
Shrek 1: There's no doubt i'm princess Fiona. I'm not quite sure as to which version of her, but i am her. :p
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is nowhere as good as Goblet of Fire. It's kind of engaging: eventhough it's very long, time passes easily. However, the atmospheres are just copied from the previous films in the series, especially Prisoner of Azkaban, which was not the best one to boot.

Maybe I'm tired of always seeing the same Hogwarts shots, and maybe I'm tired of being reminded that the courtyard of Hogwarts is actually in Christ Church College, Oxford... but really, I wasn't all that thrilled. Not that it is a bad movie, but after all the emotion of GoF I expected way better. Or maybe it's just that I need to see Potter movies with Rahvin to really enjoy them. :p

More details: the battles are really a bit too much Star Wars, especially Dumbledore vs Voldemort at the end. Also, the humor is overdone in points: Snape, for example, has turned into an entirely comic character, which is done on purpose, and while it was good when it was kind of one-offish in GoF, it is not all that credible when it's done routinely in this one. Snape is supposed to be a central tragic figure, not the one who provides comic relief. Ron, who is more cut out to do that, sometimes also does, and a couple of jokes are good, but really, nothing outstanding.

The breast enhancement photoshopping for Hermione was actually there only in the final scenes (I hear that it's been canceled from the movie posters because of feminist pressure groups in America). Luna's characterization, although hailed as perfect by reviewers, was alright but nothing special. Grawp actually has GW Bush's face, which is fucking stupid in my opinion. And Lucius Malfoy comes across all queer, but/since he's got the best leather top ever. :p
I am pleased and proud of the fact that I have never seen a Harry Potter movie or read a single sentence from a Harry Potter book. Go me.
Transformers - Crap, don't bother, even for nostalgia it's shit.
Die Hard 4.0 - Ok, decent action flick, of course they have no idea what you
actually can and can't do thru the internet. They killed the bad guy too fast, I
hate that actor, he should suffer as much as possible. No talent loser.
28 Weeks Later - Meh, it follows a good movie, so it's not that great.
Still, it's ok for a sequel, too bad it seems they have #3 in the works. Paris.
So your opinions on 28 Weeks later are not centered in the movie itself, but instead in the circumstances around it! Neat. I think you're trying too hard not to like things.
I remember watching a trailer for a scandinavian (i think it was finnish, but i might be wrong) film having to do with absolute cold and absolute silence (there were some people travelling to some horribly-cold place). I think it was called Shiver or something of the sort, but i can't find a single word about it on IMDB or elsewhere on the net. I remember that the only sound in the trailer, despite the fact that several things were going on, was the sound of air coming out of one's mouth when one is shivering one's ass off. I don't remember the year or the month, but i think it was about to come out when i watched the trailer (which was three or four months ago or so), or maybe it comes out in october or sometime next year. Does anybody have the slightest idea what i'm talking about?
Ah, well, it was a nordic country, sorry for the blasphemy.

Wikipedia said:
Scandinavia is a historical and geographical region centered on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe and includes the three kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The other Nordic countries, Finland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands, are also sometimes included because of their close historic and cultural relations to Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
Shows you how much Wikipedia knows, Finland has always been counted in
Scandinavia, anyone claiming otherwise is a moron. Period. End of fucking story.

So your opinions on 28 Weeks later are not centered in the movie itself, but instead in the circumstances around it! Neat. I think you're trying too hard not to like things.

Not really. It was not as good as 28 Days Later, not nearly as interesting,
it had it's good points, but of course you saw where it was going from the
start. I knew the plot twists about 30min before they happened, it was
that transparent. And as a rule sequels suck.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is nowhere as good as Goblet of Fire. It's kind of engaging: eventhough it's very long, time passes easily. However, the atmospheres are just copied from the previous films in the series, especially Prisoner of Azkaban, which was not the best one to boot.

Maybe I'm tired of always seeing the same Hogwarts shots, and maybe I'm tired of being reminded that the courtyard of Hogwarts is actually in Christ Church College, Oxford... but really, I wasn't all that thrilled. Not that it is a bad movie, but after all the emotion of GoF I expected way better. Or maybe it's just that I need to see Potter movies with Rahvin to really enjoy them. :p

More details: the battles are really a bit too much Star Wars, especially Dumbledore vs Voldemort at the end. Also, the humor is overdone in points: Snape, for example, has turned into an entirely comic character, which is done on purpose, and while it was good when it was kind of one-offish in GoF, it is not all that credible when it's done routinely in this one. Snape is supposed to be a central tragic figure, not the one who provides comic relief. Ron, who is more cut out to do that, sometimes also does, and a couple of jokes are good, but really, nothing outstanding.

The breast enhancement photoshopping for Hermione was actually there only in the final scenes (I hear that it's been canceled from the movie posters because of feminist pressure groups in America). Luna's characterization, although hailed as perfect by reviewers, was alright but nothing special. Grawp actually has GW Bush's face, which is fucking stupid in my opinion. And Lucius Malfoy comes across all queer, but/since he's got the best leather top ever. :p

I thought it was rather good for an HP movie. Of course it's nowhere as good as GoF, but then storywise GoF kicks the crap out of OoP, which is based on one of the most forgettable HP books, IMO.

I didn't see Snape as a comic character but on his first scene. Anyway, he won't become a truly central figure until the next movie.

I don't think the movie was anything special, but it pretty much achieved what it was set to achieve: a nice atmosphere and a well-structured story (you have to admit it was better done than the first three). It has nothing really original, but it does well for what it is, I think.

So far so good, but I hope they don't fuck up next one, which should be great.
I just booked online tickets for the OV of Harry Potter 5.
The website was crappy, there was no way to enter that i am a student and thus have a special discount on the price... and you have to pay 0,50 euro reservation fee for each ticket you order... Thats starnge, because normally when you book places for a concert/even before, it is a tiny little bit cheaper...

Personally i found that a whole part of the 6th book wasnt very good (all the love thing... it felt like it was only there to give more pages to the book).
It was the book i enjoyed the least. But the end was great. Sad but great.

I am currently waiting for Amazon to ship my pre-ordered copy of the last book. Bad news is that it will come when i am supposed to learn for the most important exam of this semester so i will have to wait before i can read...
Not really. It was not as good as 28 Days Later, not nearly as interesting,
it had it's good points, but of course you saw where it was going from the
start. I knew the plot twists about 30min before they happened, it was
that transparent. And as a rule sequels suck.
I dont generally agree with your negativity, but there I can agree 100%.
I loved the first one.. looks like they're pushing 2 sequels out, Matrix style :Smug:
The Blue Man Group In Raise Of The Silver Dildo - Horrible, not as bad as the
first one, but raping yet another IP is going well for Hollywood. Then again, the comic
was shit anyway, worst group EVA.

Happy Pothead And Some Bird In Flames - Yawn. Let's see someone die
already, that is the only way to improve this series. Hopefully they all die.
I watched Children of Men a while back. I found the atmosphere amazing, very intense, very credible.. the beginning was generally very well done. It had cool characters and stuff.. but once the story began unfolding, it was a huge let down. Why is the second resistance leader in league with the bandits and has his boss assassinated, instead of uniting both factions to be able to make a point?
There's a break in the movie from which point onwards, nothing makes sense anymore.. the pregnancy, the boat.. the secret society they're looking for.. the movie is sinking in such a torrent of bullshit it's incredible.
It's very sad really, because the potential was enormous
It's not supposed to make sense (although there's a symbolic meaning to it). But what really gets me is the revolutionary attitude and apocalyptic chaos, not to say that they really made the whole persecution and escape kinda credible. Sure, there's a couple deus ex machina here and there, a few clichés about, but who cares? It's entertaining as hell, with some high-quality cinematography.

But it left me craving for more. There were a lot of unexplained things left. I guess it would have served more as a pilot of a TV series.
Got to watch 300 last night. 20 minutes in got so bored, that decided to get back to it later.

Hot Fuzz and Reno 911 Miami are next.