Movie about Still Life?


New Metal Member
Dec 24, 2007
Belize City,Belize
Anybody else think making a movie based on the concept album 'Still Life' would be great?
And if so, who do you think would be great to act out the parts of the 'Banished Atheist' and 'Melinda'?
And as a lil bonus for Opeth fans have all the songs cropped and placed into the movie to fit whatever mood.
For Example: the killing of the soldiers, confronting Melinda, returning back to the town, being banished, etc.... :rolleyes:
hell id watch it, have band members as extras...............or main characters would be cool too, i think extras would be better, just so opeth fans will notice it :lol:
I think it's very nice story, could be flimed really. Without original "Still Life" music as I think. And of course without band members as a main role players - they are musicians ant not a actors. It would be shitty film if there would be no actors, just musicians. But some cameo appearancers would be nice.
Fuck Yes!

Actually I am a film student and I started writing a script based off it but I abandoned the project.
as already mentioned, plays based on SL and MAYH would be amazing, in my opinion.
music wouldn't be original opeth songs, but a string orchestra playing selected pieces and re-interpreting them...

...oh my...i came :erk:
I don't like that idea of making a movie with Still Life. That's way too big for a story that is so shortly explained in lyrics. However, a video clip would sound nice to me. I can imagine pictures of it when listening to that album. Anyway, that's just not going to happen except if some crazy fans have a big time to "lose" on that.
I think it would be cool to have the movie filmed in the style of the artwork off of the album and instead of an actually movie, have it be a silent film with the tracks playing along and taking us through the film. so a silent film with the Still Life album doing all the speaking, if that makes any sense.......if they found the right actors who could pull it off with just emotions and facial expressions
I think it would be cool to have the movie filmed in the style of the artwork off of the album and instead of an actually movie, have it be a silent film with the tracks playing along and taking us through the film. so a silent film with the Still Life album doing all the speaking, if that makes any sense.......if they found the right actors who could pull it off with just emotions and facial expressions

Said in another way : a video clip for every song of Still Life, I guess.