More Random Stuff

Dude, you need to stop setting yourself up like this. Since it's Hickmas and I am such a nice guy, I am going to leave it alone.



Yo Jack, do you know what this is?


EDIT - Shit, I guess you can't zoom in and read it. You can look at it on my computer later, I don't get what is so bad that /b/ couldn't take it.
Yo Jack, do you know what this is?[/IM]

EDIT - Shit, I guess you can't zoom in and read it. You can look at it on my computer later, I don't get what is so bad that /b/ couldn't take it.[/quote]

yea I cant see it. I wasnt really posting on 4chan in 06 so I probably dont know anyway. Someone probably shot up a mall or somthing... or some teenaged girl took photos of herself... or Someone killed a cat.. or somthing equally as retarded. but yea I didnt really frequent there yet. Certain regulars on g4 discussed the chans and thats how i found out about it. I can probably find a thread where we discuss the chans... actually im gonna look at the g4 archives right now.

edit: nvm apparently they didnt archive the old forum. either that or i just cant find it.
Nevermind. I didn't expect you to reply so fast. Someone else posted it uncensored. I was expecting something like what you just said... all itis is a bunch of cartoon animals wearing diapers and shitting themselves. I don't get it. Compared to the other shit I've seen on there it's not really a big deal at all.
Nevermind. I didn't expect you to reply so fast. Someone else posted it uncensored. I was expecting something like what you just said... all itis is a bunch of cartoon animals wearing diapers and shitting themselves. I don't get it. Compared to the other shit I've seen on there it's not really a big deal at all.

probably just a stupid combo then. did they zoom in on the faces too? i fucking hate /b/.
probably just a stupid combo then. did they zoom in on the faces too? i fucking hate /b/.

No, the top one was just a black and white cartoon of furries in diapers, taking shits in the diapers. Then all the text that's blacked out was just "I can't believe they were shitting in diapers". The bottom thing looked like something I would draw in Paint. I should have saved the uncensored one but I didn't bother for some reason.