Most important/influencial/creative CURRENT bands


Oct 21, 2003
War for Territory
Back up your claims, generic lists are awfully dull.

And don't fucking say Opeth :loco:

Edit: Clarification:

Bands that you percieve may have a strong part to play in the future development and expantion of metal, musically speaking.
Righto then...

Deathspell Omega
Didn't start the orthodox BM movement, but really brought it to prominence along with Watain. The last 2 years have seen a huge amount of similar bands, both good and bad. They also did some pretty interesting things with black metal.

The Chasm
Probably the most interesting/innovative band in the death metal field in a number of years, even if their latest album has quite a few Dissection-esque melodies.

Most fascinating use of conceptually driven music, I think. They've used themes from Brian Lumely and H.P. Lovecraft, and crafted music around an ethos. It's mad, chaotic and cacophonic, but also utter genius.
Dimmu Borgir
Obviously one of the worlds largest black metal bands, i'd imagine they are quite influencial to the younger crowds.

In Flames
Every kid in the world wants to be In flames, and probably has some peiece of Merch.

Children Of Bodom
All the kids love Alexi laiho, he's created a new style of music which alot of bands seem to be picking up on.

Amainzg tech-death metal band, very influencial to any metalhead.
Because there's always a shitstorm, and in all truth Opeth were never influencial, and they haven't been innovative since Still Life.
Darkstone said:
Dimmu Borgir
Obviously one of the worlds largest black metal bands, i'd imagine they are quite influencial to the younger crowds.

In Flames
Every kid in the world wants to be In flames, and probably has some peiece of Merch.

Children Of Bodom
All the kids love Alexi laiho, he's created a new style of music which alot of bands seem to be picking up on.

Amainzg tech-death metal band, very influencial to any metalhead.

Perhaps "important" was the wrong word to use. None of these bands really classify.
Well I totally agree about Deathspell Omega. I think Kenose is a really amazing piece of work. If you think about it, they've defied nearly all of the aesthetics and rules of black metal, yet created something that's undeniably black metal. They've tapped into the essence of black metal, rather than just relying on the aesthetics like so many bands do. I can't wait to see what they do next, and unless they screw up badly, their trilogy will go down as one of the most impressive musical works in all of metal. I expect them to do no less.

The Ukrainian metal scene - They're about one more band away from being one of the notable and legendary scenes in metal history. If Roman Saenko's Blood of Kingu ends up being anything really unique, then that would do it.

Agalloch - I haven't even heard the new album yet, but from what people have been saying, it's good. Agalloch could be as big as Opeth, if they want to be. They probably would appeal to the post-rock/indie crowd in ways that no other metal band that I can think of does.

Nile - The Morbid Angel of this generation really. They've pretty much gotten better with each album. Their ability to do link lyrical and musical themes so closely is pretty much unmatched. Some see it as a gimmick, but it's hard to not see the imagery and feel the atmosphere the band intends, a much tougher accomplishment in death metal than black metal.

Leviathan - He just has a ton of great ideas. Probably the best one-man project going now.
Opeth shouldn't be included because they're not innovative. And that has nothing to say about the quality of their music.

I'd second Deathspell Omega, Watain and The Chasm. Perhaps Deströyer 666 and Summoning should be included as well, as they both have a very unique sound, which is sure to inspire many a clone! Primordial and Agalloch will also certainly have large impact on the scene to come...
Summoning and Primordial most definitely. Not so sure about Destroyer 666 though. I mean, they've done something different with old-school worship, but it's a fairly grey area, I think.

What about Drudkh? The style itself has been around for yonks, but I can't think of any bands that do it with as much conviction or power. Is that enough to warrant its listing?
I would say Primordial comes to mind first and foremost because they have an incredibly unique sound. It isn't just ''beer and wanking and raaaaarhhhhh" it's a more romantic Metal, which I think is becoming better than the Trad. beer and guitar Metal.

They're also great musicians and great people who have something to say that is fairly important and I like to see that in music. If you don't have anything influential and well-thought out to say, it's obviously not going to have as much of an impact as those who do. And I think Primordial does.

I just woke up 5 minutes ago, please bare with me.

edit: And about Agalloch... In order for them to become more influential in the scene of Metal, I would like to see them incorporate more METAL into the music please. I do love them though don't get me wrong.
Summoning and Primordial most definitely. Not so sure about Destroyer 666 though. I mean, they've done something different with old-school worship, but it's a fairly grey area, I think.

Well, their power lies in their ability to combine ALL their influences, which includes everything from Judas Priest to Burzum, and it just ends up sounding like something completely different, even though you are able to hear the past if you dissect their music. My god, I'd hump Warslut's leg given half a chance... :oops:

What about Drudkh? The style itself has been around for yonks, but I can't think of any bands that do it with as much conviction or power. Is that enough to warrant its listing?

Erik said:

I haven't hear Dolorian, and I was barely able to sit through Farmakon, so any justification for these choices would be swell.

Also, I daresay Urfaust would be a contender. Though I don't think anyone here has heard them.
The only bands in heavy music I can think of today are opeth and amorphis. I'm not always ontop of all new music so i'm sure there is some more bands.

I like the chasm and all but disagree with them being innovative.

Agalloch is not more innovative important influencial and creative than opeth either regardless what some of you think. Saying bands like this the chasm,etc. and then posting someone can't say opeth just does not sit right with me at all.