
Wanderingblade: I forgot to mention "Apocalypse now", which is my other favorite war movie. Decent theme, and such striking scenes (like that classic scene with Beethoven and a chopper burning down 'Nam jungles with napalm).

About horror movies: Well, i usually dislike horror flicks with a passion. However, as i mentioned before, i watched part of "Cut" the other day. The main character grew on me, so it was kind of sad when she died, but her death was awesome (she had a small struggle with the bad guy in a small warehouse or something and then got her neck sliced with an electric wood-cutting blade or something). Very predictable movie, but a) it was australian (or at least the action took place in Australia), b) i liked the main character a lot, c) she was bisexual / a lesbian, which is cool, since not many non-porn movies have female homosexual characters, and d) there were some really good scenes.
actually it never crossed my mind, but now that you mention it, there's something gross about the whole thing... I can just picture the same gallon of wax being recycled, with little hairs and dirt stuck on it
What's up with the whole craze on comic-based movies? War-related thing or something?

Anyway, Batman Begins and Sin City kicked ass. I'm looking forward for V for Vendetta. I don't like Alan Moore comics that much, but lets see how this one comes up.

Oh, and A History of Violence was quite a fucking deception. Damn Cronenberg, made me lose my faith on him.
Recently watched these:

Ark (2005) 7/10
A CGI movie with decent quality, the story wasn't as good. I don't know why I'm giving it as much as 7...

Memento (2000) 10/10
Loved the story, and how it was told. Have to watch it again sometime to fully understand it.

Flightplan (2005) 8/10
Kind of boring but I can't really find any serious flaws... It was ok.

Lord of War (2005) 9/10
I really liked the questions this movie brings up. It's almost intruding. One of the best movies this year.

Requiem for a Dream (2000) 8/10
I didn't really get the point of the movie. It was well made and all but something was missing.

Serenity (2005) 8/10
Having watched Firefly I was disappointed in this. Too random, can't imagine what a piece of shit it would be if one didn't watch Firefly first. Still, 8 or 7 is quite much for a disappointment and I decided to go with 8.

Night Fangs (2005) 2/10
Two good scenes, that's it. Dung.

The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 10/10
It was my intention for a long time to watch this and I finally did. One of the greatest movies I've ever seen.
Just watched Naked Lunch and all I can say is damn! Cronenberg makes such great movies! Though I'll have to do some research if I want to fully understand that one...
Last week or so I saw Kontroll by Nimród Antal, a Hungarian director. A great film set in Budapest metro, great music, cast, story. The end was a bit cheesy, but otherwise thumbs up! :cool:
Last night I had the pleasure to enjoy two of the greatest movies I've ever seen. First was Natural Born Killers and damn, how could I have waited for so long before seeing that masterpiece? Second was The Boondock Saints with Willem Dafoe and once again, extremely good. I'd gladly write a deep review of both but, I'm too lazy...
fight club is my favourite movie.its a masterpiece.but seven,requiem for a dream,pi,thin red line,clockwork orange,memento,spartacus,shawsank redemption,american history x are a piece from my favourites list which includes hundreds....