Most important/influencial/creative CURRENT bands

>>>Nile - The Morbid Angel of this generation really. They've pretty much gotten better with each album.

I was going to disagree with this one, but I only really bought their first one, which was terribley monotonous and boring (death metal + egypt sounds) I went to their myspace page to check out some of their recent stuff, and yeah, they've definitely gotten better.

I also never heard of Dethspell Omega, so I went to hear some tunes, and they are pretty interesting. Black metal isn't my cup of tea...and I wanted to write them off without giving them a chance, but they did bring some nice flavor to a very stale genre. It's music and atmosphere at the same time. Some parts I wanted to say "this isn't even metal"....but it was...just different.

The Greys said:
Agalloch is not more innovative important influencial and creative than opeth either regardless what some of you think. Saying bands like this the chasm,etc. and then posting someone can't say opeth just does not sit right with me at all.

I said don't mention Opeth because they always cause a shtorm and they really AREN'T THAT INNOVATIVE. Still Life was the only album I can think of that they really pushed the envelope on, and it didn't come out very cohesive. The Chasm on the other hand, are very, very innovative, in their obscure melodies, unconventional riff and song structures, etc. I thought that you of all people, who dismisses non-musician's opinions on musicianship, would be able to see this clearly.
How about everyone just stops fucking whining about Opeth? I really don't get these threads that come with some kind of "no Opeth" disclaimer or the people who feel the need to bash Opeth in every single post they make. They're just as much a valid band to discuss on this forum as any other. Bashing them does not make you look cool in any way.

And no I wasn't going to mention them in this particular thread, but seeing how the goal of this thread is still subjective in the end I don't see the point in restricting people from doing so (or do you want to give a complete list of every possible band that wouldn't fit in this thread?).

Their new album had a very unique sound to it. Their old stuff never impressed me much but they might have some interesting releases in the future.

Reasons mentioned above.

Madder Mortem
One of the best and most unique female fronted metal bands. They completely have their own sound and continue to deliver high quality albums.

Most other bands that come to mind right now aren't active anymore, so...
I said don't mention Opeth because they always cause a shtorm and they really AREN'T THAT INNOVATIVE. Still Life was the only album I can think of that they really pushed the envelope on, and it didn't come out very cohesive.

You should have made it clear that you meant opeth not to be mentioned as arguements spawn regarding both camps of metalheads because of 'opeth'. You seemed to be attacking fans of the band in a thread before they even voiced any opinion. If so I would have not mentioned opeth because I like this forum section and respect some of you and even share similiar tastes.

also on Still Life

Blackwater Park is light years ahead of it.

This thread would have turned out better if you would have not mentioned opeth in that way letting people just post bands they find innovative which seems to be all over the place regardless if opeth or not. Opeth is not exactly the worst choice or less innovative than some bands being mentioned already.

Look at the person that mentioned Atrocity 'atlantis'. Atrocity put there first heavy album out since 92 and now the band is somehow important/influencial and creative in the metal scene today or in metal. How could someone think that. that's stupid to me.

I don't see how it's ok to mention Agalloch and not opeth. I think all this anti-opeth crap is trendy bullshit garbage.
I'm going to say Stargazer have alot of potential to influence alot of bands, and to push creativeness in bands. They make use of fretless bass, something rarely seen outside of Prog. metal, and generally do the style that they do in a way that has never been done before. They are proof that a band can be creative, melodic, and brutal all in one go.
Décadent said:
I haven't hear Dolorian, and I was barely able to sit through Farmakon, so any justification for these choices would be swell.

Also, I daresay Urfaust would be a contender. Though I don't think anyone here has heard them.

I have heard a single mp3 by them once. It sounded like normal black metal with a technical problem or mickey mouse on vocals.
Maybe the actual music was innovative, but the vocals pissed me off too much to give it much of a listen.

I saw Portal mentioned here. What style do they play?
A bit offtopic maybe but what kind of Band is Stargazer? I saw them in at least two signatures.
They are Death/Black I'd suppose, but nothing at all like Dissection and other bands of the style.
The Greys said:
Agalloch is not more innovative important influencial and creative than opeth either regardless what some of you think. Saying bands like this the chasm,etc. and then posting someone can't say opeth just does not sit right with me at all.
Because you're not too perceptive
Madder Mortem
One of the best and most unique female fronted metal bands. They completely have their own sound and continue to deliver high quality albums.

Most other bands that come to mind right now aren't active anymore, so...

I've been trying to get into them.. but for some reason it's not happening. And usually I am very open to female vocals in Metal. Maybe I've been listening to the wrong songs. Are there any in particular that you could recommend I listen to?
I was going to check out madder mortem but people here told me not to bother..... and I listened :lol:. I do disagree with a lot of people here but some people have really gotten me into some neat things.
Erik said:
Because you're not too perceptive

The new Agalloch while being good is nothing amazing and is lackluster compared to the first two, plus it's not nearly as good as the new amorphis.

The clean vocals are actually just as crappy as the first couple opeths, but atleast mikael has sounded good and improved greatly on the last couple cds. Mikael is such a good clean vocalist now he's comparable to some of the most distinct clean vocalists.