Morningrise: Re-Issue

Yup. There's one song on the re-issue from their rehearsal tape and it's called Eternal Soul Torture. If you ask me, that song is real torture to listen to and if I ever find the original issue without the bonus track, I will surely buy it. It ruins the listening experience since its sound quality is just lame compared to the other songs and it's rather simple too.
I totally agree. It's pretty terrible, not worth hearing at all. Thanfully I downloaded it and didn't buy it. My copy of Morningrise hasn't got the bonus track. The song is so bad that I deleted it from my hard drive after listening about three times.
Originally posted by Fifth_Horseman
Isn't the re-issue remastered, too?

It was supposed to be remastered, but for unknown reason it isn't. One thing I don't understand is why didn't they correct the track-change-bug on Orchid to its re-issue. Maybe they screw up something with the mastertapes. :lol:

PS. If you didn't know it. When I mentioned "track-change-bug", I was referring to Apostle In Triumph, the beginning acoustics of which are actually the ending of Requiem, but because of a misleading one-second pause in the middle of the song they changed track there.
I gladly picked up the Candlelight re-issue of Orchid the other week. I had to settle for that because I couldn'r find or order in the original anywhere. I don't like the bonus track at all, I haven't even listened to it properly yet. Don't intend to either.

And yes EST on M sucks too :p

The Tower Records near me doesn't have any of the reissues, so I gladly go and buy the old school versions, ya dig?
The Bonus tracks on both orchid and morningrise suck ass. The only thing they're good for is seeing what a long way the band came very quickly.
is the orchid re-issue worth getting? im hunting around all record stores where i am.. all the way down in NZ, and one place i can get it, coz they already have a copy of the orchid re-issue.. so its a few dollars cheaper and a few weeks sooner than ordering the original through any other music store..

or is it so bad that i should just forget the re-issue and hold out a few more weeks for the original release?

Originally posted by samoniac
It was supposed to be remastered, but for unknown reason it isn't. One thing I don't understand is why didn't they correct the track-change-bug on Orchid to its re-issue. Maybe they screw up something with the mastertapes. :lol:

PS. If you didn't know it. When I mentioned "track-change-bug", I was referring to Apostle In Triumph, the beginning acoustics of which are actually the ending of Requiem, but because of a misleading one-second pause in the middle of the song they changed track there.

Yeah, I read that in an interview. Mikael obviously was pretty shocked back then when he got the final version and listened to it the first time...:grin:
Originally posted by SculptedCold
:eek: :OMG: :eek:

Hey I like Mudvayne, too. Wonder what their new album will be like...

I was fortunete enough to find both original copies of Orchid and Morningrise. Re-issues are cool, especially with bonus tracks, but I still prefer originals. I heard one of those bonus tracks, and I wasn't too impressed. I thought it was a demo, which I guess it is.

What baffles me is that someone said that the mastering error on Orchid is not fixed (Requiem/Apostle fuckup.) Does that mean the cd is still blue and the print in the booklet is still oppositely colorized or whatever...?
Yeah, those bonus tracks, except for the two covers on MAYH, are a total waste of space.

I won this reissue on ebay for an exorbanant amount of money, and sold my old copy (which had the MUCH nicer album cover).

When I got the reissue, I put on "Eternal Soul Torture," and I was like, "what the fuck is this?"
I had the choice between the re-issues and the orginal albums, because I just got money when the re-issues came out...and I had planned to buy the first tree Opeth albums for a year. Well, I bought the re-issues. I don't think that the bonus-songs suck!! The recording quality is crap, but that's normal, since it's just an old rehearsal tape. And you must be joking if you say that, for example "Eternal Soul Torture" is simple...they were just as complex as they were on Orhcid & Morningrise. They were just a bit heavier back sound somehow like a connection between the Morningrise and Still Life style at times.

If you just listen to the albums from the original CDs then I understand why you are annoyed. Maybe you should just burn a copy and move the bonus track to track 1 of the burned CD. So when you want to listen to the album, but not to the bonus track, then just start at track Nr. 2. I did that with my MiniDisc copy (I only listen to albums from MD)...