even a stereotype, in order to be that, you would have to use an actual occurance by a minority of a population and use it to represent the entire population. And considering you were using a kidnapping of one British girl in 1905 by Gov't outlawed pirates as proof slavery ran rampant in the Middle East, I really can't trust your train of thought to successfully create a decent arguement that isn't just you trying to skew something completely irrelevent into anti-Arab all-out racism.
speaking of the wonderful, wonderous Wonderland known as Algeria:


The human rights situation in Algeria is terrible. Thousands of men, women and children have been killed, many massacred in their own homes, both by security forces and the government-backed militias or by extremist Islamic groups. Thousands more were arrested and imprisoned, many without charges or trials, and hundreds have been sentenced to prison after unfair trials. Torture by the security forces is widespread, both at secret detention centers and in prison. The security forces continue to "disappear" people, and the fate of thousands of the disappeared remains unknown

by that definition, Algeria really is the most free and humane society in the Middle East!