More Random Stuff

Oh I forgot... Powerglove is going on a month and a half tour with Dragonforce. That's crazy.

Dragonforce is playing the Starland the day before Thanksgiving. I was gonna try to get us an opener slot on it but I am almost positive I will get holiday raped AGAIN this year and have to close the day before thanksgiving because I do every fucking year.
Dragonforce is cool, but it's all technique and very, very little musical ideas coming through. It's kinda like when we first found out about Yngwie... Vince will remember... music theory class in high school... "Dude! Check this guitar player out! It's crazy!!!"

Then like 6 months later, you realize he only does the same shit in every song, and also that like 9 million other guys can do the same fucking thing.

So yea... why I wanted to post in the first place...

Bear - is your buddy ok? He kinda got sick last night, I'm surprised I still haven't done so yet. Let 'em know we don't give a shit, he's cool. Like that matters.

I'm sure Chuck will post about THIS later himself, I don't know what happened, but he was flipping shit on some dude on the phone. They were apparently friends or at least people at a party who were friends with the chick he was trying to talk to.

He was enraged.

Woo woo! The whist......... es go. It NEVER ends....
what the fuck, Bear showed up?! You guys suck, plain and simple. I sat around for hours and the only thing going on was Jeff bitching about the beer. Then I leave and Jeff gets drunk without me (after hours of saying he "didn't even want to drink") and everyone comes out of the woodwork.

I see how it is!
I might be around tomorrow if anyone wanted to do something early in the afternoon.

And yeah, apparently Jeff, Adam hadn't had weed in a while and a combination of pizza prior to the smoking is what did him in. He's fine though. I'm bringing him around next weekend hopefully. Glad you guys were cool with him.
well this kid needs to pass the Vince test before he gets board certified. He must have some fucking self righteous parents for them to give him a name like "Adam." Who do you think you are naming your kid that? God?

Anyway I am really sorry I missed you, Bear. I left cause Jeff and Chuck were having marital differences and I couldn't tolerate the yapping anymore.
Let's organize (psst... that word doesn't apply to any of us) a MILF bar trip. Next weekend??? Yo Bear - bring Adam, I think he's cool even though he's a Brit, kinda like how the southern people liked us "even tho' we alls wah fram tha north!"

And happy birthday to Chuck, yay etc. You made it another year. woo wooo
Well you guys have a show next weekend and I won't be in town. Neither will Dave, BR, or Nick.

Or did you mean the weekend of the 12th and 13th?
none of you care but I just needed to let off some steam about evangelion and xenogears.

I recently decided that I fucking hate Xenogears. Why? because of Evangelion. Its the same fucking shit. Execpt Xenogears is longer and has a less fucked ending then evangelion. The similarties between evangelion and xenogears isnt just its fucking plot or even the fact that they are flying around in LOL MECHS. Both were subject to time constraints and budget cuts which is so disturbingly similar that I dont even want to acknowledge it. The rest is gonna be spoilers so if you care, stop reading. Ok the end to evangelion makes me hate the entire series. I was actually enjoying the shit up until the last 3 episodes. The shit is so fucking pretentious its annoying. basically its a fucking mess of dialouge with random bullshit in shinjis mind bullshit... Hes like "lol I dunno why i pilot eva and then comes to the conclusion he doesnt need to pilot eva to be happy". The end. No i am not fucking joking. I read a wiki article about the end and this is what really happens. humanity gets turned into one being and shinji on top of the throne decides what happens to humanity. When the fuck was that implied during the series? I dont want the story line spoon fed to me BUT WHAT THE FUCK?!

Than I found out I wasnt the only person not satisfied with the way they ended the series and came out with a movie called "the end of evangelion". I watched the first 5 minutes and stopped watching. Why you ask? because Shinji is sitting at a hospital bed with another pilot (female) of an eva. she is comatose and shinji accidently reveals her breast when hes shaking her violently asking a respone from her. do you know what this sick fuck does next? HE FUCKING JERKS OFF. Im not fucking joking. They literally cut to a scene where you cant see shinji but you here him wacking off and then cut to a scene where he splooges in his fucking hand. they show his hand covered in jizz. I am not fucking kidding.

Theres some other shit I left out but I dont really care to recall them at the moment. I fucking hate evangelion.
I just googled "Xenogears Evangelion" to reaffirm my beliefs:

Xenogears subtitle should just be "Xenogears: its Evangelion execpt Fei doesnt fapsturbate over elly's unconcious tittys"

Also, I spent my whole day after work watching the last episodes. I watched that shit in 2 days. its 26 epiosdes. I watched like 14 episodes last night only to be severely dissapointed. I fucking wanted to kill someone.