
I watched Pi as well and I found it very boring. I mean, what's the point? He has headaches, he searches for a pattern in Pi, he's paranoid... A Beautiful Mind was a lot more hollywoodish but at least it led somewhere. Pi has about much sense as my last hangover
Pi was ace. Its looks and sounds awesome, this alone should be enough to please most... on top of that it has a truly original script and all the actors pull out spot on performances. The story is difficult to follow, but not impossible. The conclusion was mind blowing. Very cringe worthy.
@The pi nonbelievers.
When he was younger he looked at the sun and went blind, got headaches, and became immense at maths (perhaps due to god getting in to his brain and messing with some switches). He's trying to figure out a system to predict the stock market. As he's doing this some stock broker corporate meanies are trying to use him so they can get cash, they are really mean. Their modernity and city living style is contrasted with the religious jews which want to use him to crack the code in the tora and find out all about god etc. the 216 digit numbers significance grows evermore. Overall its trying to show math isn't purely science, and that its so deep it becomes spiritual and can manifest itself in dillusions and such other difficult to explain stuff, like the comp crashing when he finally figures out the code. Spoiler... In the end he drills his brain and seals up the number forever so people can't exploit his gift, which was also in some ways his whip for self flagelation. He was a man who came close to a) proving the existence of god with maths, b) creating something which in the modern world would be know as a miracle.

Its all done with great perspective, realy subjective film making. thats what aronofsky is good at.
Hrm.. but still, I feel that pretty much everything that happens is caused by schizophrenia and paranoia, which makes it pretty pointless.
If you want to see something really amazing about maths, read Simon Singh's "Fermat's last theorem". Fermat once said that the pair of 25 and 27 is the only pair of 2^x and 3^x that "sandwich" a number, he said he had proof but it was never found. The book is about all the mathematics who tried to find that proof over the centuries.
Well, maybe I approach Pi in a totally wrong way.. nevermind then :p
I'm definitely heading out to see Sin City this weekend. I'm totally unfamiliar with the comics, but from what I've heard, the movie is the single comic movie to have directly mirrored the comic in every way, including background, layout, and for the most part, dialogue. Of course, I guess it kinda helped to have the author right there the whole time. All in all though, I'm psyched to see it, and I've heard nothing but good about it.

I like Pi, Requiem more though. It was like a better-done Pi, with a better-done point. Not to say that I didn't understand what Pi was trying to put across and express, but I just didn't feel it was done very well.

today I saw The wonderful horrible life of Leni Riefenstahl, a documental on Hitler's documentarist... I'd seen parts of her Triumph des Willens, really wonderful artistic piece of propaganda...
at the risk of sounding like profanity, very interesting
I saw part of Triumph of the will the other day too. It makes hitler out to be god, and it's funny. Made before hitler showed his monsterous side, it was truely sureal seeing lines of kids hailing him.

Watched Being John Malkovich for the second time today. the DVD has some grand extras.
Saw A clock work orange for the first time today and I really enjoyed it. I was in the mood for a bit of the old "Ultra-violence". The fight scene at the beginning is absolutely immense. Like 10 ultimate stunts in about 30 seconds, my jaw hit the floor! Story is just twisted. Nice and political. Made me re-evaluate myself again. :rolleyes:
@hitori: i have to see that asap. i read a shitload of stuff on the subject but never actually saw the movie.

just watched brazil, that several people at work trumpeted up to me as something absolutely worthy, and i got bored. i suppose that when the film came out (1985) it was all exciting and new, plus probably also political (jabs at the soviet bureaucracy?), but i'm fed up with excess-technology-cum-grey-all-seeing-government-will-kill-you stories. in the past 12 months, i've already endured the manchurian candidate and i really don't want anything to do with the genre in the next year now.
@ hyena: which version of Brazil did You watch? There are 3 different ones.
142 minutes(Terry Gilliam's version), 131 minutes(happy ending which Gilliam refused to authorize) and a 94 minutes version(Gilliam also refused this version)
The Manchurian Candidate the remake sucked, the original from 1962 is great -

@ Hitori: Do You know that the Rammstein video for Stripped is all Leni Riefenstahl filmwork?
hyena said:
i've already endured the manchurian candidate and i really don't want anything to do with the genre in the next year now.

i've endured the manchurian candidate too, unfortunately. the sheer level of paranoid silliness of the plot is so overboard that i could laugh, if the film wasn't a boring, 2-hour-long vehicle full of idiotic one-liners and paper-thin characters. i also hate this movie for dragging in the mud two usually above-average actors, through grating, awkward performances which i could call overacting if i decided to underact.
Misanthrope said:
Im out of ideas for movies. If anyone can recommend surrealistic/expressionistic inspired stuff that is not Lynch, Buñuel, Bergman, Gilliam, Fellini or Cronenberg please do.

okay here we are:
being john malkovich
city of lost children
dead man
donnie darko
seul contre tous(dont know the english title just the french original)
punch drunk love
requiem for a dream

check it out