just watched der untergang, which is a movie about hitler's last days. i have mixed feelings. i had to match the film with a precise and visual idea i had about the story, drawn from Henri Ludwigg's book on the same subject (a book I now discover has been censored everywhere bar Italy and France, which sounds totally stupid since it's not even apologetic). it didn't match where i wanted, did almost everywhere else. probably the average viewer would find the movie long and boring - for me it was getting reacquainted with characters and a story i'd first got to know in my grandparents' basement, aged 13 and browsing through a shelf filled with old books. coincidentally, i re-read some parts of the book recently, when i got around to bringing it in my new home.
pf, i'm getting sentimental over a film about, of all things, hitler (no, i'm not a nazi). anyway: if you're into third reich history, you'll be hooked from minute one to the end. if you aren't, the movie won't change your attitude. it's a very specific taste.