
'Das Blaue Licht'
starring Leni Riefenstahl(also written, produced, directed) made in 1932
Read Leni's story a few books back never realized she acted in many movies.

The Blue Light story:
Junta(Leni) lives mostly apart from society and stays by herself (with a young shepherd boy) in the tranquility of the mountains surrounding the village. She plays in the hills and woodlands, more or less a free spirit. She is simple and innocent, but also seems something of a mystic. She loves to climb and clamber over the steep, difficult faces of local mountains.
On full moon nights, a crack in a prominent local mountain admits the moon's light and illuminates a grotto filled with beautiful crystals. This place of indescribable beauty, glowing with magical blue light, is a sacred space for Junta. The glowing blue light, shining from afar, to the village below, is also what has attracted the village's young men, none of whom were ever able to reach it before falling off the mountain's treacherous slope.
A man from the city, a painter, traveling through the village, falls in love with Junta. He follows her to the cabin she shares with the shepherd boy, and decides to stay for a while. The man speaks only German, and Junta only Italian, so their communication is fragmentary. All is pleasant and good, and very chaste, until the next full moon night, when the man sees Junta climbing up the mountain. He follows her, actually reaching the beautiful grotto, and finds Junta in a state of ecstasy among the crystals. Perceiving these thousands of crystals to be a source of immense wealth for Junta and the villagers, the man immediate runs down to inform the townsfolk, and tells them of the correct route to reach the grotto. Junta does not realize that he is doing this, until the next day, when she finds some of her crystals on the path to the village, as well as some dropped tools. Rushing up to the grotto, she finds it completely barren of crystals, raped by the greedy villagers. Meanwhile, the villagers and the painter are living it up and celebrating. Junta is totally devastated at this rape of the sacred grotto, and falls to her death.

'Alpine Movies' like 'das blaue licht' were a big boxoffice back in the 1920s and 30s
Every movie Leni was part of in any way are now on DVD
Ok, so finished most of my movies off. Watching A Scanner Darkly right now. Thought the book was rather good, so I'm actually pretty interested in this. So far it's pretty true to the book. It's quite a mind-trip, but they seriously couldn't have cast it better if they had tried, rather than putting up a sign saying 'free drugs' and casting whoever showed up.

Watched it today, amazing movie, but very depressing I find. Why did he leave his family anyway? I mean, he says something like he's bored, like nothing will ever change again... and then he throws it all away to become an undercover cop and a drug addict? Anyway, the drug atmosphere was very well caught, their moments were so funny and yet so annoying. I loved the bike scene.. "18 speeds? Duuuuude.. 3 plus 6 is 9.. he stole the nine other gears, maaaan!"
Very good movie, but very depressing as well
12 Monkeys
Fear And Loathing: In Las Vegas
Pirates Of The Caribbean (All)

I think those are my favorites...

Comedy wise you gotta love:

Austin Powers
Office Space
Tommy Boy
Blood: The Last Vampire

Really cool style and direction, and it's entertaining, but it's freakin' short: only 46 minutes. I wanted to see more of it, and the story could have had much more depth to it.

Yeah i loved it too :) :) . Luckily enough, we have the series, called Blood+ . The animation is not as good as the movie (because it's not a movie hehe :p :rolleyes: ), but it's till freaking amazing!

Saw Spider Man 3 last Saturday!

OMG I liked it so much!

Now we can see were all the $257 million went to, to the animation of Sandman and Venom! o_O Man is that fucking incredible or what?!? I mean, every little grain of sand of Sandman moved!!! :kickass:

And Stan appeared!!! :cry: My friend said something sad, yet true, and that was that this might be the last time we see Stan alive... . I mean, Stan is 85 years old!!! :cry: Hopefully we'll still have Stan around for a while :kickass: :cry: .

Oh, the one thing I disliked was Peter Parker's EMO haircut! Damn that was terrible, but as pretty Lady Mrs.Gigi said: "Well, he was bad at that time, so emo = bad ."

Totally true hehe :)
Really, who hasn't seen Spiderman? My boyfriend dragged me to watch it at 11:00pm on Sunday night, and it was still packed!

It was alright considering I'm not a fan of movies coming from comic books/superheroes, but I liked the previous ones better. I just found the part where Spiderman became "emo" to be a little too cheesy. And it seemed like all of their grudges (aside from the uncle's murder) to be too trivial for murder. Oy...there goes 13 bucks.

Anyway, as for movies to recommend, if you haven't yet seen any film by Woody Allen, you should! His most recent one (in which he also acts) is Scoop.
Do not, ever and I mean NEVER, watch Spiderman 3, it's the biggest load
of horse manure this dude has ever swallowed and this dude has swallowed
a lot.

Instead waste your time/money on something worthwhile and get/rent/steal
The Devil's Rejects or even A Scanner Darkly.
Clearly another sign of your horrible taste in everything.

The movie was boring as hell, has nothing to do with my tastes - I like a good slasher. That one was just stupid... and now Zombie directs Halloween remake... I'll skip that, I think.
I am not planning on going to a movie theater to watch Spiderman 3, since I have only heard bad stuff about it.

Though I might buy it for less than $1 at a pirate stand near me.
I most likely wouldn't have watched any of the Spiderman movies if I wasn't so influenced by my peers.

Anyway...the easiest way is just to download it! It's probably floating around on the internet already.
Pan's Labyrinth

Beatifully shot tale, so fucked up and boring, that only on-screen violence makes up to it.

First in a long while - really strong well-drawn characters.
I watched The Ring last night. It wasn't nearly as scary as i expected (actually not scary at all ), but it started slightly disturbing me after a few hours.
I don't get why people get scared with "28 days later" Sure it's a nice movie but it is far from being scary, more like sci-fi/drama/supense I'd say.
Pan's Labyrinth

Beatifully shot tale, so fucked up and boring, that only on-screen violence makes up to it.

First in a long while - really strong well-drawn characters.

Amazing movie, it's even better when you understand the original voices in Spanish :kickass: :) .

Spider Man 3 wasn't that bad :rolleyes: , although the 2nd one is the best IMO :kickass: .

And I saw Fantastic 4 today, quite good actually, a lot better than what I expected and a hell lot better than the 1st one.

I guess it was because of good ol' Norrin Radd, aka Silver Surfer :headbang: .

Oh and Galactus appears!!!!! :headbang:

I think I had an erection when I saw his shadow over Saturn :p .
Ok, let's see now.

Reno911!: Miami
As with the show, hilarious stuff, guest appearances all around, The Rock
being by far the most hilarious, doing a real nice Anti-himself skit.
Fun movie, not sure if I'd pay to see it again, but one time viewing was good.

Hot Fuzz
Boy was this ever a disappointment, Shaun Of The Dead being one of my big
favorite comedies I was expecting something really funny, unfortunately I
didn't get it. It seemed to work like a slasher spoof, except without the fun.
If you like Shaun Of The Dead and think this might be good, spare yourself.