Most Original Album

I would say Ulver - Perdition City (2000), really.
And their Themes From WB... is awesome as well... now that's
original stuff to me.
And no matter what some metal fans might say about it, they kick ass!
All you youngsters need to step outside of the box and listen to some Atomsmasher. THE most original album of 2001. THE most extreme album of 2001. You will need an open mind to appreciate it. I always thought metalheads had a fairly open mind.
It's CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has James Plotkin and another famous guy (I don't have the album in front of me, and I'm too lazy to look it up on the computer). I think it might be too extreme for some. I like to listen to it only on special occasions. Like when I perform surgery on myself.
I got 4 songs here now, npearce.
Is this insanity: yes! But as a hardened Mr. Bungle/Fantomas etc. fan
it's not over the edge as far as I'm concerned. This is funny :D
I like the title "Pokemon Gangbang" ha ha
LOL!! :lol: :lol:

No offense to Sigh fans, but that was funny!

Oh, I bought the Sigh album myself... I listened to it 3-5 times.
Nothing since... guess I agree in that it kinda sucks.