Motorhead + Girlschool


Goddess of Metal
May 23, 2005
Morning troopers, any of youse heading to the Carling Academy tomorrow night (7th Nov) to witness what will undoubtedly be one of the best gigs this year - yip I'm talking about the mighty Motorhead and Girlschool. I've never seen the 2 bands together and its been ages since I've seen Girlschool, so I am so totally hyped up for this concert. I really cant wait to see both bands coming on at the end to do a few songs together, that will rock BIGTIME.

Got my bottle of wine chillin in fridge already and heading into Glasgow to the Solid Rock for about 4.30pm. I need to be right doon the front for this one, right in front of the barrier right in the middle for the mindblowing Girlschool. If any of you are going, I'll be the lassie wearing the SAXON tshirt - even though I've got a Motorhead one - I'm wearing the Saxon one cos its superb.

Taking camera but I'm pretty sure no cameras are allowed but will try and sneak it in, might end up getting it taken off me cos I always seem to get a right good friskin by security there.

Oh nearly forgot to tell you all, I saw Robert Plant last Saturday at The Barrowlands - OMG he was sensational. Took a few pics, so will post them here. Unfortunately spent too long in pub beforehand and didn't get there until 10mins before he came on, so only managed to squeeze my way down into 5th row from front, so pics aren't brill, plus of course I was blootered, so a lot of the pics are blurred to hell, I will show you about 5 that are ok. Will tell you about it later on today, no time at the moment.
oh ya? take a pic of yourself i that saxon shirt? is it a girlie?? , just kiddin ya.

have a great time at Motorhead

WE ARE THE ROAD CREW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EarthSkynSea said:
oh ya? take a pic of yourself i that saxon shirt? is it a girlie?? , just kiddin ya.

have a great time at Motorhead

Thanks EarthskynSea - I'll have a superb time tomorrow night, I'll be getting totally wrecked of course but hopefully I'll still remember all about the concert. It's not a problem really, I always remember (apart from Iron Maiden that is). Anyway I'm a big Motorhead fan, but its really Girlschool that I'm dying to see, they rock hard and fast. I've not got any pics of me wearing the new Saxon tshirt, so I'll defnitely get some pics taken tomorrow night wearing it, and yes it is a girlie one, its AWESOME!!!

And this is what it looks like:-


And I'll be wearing the Saxon logo pendant. I put some pics on here a wee while back of me in my white Saxon tshirt and also Rush tshirt but I don't know what happened to them, they are gone now I think.
rockandrollsteve said:
How was the show? Did they play yeah right, Hit and run? Big crowd?

Absolutely awesome night. The concert was sold-out and I think The Carling Academy holds about 3,000, so it wasn't too packed tight at the front for Girlschool as they were on first but it was totally jammed when Motorhead came on. They didn't play Yeah Right or Hit and Run. My fav Girlschool song, Nothing to Lose - was a bit gutted cos they didn't play that one either.

We had planned leaving the pub about 6.30pm for doors opening at 7pm but before we knew it, it was 7.20pm and we were still sitting in the pub, so we made our way there ultra fast but everyone is still outside waiting to get in. Gets in fairly quick and got in just in time to get to the bar and next minute Girlschool hit the stage running. I tell you something, they still look and sound as amazing as they did when I first heard/saw them about 20 years ago - in fact I think they sounded even better last night. Didn't get right to the barrier - 4th row this time - the crowd seemed to like them alright but it was just the 2 of us going crazy at every song they played, singing along to every word, honestly I think we were the only ones there that knew any Girlschool songs!!! They were just sensational. Best song of the night from Girlschool was Race with the Devil and it was a major bummer they didn't play my favourite song Nothing to Lose but apart from that they were awesome. They only played for about 30 minutes though, no sooner were they on and then they seemed to be finishing up. They started with Screaming Blue Murder which was terrific and then Demolition Boys, Race With The Devil, Take It All The Way, Emergency, Please Don't Touch and I think they played Come On Lets Go. They must have played a few more but thats all I can remember just now. They were just totally fabulous and blew In Flames right off the stage. In fact the best thing would have been for In Flames not to have been on the bill at all, so that Girlschool could play for at least a full hour.

What can I say about In Flames - well not much actually cos I don't really remember watching them - cos after Girlschool finished I went for a drink and when I came back there were other folk standing near us and one guy said to me "Where do I know you from, Dio or Saxon" but I'd met him at Saxon in Edinburgh 2 weeks ago and he was beside me for the whole concert and chatting away and stuff, so as soon as In Flames came on, we just talked all the way through In Flames and didn't pay one bit of notice to the band at all. Whatever the last song In Flames played, that was quite good but the rest was dross but there was a reasonably sized moshpit going on just along from us, so obviously some folks liked them - but I didn't want to see them in the first place. They were on for about 45 minutes and then the mighty Motorhead come on. Wow they were mindblowing with the crowd totally whipped up into a frenzy. Thank god I was over on the left side and not in the middle cos it looked right mental there. Massive moshpit going, loads of folk just getting picked up and chucked right across the barrier - I saw that happen about 30 times!!!!

Motorhead played for about 2 hours but I don't know about them being the loudest band on the planet but I didn't think it was loud enough, either that or I must be doing deaf but they were tremendous. Can't really remember every song right now - it will come back to me eventually - but these are the ones I'm pretty sure they played but its all very blurry round the edges, I was totally blocked as usual. They played No Class (one of my favs), Over The Top, Sacrifice, Going to Brazil, Killers, Stay Clean, Bomber, Roadcrew. That's about all I can remember cos I was totally flying - came back with an encore of Whorehouse Blues, Ace of Spades and Overkill. Fav Motorhead song of the night definitely would have to pick Sacrifice - that was just amazing but I think the majority of folk preferred Ace of Spades - that was awesome as well - and the whole place erupted when that got played.

All in all yet another awesome night which could only have been bettered if Girlschool had played for a lot longer and they had either Saxon or Diamond Head in place of In Flames.

Took a few pics but I can't remember where I've put my camera. I definitely brought it home with me, but god knows where it is. As soon as I find it,I'll post some photos.
Did Lemmy join GS for any songs?
I remember them collaborating in the past.
(sorry if you mentioned it in your post)
Hi King,

I was really ultra looking forward to seeing Girlschool & Motorhead do a few songs together but I was completely gobsmacked when after Motorhead did one encore they left the stage and then the lights came on. Motorhead & Girlschool didn't play any songs together which was a total shocker cos I was 100% sure they would come on together and do the St. Valentines Day songs - Girlschool themselves did play Emergency and Please Dont Touch and Motorhead played Bomber, but they didn't do any songs together. I had been going around saying to folk for the past few days that it will be amazing when I see both bands play together but it didn't happen.

I always remember when I saw Girlschool years ago at The Apollo and Raven were supporting them - at the end of the concert both bands came on and they played about 4 or 5 songs together. It was sensational and that was the first time I'd seen that happen. Plus cos it was the last night of the tour, the roadies came on the stage as well and started throwing custard pies at Girlschool and Raven - it was crazy - and both Girlschool and Raven's faces were all covered in cream and custard lol. Now that is rock n roll!!!!!!
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Thanks EarthskynSea - I'll have a superb time tomorrow night, I'll be getting totally wrecked of course but hopefully I'll still remember all about the concert. It's not a problem really, I always remember (apart from Iron Maiden that is). Anyway I'm a big Motorhead fan, but its really Girlschool that I'm dying to see, they rock hard and fast. I've not got any pics of me wearing the new Saxon tshirt, so I'll defnitely get some pics taken tomorrow night wearing it, and yes it is a girlie one, its AWESOME!!!

And this is what it looks like:-


And I'll be wearing the Saxon logo pendant. I put some pics on here a wee while back of me in my white Saxon tshirt and also Rush tshirt but I don't know what happened to them, they are gone now I think.

Where's the photos of the Saxon shirt???
Hey that was a grret review of the show especially the flying part. Too bad they didn't play those other songs as I think that they are solid . Here is one of the shirts that I picked up for the doll.

I'm surprised Motorhead didn't do a couple of numbers with Girlschool, cos Lemmy joined Hawkwind (which he said he would never again do!) a few years back to play with them when they supported Motorhead at Wembley??
I know Fingers it was a total shocker when Motorhead & Girlschool didn't do any songs together. I just thought that was going to be a dead-cert seeing the 2 bands play at least 2 or 3 songs at the end. And especially when Girlschool only played for about half an hour,I really expected to hear a few more at the end of the night. After Motorhead did their first encore, I really thought they would come back on with Girlschool but the only thing that came on were the lights - I was stunned to say the least.

Did you go and see Motorhead in June with Girlschool and Saxon and did Girlschool and Motorhead do any songs together then?
liama said:
Where's the photos of the Saxon shirt???

Got a few photos taken of my new black Saxon tshirt but I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards, had to walk about 20 minutes in a howling gale, so there's no way I'm posting those ones but if you give me a big load of dosh, I might change my mind lol.

A couple of me in my white saxon tshirt a few months ago:-
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Got a few photos taken of my new black Saxon tshirt but I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards, had to walk about 20 minutes in a howling gale, so there's no way I'm posting those ones but if you give me a big load of dosh, I might change my mind lol.

A couple of me in my white saxon tshirt a few months ago:-

Look at you... all up the pub, getting your buzz on. What is that a Jack and coke??

Yeah, go on post the backwards hedge photos!
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Did you go and see Motorhead in June with Girlschool and Saxon and did Girlschool and Motorhead do any songs together then?

No Princess I didn't much as I love Saxon, I have basically gone off the Motorhead live show, having seen them numerous times on the last few tours (and years ago). Frankly and this won't win me any friends I now find them a little tired and cliched !

But hey each to their own, I still blast out the albums and Dvd's :D
liama said:
Look at you... all up the pub, getting your buzz on. What is that a Jack and coke??

Yeah, go on post the backwards hedge photos!

Yes Liam that's me getting all boozed up in the pub not on Jack & Coke but Morgans spiced rum and coke - which is absolutely yummy!!!!

About the backwards hedge photos, I'm not going to show you those until you show me yours!
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
Yes Liam that's me getting all boozed up in the pub not on Jack & Coke but Morgans spiced rum and coke - which is absolutely yummy!!!!

About the backwards hedge photos, I'm not going to show you those until you show me yours!


There you go. The photo is of the tat on my right arm. I will post a photo of the one on my left the next time I am drunk enough to think that taking photos of me is a good idea....Which it is not!
Hello Liam, I canny see your pic. When I click on it, it says log into myspace but when I do that, I still can't see it. As you are no doubt aware, Iam a little dense when it comes to all this high-tech computery stuff, so what do I do to see you.