
La Rocque said:
Hey, Tali - I'll hold you to your promise "I rest my case, again" which I take as you will leave me alone, Thank You

maybe he meant he was, once more, tired of carrying luggage. :p

@undo control: yes, i believe that's what "g" stood for.

also, what's wrong with liking rap as much as dt? since the answer is obviously "nothing", i believe taliesin was pulling our collective chains (and leather. and rivets.)
Kovenant84 said:
You, of course, assume that there is "obviously nothing" wrong with liking anything as much as DT. I refer you to Villain's sig.

clearly, once you like dark tranquillity, you can also like anything else without people needing any further proof of your good taste in music.

*on thin ice with a pogo stick*
UndoControl said:
I like DT! I like DT! Am i saved from Hell? =P

I've had a lot of people recommend "What the *bleep* do you know" (or whatever the title of that is) to me. I'm assuming it's a very good movie. Has any of you watched it? What's it about?

I've heard mixed reviews on it, some saying that it's great, others saying that it completely bastardizes even the basic principles of quantum theory. Honestly, I haven't seen it myself yet, so this is just hearsay.

Latest movies I've seen:

the Amityville (sp?) Horror
I was really looking forward to this one, I've nver seen the original though. It was kind of disappointing

Bridget Jones 2
it was great. but i guess only if you're a girl with her friends at chick-flick night, while you eat cookies and junk food and complain about life

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
I loved it. It's my favourite one so far. Voldemort was great, the cemetery scene was great. Felt too rushed at times, some characters were over-acted and did/said things out of character, but my main problem was what they did to Barty Crouch Jr.'s character. Still, it was great.

I don't know if this counts but i also saw the entire DVD collection of Wonderfalls and I loved it. Will watch The Machinist tomorrow.
1. Conan The Barbarian
2. Dark City
3. Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
4. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
5. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring
6. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
7. Freddy Got Fingered
8. Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
9. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
10. Natural Born Killers


N.P. - Amon Amarth - The Pursuit of Vikings
In the same fashion that Lars von Trier has never directly experienced the USA but comments on it solely based on media impressions, I will now review Manderlay without seeing it, I will base my review on media impressions of the movie: Manderlay is a HUGE waste of time. One of the worst movies ever. I've heard of first time film school filmmakers making awful but better movies then this. Anyway, if your choices are between suicide or watching this movie, then I would find it very difficult to recommend you an option. Movies like these are for simple thinkers who cannot grasp the complexity of life and deal with it effectively but are content with focusing on illness and death and raising those aspects up as the most important, enjoyable and valuable aspects of living. Staring at any street corner in America for two to three hours would be time better spent. Manderlay is useless. The worst 3 hour block of American mainstream/free television is better than Manderlay.
@rahve: unfortunately, he did. as much as i love his movies, he is actually proud that he conceived his american trilody without ever visiting America, and he says he is not going to set foot on American soil evah. that's one of the reasons why i prefer to interpret his films existentially rather than politically - he depicts archetypes that can be related with the idea of being human rather than the idea of being American, and he does no wrong with those. when he veers a bit more on the political side i find him slightly devoid of credentials, but that's not only out of the notion that he doesn't know bu about the US of A. i loved manderlay (and everyone knows that in my opinion dogville is one of the bestest things in the world), but the closing sequence - not the finale, the closing proper - struck me as odd, in the sense that a dane should not think he's spike lee.
hyena said:
@rahve: unfortunately, he did. as much as i love his movies, he is actually proud that he conceived his american trilody without ever visiting America

actually, i meant he did not comment on america, exactly because i agree with your existentialist interpretation. in fact, many americans do too. and he did say that - since he had no intention of setting foot and blah blah - his movies were certainly not to be related to anything specific pertaining to the united states instead of, say, the whole universe. i haven't seen manderlay yet, but i'll give it the benefit of doubt until then.
Greeting from the La Rocque Lounge
It's cold and snowing like a madman here.
But I'm inside, have a fire burning in the fireplace and a friend is on her way (with a pizza) to the lounge to watch a movie. Probably be viewing 'Reindeer Games' a Christmas movie with weapons. I'm not really a Ben Affleck fan but the supporting cast is outstanding with Charlize
Theron in several nude scenes, Gary Sinise and one of my all time favorites Clarence Williams lll. I recommend this movie for Your holiday viewing.
Maybe I'll be given an early holiday gift and we'll get snowed in.
watched monty python's 'meaning of life' and wasn't that impressed. honestly i'm not sure i understand what the fuss is all about - ok, it's got a couple of fine moments which made me smile, but it's none of the laughing-out-loud terrible witticism most people seem to make it out to be. i also don't like the cheap social satire, for bu's sake i could do better at that and that's saying something. blah blah war is bad blah the ruling class is corrupt blah hospitals are traps blah blah blah schools are old-fashioned blah catholics have too much sex blah blah protestants don't have enough... blah.