Most Talented Anthraxian

Apr 3, 2005
Who do you think the most talented band member of Anthrax is(was) and why?

My pick is Charlie. My favorite drummer. And me being a drummer myself i've learned a couple things on the drums from him.
Dan, he's the watchmaker, do the math!!! :grin:

seriously, Charlie, plays more than just the drums and has been since a young age. Talented man. Having to be snuck into pubs and clubs when he was way under age to play some gigs is saying something.
Imo it's a tossup between Scott and Charlie. 'Cause I'm a guitar player I'm going with Scott! :grin: He's an amazing guitarist, a talented lyricist, and he's just written some awesome shit over the years! Plus he came up with Sgt. D! :grin: :rock:
Charlie...maybe one of the best drummers ever....He's up there with Peart and well Bill Bruford...other than that....Lars is good but not Dave Lombardo is awesome but I think Charlie is better.
I think it's all about Joey and Charlie, but Scott also has a very unique approach to riffing which cannot be copied easily, though he lost that touch on the recent albums which sounded far more generic....