More Random Stuff

Alright, I'm all for "Pumphrey Style" or whatever, but what the fuck G4? You're seriously gonna have Pumphrey "hammer fist" a Wii, PS3, and a 360 to see which console will still work? Gay beyond gay. Make Pumphrey attack the actual buildings of Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft's headquarters. Any douche can break a fucking plastic game console. "HERR DURR the PS3 still wurks!!!!"

Then they get 15 seconds to try to destroy the consoles? What the flying fuck. These dudes broke a BOWLING ALLEY with their bare hands. A fucking bowling alley. Yea, I can't believe the PlayStation got anailly raped.


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Worst picture ever. Photoshopped or otherwise.


I still can't believe they allowed that to happen. What the fuck.
I disagree. The keith Richards Picture was far worse.

EVH - face of death, body of an 11 year old boy.

Ok, so last Saturday I set the DVR to record Pumphrey. I forgot about it, then today I woke up all excited because I was gonna watch the bowling alley episode. I got on the DVR and the fucking thing said the process was canceled. I asked my mom and she's like "oh sorry, I thought I accidentally started recording that so I stopped it." By the way, she never even heard of G4, and she doesn't watch any channels that are near G4 on the guide. She couldn't have just asked me if I did it? This morning she woke me up to make sure I was ok. She thought I was dead when I didn't answer her. I WAS FUCKING ASLEEP ON THE COUCH. SHE COULD SEE ME. I guess calling me to tell me "Vince has that thing" is so much more valid than asking if I tried to record a show for once.


PS - About Keith Richards up there - at least his photo is realistic.
"Occupation: Artist"

That means future porn star.

I'd say she is def skinny / weird looking enough to be a model though. Sorry Jack, I know she's your jawn. Just..... something about those eyes screams "STAY AWAY" every time I look at her.
Vince Im gonna have to ask you a favor and your probably not gonna wanna do it... However because of my postion at work and the way things have been going, meaning me running the office around here... I'm gonna have to ask you to take down the soulja boy video. I cant afford to catch flak from it if one of my employees sees it... Im sorry and hope you oblige <_<
Fuck you jack, I am gonna post it all over the internet now.

Nah, no worries, I'll take it down now.
thanks man ><

I know its lame... but my role here keeps getting bigger and bigger and I'm pretty sure im gonna be spending the rest of my life in Rainbow so... but yea my sister actually showed a few of my coworkers when she worked here for the summer. wtf man?

Tell London she should stick to writing papers....

It's not a problem man, really. I only put the shit up there so we can see it easily on here without having to download it. In fact I just recently removed some of the old Circadian Rising videos. But I did that because the band sucks, not because Jeff asked me to ;-)
Btw bear things got pretty funny at bro pauls after you left. I was in pretty high spirits and i was saying hello to strangers. I was being very nice... then i ran into this asshole in the foyer. I started talking to him and he made some asshole comment. Whatever I brushed it off. Later I was standing facing a table and he walked by me and i bumped my ass aganist his crotch to be an asshole. He turns around and says "WTF is this shit?!". before i could even make a remark 6 of our friends all got up in his face practically, including corinne who was the most vocal. Also the bouncer intervened real quick. He told him if he saw me outside he was gonna kick my ass. So later im outside and the guy was there with his friend talking shit on obama. I ask "YOU DONT LIKE GO BAMA". then the kid starts going on this rant about "my pals" and in the end of his rant he says "HOLD MY CIGARETTE". to which I replied "HAHAHA Fuck your cigarette im not holding it". In retrospect I wish I had said "hold my dick" but I digress... Later the guys got kicked out for throwing beer on some chick. Bro Pauls got his liscence plate and called the cops on them. I also told kris about a million times "dont let anyone EVER try to make you their bitch".