
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
watched Sin City... Still not sure whether I liked it or not, was very strange.

That movie ruled.

And I want to mention once more that "Audition" sucked. Actually, if it hadn't been so over-fucken-hyped, it might have been passable, but alas, it was, and thus it sucks.
I'd never even heard of audition before i watched it, just flowed on in when I got on a Miike binge, so I had no idea what to expect, and it ruled me. My favorite Miike film btw.
the only nip film that I think is ridiculously overrated is that teenage soap opera disguised as a horror flick ... Battle Royale.

The Scream flicks were better :loco:
markgugs said:
Seriously, someone tell me what was even remotely good about Audition?

i like how it switched gears half way thorugh ... and that leg scene ... yeah, the leg scene.
"The Changeling" - what a movie! Easily one of the best horror flicks ever made. That seance scene is butt-pokingly frightening.
The Changling rules.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask

he's made better movies, but the giant tit was great and Woody Allen is definitely in my Top Ten Favorite Jew list.
Plzdatemekthx said:
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask

he's made better movies, but the giant tit was great and Woody Allen is definitely in my Top Ten Favorite Jew list.

I remember back to when I was a not-so-strapping young lad, and spent the night at a friend's house. We stayed up late listening to Monty Python cassettes, and watching numerous episodes of MST3k on his newfangled "cable television" and after that was done with, then this movie was on. I just remember thinking... "GIANT BOOB ?!?!?!? hahahahaha" That movie haunted me for years until the internet was invented and I could look it up and find out what it was.
Lost Highway:

Hm. Not that I expected a straight forward moive, or even an understandable one, but it still struck me as very strange; strange but very good. And that Lynch atmosphere, when he manages to create that at times scary dream feeling, was there, and made the movie great.
spaffe said:
Lost Highway:

Hm. Not that I expected a straight forward moive, or even an understandable one, but it still struck me as very strange; strange but very good. And that Lynch atmosphere, when he manages to create that at times scary dream feeling, was there, and made the movie great.

Isn't the character that represents the saxophonist's jealousy ('the man'?) spooky? :erk: