More Random Stuff

it was funny cause I called bear jeff and luis out in that thread. than luis texted me a few minutes later asking me if I was on /b/.
I like how all "action" shows and anime from japan suffer from what I like to call Sailor Moon Syndrome (SMS). All the episodes are the same. The episode begins with very little plot that wont follow outside of that episode... and It ends with a battle aganist whatever monster they could think of ending with them using there special ability to finish the monster off. Its kinda like Scooby Doo Syndrome (SDS).

Altough its pretty awesome that they fought Frankenstein.
Well ACTUALLY, Jack, they did not fight Frankenstein. They fought the creation of Doctor Frankenstein.

But indeed the beats were fresh.

you know what you pretentious fuck? I was actually gonna write "Frankenstiens Monster" but I figured no one was actually gonna call me out on it. Bastard.

jk. i wub u. bai bai.
Now I will attempt to pull a Jeff and call you out on something else....

It is "Frankenstein's Monster" not "Frankenstiens Monster."

Now I will attempt to pull a Jeff and call you out on something else....

It is "Frankenstein's Monster" not "Frankenstiens Monster."


Hey dumbass, you spelled Frankenstein wrong. Actually, you spelled it correctly the first time, then blew it the second. You lose even more points because both times were in the same sentence. Now look at the quote marks. You're supposed to put the period outside of the quotes. Also, you forgot the comma. Here's how it should read:

It is "Frankenstein's Monster", not "Frankensteins Monster".

0/10 = FAIL.

That's how you "pull a Jeff".
ps I don't work on the 0/10 grading system. My life is ruled by a system comprised of "checks." See a check means you did well. A Check plus means you did a great job. A check minus is an epic fail.