
COMEDIES.From Pee-Wee's big adventures to 'South Park' and Jay and Silent Bob'.Only comedies can make me smile,otherwise I look dirty or sad.I know by catching my reflection on mirrors.Ilive in a cul-de-sac and when I watch comedies it echoes with my maniacal close to psychotic laughter.There is one classic I'll never forget though-Wuthering Heights-with Timothy Dalton and Anna Calder-Marshall.
Ive seen Invasion of Barbarians (its a canadian movie in french, so im not sure about my translation of the original title) yesterday. A great film, deserved the oscar. It even made me cry, which was quite relieving. See it, if you get a chance.
I just saw batman begins also.

I wasnt enthusiastic going in, and I wasnt enthusiastic coming out... no not that kind of coming out.

It wasn't as good as everyone is saying by anystretch of the imagination. too many really hollywood elements ruined it. Love interest and such... just didnt work. action was all "assault the senses" style, so little choreography and alot of whipping camera movements and visceral sound effects. Gah.. It was ok.
I just watched The Hitchhiker's Guide and I loved it ^^
It's americanized effectwise, but in a very good way. The humour is brilliant, it's an absolutely great conversion. I loved the books and I seriously doubted they'd make it a decent film, but they did :) Definitely one of the highlights this year
Just saw the trailer for the new King Kong movie,
must say I'll be checking it out when hits the theaters.
Naomi Watts looks as good as ever and with Peter Jackson directing
it will be a feast for the eyes -
Anyone here seen Jackson's movie Heavenly Creatures?
Great movie, check it out

@ KC aka Patrick Bateman, I thought I was the American Psycho on this forum :)
Last Movie watched: Fando y Lis. The first film ever by Alejandro Jodorowsky which is an incredibly exercise in his "poetic acts" approach to theater which is more or less like "happenings" if you want. The film is losely based ( and i mean: it the script is about 1 page long ) on a play by Fernando Arrabal and Jodorowsky takes his first step into his no holds barrel approach to cinema giving it a definitive surrealistic admosphere. This is also the first time ( on film ) that Jodorowsky explores some of his favorite themes like spiritual journey represented by a physical journey to achieve greater wisdom and peace. Other trademarks like the use of disabled persons, cross-dressers among others are also present but the beauty of this film, never as powerfull on his later works, is the relationship between the main characters which takes an indepth look into how intimacy and companionship can work in a couple, and how things can deteriorate beyond repair.

Definitively not as controversial as the events surrounding the film ( where the Acapulco film festival premiere erupted into a revolt and Jodorowsky had to get into the trunk of a car to avoid being stoned to death ) and definitively not for everyone but for someone looking for a truly unconventional film ( even for today's standarts let alone its original relase date ) with a "happening" feel to it in its randomness that still remains at hearth a beautifull story with tremendous insight into human relationships this is a film you should check out.
Last night i watched "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". It was good, though not as good as i expected. It was quite funny.

I also saw Sin City's trailer, it was far superior than what i'd had imagined.
marduk1507 said:
Ive seen Hitchhikers Guide today - terrific! Must see it again! :hotjump:

cool I watched it today too, a friend of mine had it on hardspace.
well some cool ideas from the book...but not so great as I expected.but even better than the last starwars, which was really dissapointing in too much things
War of the Worlds
Sin City (again, localization SUCKS, waiting for DVD)
Hitch (started watching from the middle, watched for around 25 minutes and left - so boooring... or was that because of the fullscreen?? =) (normally I buy/rent only widescreen versions))
Pirates of the Caribbean (!!!, x12 ??)
War of Worlds must be the worst film ever.. I mean, a press lockdown until the release? WTF?? How bad can a film be??
Just watched Sin City, pretty good film, thouhg Im not too much a fan of movies based on comics/graphic novels (wherever the differences may be..)
Taliesin said:
War of Worlds must be the worst film ever.. I mean, a press lockdown until the release? WTF?? How bad can a film be??

How does lockdown connect with "Spielberg"?

Great drama, Cruise's acting is great (crying Tom... oh boy!), special effects are !!! ... plus - not that many scientific mistakes :err:

Plus - the movie's got it's $100 mlns already.
I heard that every journalist who got to see the preview had to sign a paper, stating that the review wouldnt be published until after the release of the movie
Two of my friends saw it, one liked it, but I dare see he likes anything with enough action, the other hated it. Most of the reviews I heard of said it was among the worst films this year, espcecially with a budget like that
World of Wars is all that Signs was supposed to be and wasn't
it even has aliens in it!

recent weeks I've watched
-Grave of the Firelights (nice, touching)
-City of Lost Children (loved it, burtonesque, great characters and a couple of wonderful scenes)
-What Women Want (it was on tv, heh)