More than Wal Mart


New Metal Member
Jan 4, 2006
Its wages and health benefits are so dismal that in several states Wal-Mart displaces worker healthcare costs onto tax-supported Medicaid for the poor. Wal-Mart batters down wages not just in the United States, but in Third World countries, where it plays foreign suppliers against one another to demand the lowest possible wholesale price (and wage).

FULLSTORY: 06/walmart.htm
Mike27 said:
wal mart it evil.


I had to do some whole huge research dealy on Wal-Mart a year ago and it sure is a pretty sleezy company when it comes right down to it. No ethics whatsoever, just a pure lust for the almighty dollar. It wasn't anywhere near this bad when Sam was still alive :rolleyes:
I was surprised when I learned that they (at one point, anyway) took out life insurance policies on their employees & if the employee died, the employee's family got nothing, WalMart kept the insurance payout. How slimy.
Ewwww...that IS slimy.

And speaking of random, in my PR class, I have to spend the whole semester being a PR agent for Wal-Mart and sculpting a good PR image for them due to their latest barrage of horseshit. I hope I don't have to be TOO nice.
The solution is quite simple: Shop elsewhere.

Corporate supermarkets have driven down prices (all that appeals to most folks) but you're buying environmentally unfriendly food, allowing local suppliers of tasty, healthy food to slowly disappear and generally supporting the continued lobbying of our politicians to support big business and not people.

Oh, and the likes of Walmart and Tesco (in the UK) account for (roughly) 70% of ALL grocery purchases in their respective home countries AND to top it all off, they know more about you then the government does. Thanks to that, in the near future advertising will be amended to each person, urging them to buy more things they don't need.

Brave New World! :lol: elsewhere can be easier said than done in certain areas...

if you are in a rural area often the only place that you can get everything you need is at the nearest wal-mart... this is actually a big part of how wal-mart spreads is it goes into areas with little of now shoping options and then provides them with one...

add to this it will often be cheaper than almost anything else in rural areas because of its large market base, undercutting the prices of local small buisness because it can afford to sell things for cheaper...thus in poor rural areas *which most rural communities are* people have no real choice but to shop at wal-mart because it makes it so they can afford more and better things...
Wal-Mart also just recently capped their wages on ALL hourly associates. They determined that there will a rate that you will never get paid any higher at for each type of position (i.e. Cart pushers, cahiers, Dept. mgrs, backroom workers, etc.)

So they (corporate office) are saying that say if you've been a consistently good worker, done hard, often demeaning-type of work, been employed there for say 10-13 years or are now never going to make more than the astronomically high rate of, say $15 an hour. You can keep working there of course, but you will never see another raise.

I understand their position. After all, they are a tiny company that makes minimal profits:erk: .

Wal-Mart President, surviving Walton relatives, and other corporate monkeys= greedy, cheap-ass jagoffs.
its a losing battle, consumers are too cheap, and companies are too greedy. As a result, quality of goods will decrease. I find only a country where the ppl take pride in their own products, i.e italy, can resist the evil of companies like wal-mart.
WalMart- a PERFECT EXAMPLE of what happens when spoiled rich brats inherit megafortunes they didn't have to work for. Sam Walton must be turning in his grave. Not to mention that they're total fucking hypocrites- they say they support family values but won't pay their OWN EMPLOYEES enough to support a family- and on top of that, they expect the employees to donate to charitable PR causes out of their own pathetically meager paychecks. And plus, they won't sell books, magazines, or CD's with adult material, but they sell guns and ammo. Yeah, you can buy a 10 guage automatic shotgun at WalMart, and the shells, and then go home and blow your neighbor's head off, but you can't buy a CD with the word "fuck" on it. WalMart can suck my big, fat, hairy, chocolate, salty, frosted balls! FUCKING HYPOCRITES!!!!
VicRattlhd502 said:
My Mom's Uncle's sporting goods store went out of business because of the evil behemoth that is Wal-Mart. I will never set foot in a Wal-Mart ever. I don't care how low their prices are. I won't support giant, greedy corporations that step on, trample and destroy mom-and-pop businesses.

Here's some useful and informative anti Wal-Mart sites to check out:

Exactly. Listen to this man, he knows why Wal-Mart is fucking evil. I hope the day never comes when Wal-Mart arrives in Finland.