Most important/influencial/creative CURRENT bands

Susperia said:
I happen to greatly enjoy Agalloch's vocals, clean and harsh.

I like the harsh vocals but the clean vocals are pretty much going to prevent me from getting into the band where I would buy an album. They just don't sound decent to me.

They are good musicians.
Susperia said:
I've been trying to get into them.. but for some reason it's not happening. And usually I am very open to female vocals in Metal. Maybe I've been listening to the wrong songs. Are there any in particular that you could recommend I listen to?

The Grinding Silence
Breaker of Worlds
To Kill and Kill Again
Turn the War On
Necropol Lit
Rust Cleansing
My Name Is Silence
M for Malice

If after that you still don't like them then I guess they just aren't for you. I think they are brilliant personally. The best female fronted metal band.

The Greys said:
I was going to check out madder mortem but people here told me not to bother..... and I listened :lol:. I do disagree with a lot of people here but some people have really gotten me into some neat things.

Your loss.
Your loss.

Recomend and album and I will check them out to see if one person(you) are right if more people are right.
ender7227 said:
I completely agree. The harsh vocals were cool, but when I heard the cleans it just ruined the whole experience.

Exactly. The vocals have no range or power. Everytime the person sings it sounds like the same part in the same range and pitch, after awile it's just annoying to hear and uninteresting.

I like vocalists like robert lowe(solitude aeturnus),liv kristine or whatever that actually fucking sing. Use your voice as it's own instrument having your own parts to keep someone interested. I can deal with the shitty cleans in older opeth and that's it because I actually prefere the bands newer works and the singer actually has attempted to develope. Stagnation in music can be annoying.
The point of Haughm's vocals isn't to express a range of feelings, it is to express the one feeling, the point point, the one atmosphere.

Haughm's clean vocals are awesome, and quite honestly some of the purest most honest vocals I know in metal in general.
The Greys said:
Recomend and album and I will check them out to see if one person(you) are right if more people are right.

All Flesh is Grass
Desiderata (the new one)

Both are excellent choices to start with. Also I'm pretty sure I am not the only person who likes them here. I haven't even really seen any negativity towards them at all really.
I think Orphaned Land and The Firstborn are pretty creative for combining metal with Middle Eastern-type music. Kekal is really good avant garde metal; I can't think of any other band quite like them.
Ex-cally-boo said:
I'm going to say Stargazer have alot of potential to influence alot of bands, and to push creativeness in bands. They make use of fretless bass, something rarely seen outside of Prog. metal, and generally do the style that they do in a way that has never been done before. They are proof that a band can be creative, melodic, and brutal all in one go.
I believe the worship they get is well deserved, such a unique way to riff, and how they put all the different instruments together, while keeping and the album together
The Greys said:
You should have made it clear that you meant opeth not to be mentioned as arguements spawn regarding both camps of metalheads because of 'opeth'. You seemed to be attacking fans of the band in a thread before they even voiced any opinion. If so I would have not mentioned opeth because I like this forum section and respect some of you and even share similiar tastes.

also on Still Life

Blackwater Park is light years ahead of it.

This thread would have turned out better if you would have not mentioned opeth in that way letting people just post bands they find innovative which seems to be all over the place regardless if opeth or not. Opeth is not exactly the worst choice or less innovative than some bands being mentioned already.

You're taking this way too seriously. I put a fucking :loco: smiley with that sentence to ward off this kind of thing. It was said in jest, because we all know how Opeth discussions end around here. It wasn't a fucking attack at the fans or the band. You should know by this point of my adoration of Opeth, but I'm just sick and tired of this SAME FUCKING ARGUMENT (what I'm doing right fucking now) over and over and over and over and over, because we all know how it goes, and I didn't want this thread to become another victim of it.

Edit: you're also completely wrong about Agalloch.
Freanan said:
I have heard a single mp3 by them once. It sounded like normal black metal with a technical problem or mickey mouse on vocals.
Maybe the actual music was innovative, but the vocals pissed me off too much to give it much of a listen.

I saw Portal mentioned here. What style do they play?
A bit offtopic maybe but what kind of Band is Stargazer? I saw them in at least two signatures.

Portal play death metal that sounds like Beherit, but more chaotic.

Stargazer are death metal with some black influence. They sound a bit like Morbid Angel mixed with Atheist.

As for Urfaust... I can't think what you must've heard. They generally play very mid-slow paced, heavily folk-tinged black metal with heaps of classical and ambient sections, and they vary between drunken clean singing (like Isengard) and black screeches/howls (a bit like Burzum).
Portal are definitely innovative. Can't get into them myself though. Plus I agree mainly with the following as being bands are the forefront of innovation today:
- Primordial
- The Chasm (probably more so than any other band)
- Stargazer

- Alchemist: Totally unlike anything else you will hear and as their name suggest, they sound very alchemic - they have a thick heavy psychadellic sound and vocalist Adam Agius has an awesome range. The band uses a lot of samples and washy sound overlays in their music and tend to experiment with native tribal sounds. Definitely worth checking out.

Outside the context of this thread: What are Skepticism like? Heard a few people praising them of late ...
Funeral doom. At least, Stormcrowfleet is. The new stuff is quite... odd. I can't remember whether or not you enjoyed Monad of Creation, but it has similarities, but I'd say Skepticism is far more dirgy, with heavy keys that create absolutely desolate atmospheres. It's much more crushing than Mournful Congregation, at least.
I thought Monad of Creation was a strong release. But I don't think I listened to it enough to really get into it. It seemed like something you had to listen to upwards of 15 times before really getting a lot out of it - which I didn't / haven't yet had the patience for.
Amorphis 'eclipse' is making agalloch a joke. I just wanted to let you all know.
Darkstone said:
Children Of Bodom
All the kids love Alexi laiho, he's created a new style of music which alot of bands seem to be picking up on.

I don't like Alexi Laiho. he's a hack.