more proof Islam is evil and should be destroyed

i dont care what they've done in this world. the Biblical truth is that Jews and Christians are both part of the same family.

That is a staggering admission - but I do appreciate your honesty on the issue. Little wonder I cannot personally abide religion...
i dont care what they've done in this world. the Biblical truth is that Jews and Christians are both part of the same family.

So how is that different from saying Muslims and Jews are both bretherin. At least Muslims have been helping Jews not killing them.. And just because Israel and Palestine are at war, doesn't mean the two religions hate each other.. The war is not a religious matter. America fought against Germany in WWII, does that mean all Americans are self-hating Christians?
you're just getting more and more over the top. you did good for awhile. we all bought it, but you might as well stop, now.
NOBODY believes Muslims get along with Jews. the Muslims HATE Jews! that's a known fact! no grey area, there. they teach their small children to sing songs about their hatred of the Jews, and if any mosque members went to a Jewish anything, it wasnt to learn and be tolerant. it was to case the place to figure out the best places to put the bombs.

Yeah everybody knows Muslims hate jews thats why theres suicide bombers perpetrating said hostility everyday..........................
Shadowgallery, If the middle-east was such a paradise for Jews under Islam then how and why did all those Jews end up in Europe and Russia?
Shadowgallery, If the middle-east was such a paradise for Jews under Islam then how and why did all those Jews end up in Europe and Russia?

They didn't end up in Europe. According to the American Jewish Year Book, 2006, (NY: American Jewish Committee, 2006), 40.6% ended up in Israel and 40.3% ended up in the US. The remaining 19% are scattered throughout the world. Europe was one of the least tolerant of against the Jews from. Over the past 1000 years there, persecution of the Jews ran rampant. Where did the Jews leave to? Muslim countries.. But people of all religions want to go to America, being that it>all.

Yeah everybody knows Muslims hate jews thats why theres suicide bombers perpetrating said hostility everyday..........................

Attacking military bases, it's just when one person bombs civilians once every couple of years, they draw it out so long media-wise, it seems like it's happening every day. The attacks are on the Israeli Military, those of whom kill dozens of Pales. Israeli terrorism just doesn't make news for the same reason people like Sue think all Muslims are dogs who should die, because the powerful Israeli and American media has made the population see an uncommon Israeli citizen murder seem like a tragedy, but people are indifferent about daily murders of Palestinians..

An excerpt, with quotes by Israeli soldiers, from ‘Shoot to Maim: Israel’s Favored Ammo is Crippling a Generation of Younger Palestinians’, The Village Voice, 21 February 2001:

One Israeli sniper privately revealed that soldiers are permitted to shoot at Palestinians who pose a potential threat, as long as they appear to be over the age of 12. “Twelve and up is allowed,” he confessed. A senior IDF officer also admitted: “Nobody can convince me we didn’t needlessly kill dozens of children.”

Governement large scale Torture against Palestinians is legal in Israel. And from studies of Professor Tanya Reinhart, who is Jewish and Israel-bred, it's determined that Israeli policies of terror result in a stable average of about five Palestinian casualties a day. It's the Israeli policies like making it legal to shoot a Palestinian over the age of 12, Torture, shoot into open, unarmed crowds for posing as small a danger as throwing rocks, etc, that make these acts so terrible.

But many Jews, Orthodox in particular, are largely against Zionism, many for the complete and peaceful de-establishment of Israel. The only thing the Muslims really hate is the Israeli government, for making so many horrible, terrorist acts legal.. But, of course, America would never let it's allies succomb to any criticism from the US, so they try not to let them know about this.. Which is why many protesters against what Israel is doing, are Israelis, because they understand what's happening, and know that it's not just poor Israel being victimized by the horrible Muslim dogs.. It's that Israel stretches out any terrorist attacks against them, which are very uncommon, to keep attention off of their own, government-promoted, terrorism against civilians.
i dont care what they've done in this world. the Biblical truth is that Jews and Christians are both part of the same family.

My sincerest congratulations to you, Sue! You've got a lot of stamina to keep duking it out with our moslem friend here.

Not being anywhere near a computer for several days detached me from his exciting facts and figures. Even now, most of it looks like a monochromatic blur as I scroll through dozens of posts... most of which dump on the Spanish Inquisition. Which is lame!

He can make all the excuses he wants, but he cannot explain one glaring fact:

No Islamic country or its government or any religious leader denounces violent moslem terror in Israel or Iraq.

None condemn the suicide bomber!

In THOSE places, Islamic Human Sacrifice is a virtuous deed.

Don't tell me Islam is a religion of peace! If it was, then they should END the ISLAMIC HUMAN SACRIFICE in struggles against the infidel, especially noncombatants.

No. There is silence. And exultation. And encouragement!

From mosques in Taif to London, from Indonesia to America, from Yemen to Chechnya, from India to Morocco, the imams praise Islamic human sacrifice as a virtuous act of martyrdom. All over the world.

Lie! Go on! Lie about the peace that dwells in the hearts of the believers!

Every time one of those Palestinian martyrs runs into a marketplace, shouts "GOD IS GREAT!" and detonates his explosives, he immolates himself as a human sacrifice, along with everyone in the blast radius!

He is a descendant of the worshippers of Baal and Moloch, who threw their children into the fire to please their blood-thirsty gods.

Go on! Challenge my statement!

The martyr of Islam sacrifices himself and his victims to the fire of Moloch!

Prove to me that today's moslem leaders have not completely given themselves over to the pagan devils of their ancient ancestors!

Prove to me that the imams and muftis do not honor the bloodthirsty gods of Canaan!!

My sincerest congratulations to you, Sue! You've got a lot of stamina to keep duking it out with our moslem friend here.

Not being anywhere near a computer for several days detached me from his exciting facts and figures. Even now, most of it looks like a monochromatic blur as I scroll through dozens of posts... most of which dump on the Spanish Inquisition. Which is lame!

He can make all the excuses he wants, but he cannot explain one glaring fact:

No Islamic country or its government or any religious leader denounces violent moslem terror in Israel or Iraq.

None condemn the suicide bomber!

In THOSE places, Islamic Human Sacrifice is a virtuous deed.

Don't tell me Islam is a religion of peace! If it was, then they should END the ISLAMIC HUMAN SACRIFICE in struggles against the infidel, especially noncombatants.

No. There is silence. And exultation. And encouragement!

From mosques in Taif to London, from Indonesia to America, from Yemen to Chechnya, from India to Morocco, the imams praise Islamic human sacrifice as a virtuous act of martyrdom. All over the world.

Lie! Go on! Lie about the peace that dwells in the hearts of the believers!

Every time one of those Palestinian martyrs runs into a marketplace, shouts "GOD IS GREAT!" and detonates his explosives, he immolates himself as a human sacrifice, along with everyone in the blast radius!

He is a descendant of the worshippers of Baal and Moloch, who threw their children into the fire to please their blood-thirsty gods.

Go on! Challenge my statement!

The martyr of Islam sacrifices himself and his victims to the fire of Moloch!

Prove to me that today's moslem leaders have not completely given themselves over to the pagan devils of their ancient ancestors!

Prove to me that the imams and muftis do not honor the bloodthirsty gods of Canaan!!


Jurched, my love, all you need to know is that ShadowGeeky thinks Muslims have 'helped' Jews for years.
he just doesnt get into the particulars of what Muslims have helped Jews with. from the daily headlines, i can only assume he means they've 'helped' the Jews from the confines of this dreary thing we call 'living.'
My sincerest congratulations to you, Sue! You've got a lot of stamina to keep duking it out with our moslem friend here.

Not being anywhere near a computer for several days detached me from his exciting facts and figures. Even now, most of it looks like a monochromatic blur as I scroll through dozens of posts... most of which dump on the Spanish Inquisition. Which is lame!

He can make all the excuses he wants, but he cannot explain one glaring fact:

No Islamic country or its government or any religious leader denounces violent moslem terror in Israel or Iraq.

None condemn the suicide bomber!

In THOSE places, Islamic Human Sacrifice is a virtuous deed.

Don't tell me Islam is a religion of peace! If it was, then they should END the ISLAMIC HUMAN SACRIFICE in struggles against the infidel, especially noncombatants.

No. There is silence. And exultation. And encouragement!

From mosques in Taif to London, from Indonesia to America, from Yemen to Chechnya, from India to Morocco, the imams praise Islamic human sacrifice as a virtuous act of martyrdom. All over the world.

Lie! Go on! Lie about the peace that dwells in the hearts of the believers!

Every time one of those Palestinian martyrs runs into a marketplace, shouts "GOD IS GREAT!" and detonates his explosives, he immolates himself as a human sacrifice, along with everyone in the blast radius!

He is a descendant of the worshippers of Baal and Moloch, who threw their children into the fire to please their blood-thirsty gods.

Go on! Challenge my statement!

The martyr of Islam sacrifices himself and his victims to the fire of Moloch!

Prove to me that today's moslem leaders have not completely given themselves over to the pagan devils of their ancient ancestors!

Prove to me that the imams and muftis do not honor the bloodthirsty gods of Canaan!!


First of all, Every Numidian and North African country for that matter denounces the acts of terror in Afghanistan. Be more specific with your acts of terror from Iraq.. They had no weapons, if you mean the couple of kidnappings of American civilians, then yes, this is against the law so of course it's looked down upon. Where the fuck is your proof it isn't? Try reading an Egyptian law book and then compare it to an Israeli one. Several terrorist acts to occur in Muslim countries, but at least they're not made legal like in Israeli law.. They're illegal acts, which means they are looked down upon.. Not every governement in the middle east is the Taliban, it was one governing force of a corrupt country for about half a decade.. HALF A FUCKING DECADE, they took rule by force in one country and were taken out soon after, in those five years they took away women's rights, that were previously intact..

God damn, suicide bombing a virtuous deed? No form of violence assures your way to heaven in the Qur'an, the Qur'an is the least violent of all the Holy Books, while books like the Old Testament have sections promoting rape, murder, etc, the Qur'an has stayed accurate in it's passages up to present time, with nothing promoting unprovoked or religious violence.

Tell me how the Qur'an relates to murder, challenge my fucking statement. Where in the Qur'an does anti-semitism or senseless violence exist? And what the fuck do you mean especially non-combatants? Read fucking casualty reports, most are against military forces, the number of, for example, Israeli civilians killed is nothing compared to the number of Palestinian civilians killed.. There is no reason to kill ISraeli civilians senselessly. Occaisonally one retarded extremist just hoping to hurt the cause of the Palestinians will attack Israeli civilians.. But that event will be completely raped by media into something much bigger while, according to Jewish, Israeli-born professor, Tanya Reinhart, her studies discovered that app. 5 Palestinian civilians are killed daily by Israeli's. Why? Because in Israel it's been made legal for a military force to fire openly into crowds of unarmed Palestinians for something as small as a rock being thrown and it is legal to kill any Palestinian for something as small as a rock thrown, as long as they're above the age of 12.

And please. Just shut your fucking mouth with the virtuous act of martyrdom bull shit. How would you know it's promoted in Mosques everywhere? I'd ask if you've ever been to a Mosque, but obviously you'd make shit up about going to mosques all over the middle-east because you have studied it, but in reality, you're juts a brain-dead red-neck.

At a casuality rate of 5 dead Palestinians per day, and as many as 2000 at a single time (Sabra and Shatila), the Anti-Palestinian, Israeli terrorism is much more extreme, killing women and children needlessly, than one suicide bombing every few months killing a few dozen Israelis. And Palestine was a fully inhabited land before Israel came, but now Israeli built building are all over their nation, the Palestinian houses, buildings, etc, didn't just disappear, they were demolished, the Israelis were kind enough to tell the Palestinians about this, allowing them to leave their homes, resulting . Just look up Palestinian suicide bombings on wikipedia. Read the list, about 20 total in the past 15 years (since 1993).. Resulting in app. 120 to 150 Israeli civilians dead in 15 years.. As for Palestinian casualties.. 5 killed per day (Just look up Tanya Reinhart's studies on this if you want to bitch about proof), times 365 days per year = 1825 in one year. So 1825 times 15 years = 27,375 Palestinian casualties in the past 15 years.. So which is worse? 150.. or 27,375?

Moloch was a God of sacrifice, worshipped by Pheonicians in 1000 BC, long before Christianity and Islam. They would sacrifice people to appease the God.. Comparing about 150 casualties caused by suicide bombings in the past 15 years to a ritual sacrifice of people to appease a War God is ridiculous, considering the Palestinian casualty rate is almost 200 times larger than the Israeli casualty rate. And the casualty rate now is much lower than it was when Israeli's first came into Palestine and massacred villages to make land for themselves. The UN plotted them most uninhabitted land to split the land half-half between the two.. But since the inhabited Palestinian land is less than half of the half it was...

And Imams don't worship Pheonician war gods.. Read the Qur'an, then go to a Mosque, and American one. What happens is there's a prayer every Friday, similar to Sunday Mass. We pray, just the normal Evening prayer, then usually a few passages are recited from the Qur'an, then a donation box is passed around (like the one in Church) that go to helping build the new mosque in Boston and to help poorer members of the community with medical bills, etc. That's what happens, I used to go weekly, but it takes too much devotion for me, praying 5 times daily, memorizing multi-page long Prayers and the extremely strict morals.
Jurched, my love, all you need to know is that ShadowGeeky thinks Muslims have 'helped' Jews for years.
he just doesnt get into the particulars of what Muslims have helped Jews with. from the daily headlines, i can only assume he means they've 'helped' the Jews from the confines of this dreary thing we call 'living.'

Shadowgeeky.. And you were calling my insults weak :goggly: Other than being extremely uncreative and further proving you fail at life, I'd rather be a geek than a Cold, racist bitch any day.

Tell me how Muslims were hurting Jews instead of helping them up until 1948.. It wasn't until Israel attacked Palestine that this happened. Over the past two decades, Palestinian civilian casualties outnumbered Israeli civilian casualties 5 to 1. Before that the Palestinian civilian death toll was even higher while Israel was "clearing the land". And not only are the Palestinian casualties higher, they have a tremendously worse living condition than Israelis. Checkpoints, at which innocent Palestinians are humiliated on a daily basis, make a 1 hour journey for an Israeli, take as long as 8 hours for a Palestinian... Israelis also reserve the right to use torture, put entire civilian villages under house arrest, causing many ill, elderly, pregnant women, etc, to die, etc.. These acts are deemed acceptable because they're being used against Palestinians.. But imagine what would the media be saying if all this was happening to Israeli civilians..? But of course it wouldn't, Muslims harbored hundreds of thousands of Jews before Israel was formed, and they didn't oppress them anywhere near to the extent the Israels are against Palestinians in MODERN TIMES...
Shadowgeeky.. And you were calling my insults weak :goggly: Other than being extremely uncreative and further proving you fail at life, I'd rather be a geek than a Cold, racist bitch any day.

Tell me how Muslims were hurting Jews instead of helping them up until 1948.. It wasn't until Israel attacked Palestine that this happened. Over the past two decades, Palestinian civilian casualties outnumbered Israeli civilian casualties 5 to 1. Before that the Palestinian civilian death toll was even higher while Israel was "clearing the land". And not only are the Palestinian casualties higher, they have a tremendously worse living condition than Israelis. Checkpoints, at which innocent Palestinians are humiliated on a daily basis, make a 1 hour journey for an Israeli, take as long as 8 hours for a Palestinian... Israelis also reserve the right to use torture, put entire civilian villages under house arrest, causing many ill, elderly, pregnant women, etc, to die, etc.. These acts are deemed acceptable because they're being used against Palestinians.. But imagine what would the media be saying if all this was happening to Israeli civilians..? But of course it wouldn't, Muslims harbored hundreds of thousands of Jews before Israel was formed, and they didn't oppress them anywhere near to the extent the Israels are against Palestinians in MODERN TIMES...

and your attempts at insults are equally weak, especially in light of the fact that you are a CHILD. my own child is older than you, so i wont be goaded into a flamewar by someone i could have potentially diapered.
it suffices to say you're young and full of the accompanying youthful ignorance of the facts.
being raised amongst Muslim scum can only be seen as child abuse and further complicates your problems.

run away from home. it'll probably be your only chance to escape your youth with your life.