more proof Islam is evil and should be destroyed

speaking of the wonderful, wonderous Wonderland known as Algeria:

by that definition, Algeria really is the most free and humane society in the Middle East!

Do you believe every website on the internet? Try clicking any of the links they give, none of them are real.. It's not a matter of human rights, and the only accurate part of this is the reference to extremist groups from Afghanistan that tried to establish themselves in Algeria. This was a huge problem in the 90s, but since government intervention, has almost completely died down. Again leading back to the root of almost all middle eastern problems, Afghanistan (specifically Al Queda).

Try to make sure you have some background knowledge of an arguement like this before you just post bull shit sights.. Did you just search "Algerian Muslim Dogs" on google or something? :p
NOBODY at all fucks with you OVER THE INTERNET and gets away with it, bad ass :rolleyes:

Exactly. And that's why you're crying like a totally defeated loser.


Now then, check out what a pathetic whiner sounds like. Note the highlighted words: typical whiner words used daily by activists in CAIR and other treasonous organs of institutionalized Islamic terror.

I'll argue with people who have fact-based arguements, not just a couple of racist, Muslims are dogs, (Note: I called Arafat a dog, and he's not just a dog but such a monstrous villain, that hell is not even good enough for his damned soul. I recommend digging him up and ritually desecrating his corpse!) stereotypes.. And considering almost all of what you said is complete bull shit, it's not even a stereotype, in order to be that, you would have to use an actual occurance by a minority of a population and use it to represent the entire population. And considering you were using a kidnapping of one British girl in 1905 by Gov't outlawed pirates as proof slavery ran rampant in the Middle East, I really can't trust your train of thought to successfully create a decent arguement that isn't just you trying to skew something completely irrelevent into anti-Arab all-out racism.


What? What'd he say? I don't know. Too much whining!


Too many tears from this poor fellow... too, too many!

Exactly. And that's why you're crying like a totally defeated loser.


Now then, check out what a pathetic whiner sounds like. Note the highlighted words: typical whiner words used daily by activists in CAIR and other treasonous organs of institutionalized Islamic terror.


What? What'd he say? I don't know. Too much whining!


Too many tears from this poor fellow... too, too many!


I have no problems arguing with non-skinheads :) <33333333

Anyways, I'm already spending ridiculous amounts of time replying to like 3 other people, so after a while I have to start judging by IQ which arguement I should respond to.
Algeria really is the most free and humane society in the Middle East!

Doesn't matter how blood-drenched the weddings get in Algeria, I have a feeling we shall not be reading much more nonsense from our little Arafat-apologist. I reckon he's already suffered a burst vessel somewhere in his cerebral cortex out of sheer frustration.

Oh Sue, that's not the photo I was thinking of. But it is really great one! Is that new?

Do you believe every website on the internet? Try clicking any of the links they give, none of them are real.. It's not a matter of human rights, and the only accurate part of this is the reference to extremist groups from Afghanistan that tried to establish themselves in Algeria. This was a huge problem in the 90s, but since government intervention, has almost completely died down. Again leading back to the root of almost all middle eastern problems, Afghanistan (specifically Al Queda).

Try to make sure you have some background knowledge of an arguement like this before you just post bull shit sights.. Did you just search "Algerian Muslim Dogs" on google or something? :p

no amount of news footage, printed accounts, Amnesty International reports... NOTHING seems to be able to de-program the brainwashing you've undergone at the hands of your captors [i.e... the Muslim scumbags that are responsible for raising you].
your denial of the facts dont make the facts any less real.
Algeria isnt any less overrun by Islamic monsters than any other Muslim territory.

yes... i see a dynamite-studded utility belt in your future.

Nah, Sue, that's not the photo I was thinking of.

But it is really great one! Is that new?


nah. that's from last July, i think. was i dressed in black or beige in the one you're thinking about?
no amount of news footage, printed accounts, Amnesty International reports... NOTHING seems to be able to de-program the brainwashing you've undergone at the hands of your captors [i.e... the Muslim scumbags that are responsible for raising you].
your denial of the facts dont make the facts any less real.
Algeria isnt any less overrun by Islamic monsters than any other Muslim territory.

Captors? My mom is Irish my dad is half Algerian and half spanish.. I'm only 1/4 Arabic, the difference between me and you is I'm not an asshole. NONE of the links on the site you posted worked, and those disappearances are just as much an anti-Algerian gov't conspiracy as 9/11 is an anti-American gov't conspiracy, which all the links of proof were FAKE. I've lived there after living in the US for over a decade, I frequently wore Death, Annihilator, Overkill and Vader shirts while I was there, if it was really overrun by Islamic monsters.. Wouldn't I be dead? Would Algeria have so many prestigious colleges ? And would 4 of my immediate female cousins be going to Law school?

Anyways, none of my family or anyone in the town I was born (Douera), have disappeared. The reason being the people had "disappeared", were taken for interigation (sp?) by Police, etc, for connection to the organizations affiliated with Al-Queda that had come from Afghanistan. They weren't taking random civilians and just killing them, they took Algerians who have had connection with Al -Queda related organizations, and released those who weren't connected with them. It was 3,000 people to be exact, and they weren't "massacred in their houses".. They were taken by Police forces, etc, and the only people who were, were associated with Al-Queda. All people who were mistakenly taken away were released several months later. The reason I never heard of this at first was because it didn't occur in my town because my town remained unaffected by said Afghani terror organizations, it was mainly larger cities that they tried to make their mark.


I'll leave that to you, and guess what? I heard most of them are african american converts to Judaism, it's like a 2 in 1 coupon for you skinheads (you can kill a jews and blacks at the same time).
Doesn't matter how blood-drenched the weddings get in Algeria, I have a feeling we shall not be reading much more nonsense from our little Arafat-apologist. I reckon he's already suffered a burst vessel somewhere in his cerebral cortex out of sheer frustration.

I'll let you return to your abortion center bombings, missionary prostitute killings and racially-based white supremacist killings. That's all you do down in the US, anyways.

Also, you forgot to add in the word, "It", at the beginning of the sentence :)
Captors? My mom is Irish my dad is half Algerian and half spanish.

Uh huh. I'll presume your spanish ancestors were abducted from coastline by marauding slavers. Oh, and your irish mother, too. Ireland also reported the occasional coastal slaver from the Maghrib.

Why the hell are you so defensive about the arab part, anyway? Are you "of the wrong colour" among your paler classmates, and that's why you have such a big chip on your shoulder?

Anyways, none of my family or anyone in the town I was born (Douera), have disappeared. The reason being the people had "disappeared", were taken for interigation (sp?) by Police, etc, for connection to the organizations affiliated with Al-Queda that had come from Afghanistan. They weren't taking random civilians and just killing them, they took Algerians who have had connection with Al -Queda related organizations, and released those who weren't connected with them. It was 3,000 people to be exact, and they weren't "massacred in their houses".. They were taken by Police forces, etc, and the only people who were, were associated with Al-Queda. All people who were mistakenly taken away were released several months later. The reason I never heard of this at first was because it didn't occur in my town because my town remained unaffected by said Afghani terror organizations, it was mainly larger cities that they tried to make their mark.

Whine Whine! "My homeland suck complete ass!" Waa!

I'll leave that to you, and guess what? I heard most of them are african american converts to Judaism, it's like a 2 in 1 coupon for you skinheads (you can kill a jews and blacks at the same time).

Whoa! That's actually funny! See what a stroke can do to one's sense of humour?

Here is my blessing unto you:

"May the Berbers sweep down on your household like the winds of the Atlas, and breathe upon their necks with many scimitars, Allah Willing!"

I'm confused about one thing. Since when do Muslims hate Jews? I'm pretty sure it was the Christians. Have you ever heard of Spanish inquisition. The Spanish were forcing thousands of Jews to convert to Catholicism or die, and it stayed like this until the late 19th/early 20th century... It wasn't even a less painful hanging or guillotine, the Spanish Christians were BURNING Jews to Death for being of a different religion.. Where did most Jews flee to, to escape persecution by the Christians? Morocco and the Ottoman empire, where they were treated justly by Muslims. It wasn't until Israel invaded and brutally oppressed Palestine that there was ever a conflict between the two. And that still remains in that country, Jews are still considered the closest bretherin to Muslims.

Read up, bitches:
I'm confused about one thing. Since when do Muslims hate Jews? I'm pretty sure it was the Christians. Have you ever heard of Spanish inquisition. The Spanish were forcing thousands of Jews to convert to Catholicism or die, and it stayed like this until the late 19th/early 20th century... Where did most Jews flee to, to escape persecution by the Christians? Morocco and the Ottoman empire, where they were treated justly by Muslims. It wasn't until Israel invaded and brutally oppressed Palestine that there was ever a conflict between the two. And that still remains in that country, Jews are still considered the closest bretherin to Muslims, by Muslims.

Read up, bitches :) :
Since when do Muslims hate Jews?
OK... you're just playing with us!!!
DUH!!! you really had us going, but that sentence right there gave you away.
ok. my face is red, now.
you joker!

OK... you're just playing with us!!!
DUH!!! you really had us going, but that sentence right there gave you away.
ok. my face is red, now.
you joker!

Muslims don't hate Jews.. Are you a Muslim? Do you personally know any? We don't just hate the Jewish religion. Why would we hate a religion that is part of our own? Much if not all of the beliefs of Judaism are part of Islam as well. Most of my friends are Jewish, The mosque sunday school I used to attend would frequently visit Temples and Churchs to help us grow respect for other religions. Obviously this was not practiced where you were from as you're a complete bitch.

Muslims have always helped Jews, the over half a century long Spanish Inquisition is an example of this, just read the link I showed you.. Islam promotes religious tolerance, and will help anyone of any religion to escape from religious oppression.
Muslims don't hate Jews.. Are you a Muslim? Do you personally know any? We don't just hate the Jewish religion. Why would we hate a religion that is part of our own? Much if not all of the beliefs of Judaism are part of Islam as well. Most of my friends are Jewish, The mosque sunday school I used to attend would frequently visit Temples and Churchs to help us grow respect for other religions. Obviously this was not practiced where you were from as you're a complete bitch.

Muslims have always helped Jews, the over half a century long Spanish Inquisition is an example of this, just read the link I showed you.. Islam promotes religious tolerance, and will help anyone of any religion to escape from religious oppression.

you're just getting more and more over the top. you did good for awhile. we all bought it, but you might as well stop, now.
NOBODY believes Muslims get along with Jews. the Muslims HATE Jews! that's a known fact! no grey area, there. they teach their small children to sing songs about their hatred of the Jews, and if any mosque members went to a Jewish anything, it wasnt to learn and be tolerant. it was to case the place to figure out the best places to put the bombs.
you're just getting more and more over the top. you did good for awhile. we all bought it, but you might as well stop, now.
NOBODY believes Muslims get along with Jews. the Muslims HATE Jews! that's a known fact! no grey area, there. they teach their small children to sing songs about their hatred of the Jews, and if any mosque members went to a Jewish anything, it wasnt to learn and be tolerant. it was to case the place to figure out the best places to put the bombs.

Wow your parents completely failed at raising you. You're just a horrible human being.