
Signs is another film of the category "The world could have done without the following:"
Im currently looking for a film called "No Regrets", a german film that was on tv like a week ago, I missed most of it but it looked really good. Won some prices too back when it came out. I hope I dont end up being terribly disappointed
marduk1507 said:
Did get that about Signs, were you joking?

no, I meant that signs was marketed as an alien invasion movie, and yet the ppl spend most of their time locked in their basements and barely even see aliens: when they do, they get rid of them in a ridiculously fast way

world of wars is an intense action film, good for its hollywood genre but i couldn't stop thinking about tom cruise and scientology all through it heh
(and that scene in the basement with the mirror- is it just me, or did spielberg rip himself off with jurassic park and the kitchen scene?)

just watched Takeshi Kitano's Dolls and the more i think about it the more in love i am with that movie. must be one of the best love movies i've ever seen. very, very highly recommended if anyone here hasn't seen it.
Ok, random review that no one can disagree with, hehe. (Mainly cause it's not out yet :p)

So, I went to go see a (free) advance screening of Red Eye, the new Wes Craven film. Now, I'm nearly positive I've not seen any of his stuff before, only heard about it, so I didn't know what to expect from that standpoint. The only information I had prior to seeing the movie was the trailer I caught before Ring 2. And it looked stupid - stupid beyond belief. It seemed way too cheesy to be a plausible horror movie, and when I was told more about the plot, parts just seemed way to contrived.

Boy was I wrong. First off, Cillian Murphy is now my favorite villain actor, what with this and Scarecrow. Secondly, nothing is more frightening than a situation that hits a little close to home, and is also entirely plausible. Seriously, couple the events of 9/11 with the realization that you actually know shit about the other people on a plane with you and that you're essentially trapped for the duration of a flight, and you start freaking out while watching this.

Honestly, it wasn't all that 'terrifying', but it was definitely a good thriller, and possibly the only good 'interactive' movie I've ever seen. (Interactive meaning that the crowd is shouting along with the movie from being drawn into it so completely.) I'd say more overall, but honestly, I don't want to give away too much. Just... go see it. It's very, very good.

some days ago (since the dvd cost 5euros :p) I bought Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai ... i've always been a bit curious about this movie... I didn't know if I would have liked it, but at the end that wasn't bad at all...
"Get Rich or Die Trying" starring 50 Cent in an autobiographical tale. I went into this movie thinking it was going to be like the Eminem movie '8 Mile' but this is not a music film but a 'G' one. I recommend this movie and was really surprised at the quality of 50's acting, but maybe when you're play yourself its not much of a stretch? Great film !!!
Gangster most likely.. I dont know what the deal is with LaRocque but apparently he is into rap as much as he's into DT, so.. just dont take him seriously in any way and you'll be just fine
^ I don't know what's the deal with Tali, he lurks at my every post? He tries is put a negative spin on me and everything I write, it must be love? Only thing he is good at is making his brother cry -
I *LOVE* Tali
btw, you know nothing about me, mofo

NP: Dr Dre - nuthin' but a "g" thang