most uncommercial albums


Somehow I don't think this was intended to be a "commercial" release.

edit: post 420! Woo!
Greedy Dead Souls by Lynch. So far I haven't found a single person who has heard of them, aside from the vendor I bought it from. However, it might be safe to assume that they are popular in Japan considering I got the album at an anime convention.
It's one old lady throughout. She often interups the song to take a long breath or explain something. There is always some guy talking and making exasperated noises in the background. I'ts more of a documentary than anything else.
T-Nokothbesak - "You're A Fucking Cunt" (Death metal played solely on Midi keyboards, totally unlistenable).

Khanate - "Things Viral" (Sorry, but you'd have to weird as fuck to actually want to listen to this)

Diamanda Galas - "Defixions: Will And Testament" (The combination of obscure dialect, depressing lyrics, and totally out there vocal delivery make this a record I can't see many people buying)

Any "free noise" record.