
Sin City opened here today. I saw it. It's brilliant. The ultra violence is strangely acceptible. There were a couple of moments toward the end when I was pushed to my limits. I hate the yellow bastard. The dialogue is just phenominal, and it actually looked better than I expected. Fantastic is all I can really say. I'd give it 7 out of 10.
I saw I <3 Huckabees and Garden state recently. I <3 Huckabees is the type of thing I expected to really enjoy, I thought it might educate me a bit with it's plot circulating around existentialism... but really I think they were just taking the piss. It didn't say anything really about life, just poked fun at some interesting ideas and made them look stupid. I liked the fact that it was weird and unpredictable.

Garden State was... erm... really good and really bad at the same time. I love Natalie Portman but I fucking hate Zack Braff. I mean, if I had the sway Zack Braff had, I too would write and direct a movie which puts me in a total spot for sympathy, puts me in the center of every shot, and has countless flirty scenes leading up to some eventual smooching with Nats... or maybe I'm not narcistic enough. I don't know how he has the balls to kiss his own ass in such a way. Still I can't deny it was well done, and I actually quite liked Zach Braff's character in it. I thought the film had a great movement about it, and was very heart warming. It's the first chick flick I've appreciated in a while, for some reason (maybe its my Nat Portman fetish) it didn't get me down seeing people happy together.
the Machinist - w/ Christian Bale, great movie exercise in psychological horror
Bale lost 1/3 of his body weight for this film and he has the look of a refugee from a concentration camp, weird stuff - highly recommended
"How do You wake up from a nightmare if You're not asleep?"
King Chaos said:
Garden State was... erm... really good and really bad at the same time. I love Natalie Portman but I fucking hate Zack Braff. I mean, if I had the sway Zack Braff had, I too would write and direct a movie which puts me in a total spot for sympathy, puts me in the center of every shot, and has countless flirty scenes leading up to some eventual smooching with Nats... or maybe I'm not narcistic enough. I don't know how he has the balls to kiss his own ass in such a way. Still I can't deny it was well done, and I actually quite liked Zach Braff's character in it. I thought the film had a great movement about it, and was very heart warming. It's the first chick flick I've appreciated in a while, for some reason (maybe its my Nat Portman fetish) it didn't get me down seeing people happy together.
Zach Braff is god. Stop having such wrong opinions. :D
hahaha. You like Scrubs I take it? Yeah, none of that crap is too bad, he just sucks his own dick too much. If you write, you shouldnt write parts for yourself, then again, I don't think anyone else could have pulled off Garden State the way he did. That was nicely done.

@Taliesin: Have you seen/Did you like Lost In Translation? Similar sort of feeling I got from these two movies. Like a longing...
Im with Rusty all the way :D

Yeah I liked Lost in Translation, too. It's a really good movie, but not nearly as touching and heart warming as Garden State imo.
I didnt perceive it as this one man show so much, I mean he plays a main role in scrubs as well, where's the difference between two main roles? And if you have a good idea for a movie, why not give it a try? Dunno, I never looked at it the way you do. I just thought he may have arranged the whole thing so that he could kiss Natalie Portman.. but then again I so dont blame him for it :D
Everyone should watch White Chicks. It's the funniest movie i've seen in a while. I've watched a lot of movies lately, but i can't remember them. The Forgotten was ok, a bit weird. Cellular was annoying and boring at first, but the end when something actually happened was ok.
I thought white chicks looked totally crap... but I wont judge it till I see it. Funniest film I saw recently was anchorman :lol: (I watched it last night, for like the 8th time).

I thought The Forgotten was ace, then again I had no idea it had scifi elements... I thought it was some artsy farsty emotional humanistic drama thing. you can imagine my shock when that random dude got sucked off the plannet :p
Haha :p The random dude getting sucked off the planet thing scared the crap out of me, my boyfriend and his mom. It happened so suddenly, and we all basically jumped up and were like "whoa, fucking hell!" :lol:

I was a bit suspicious about White Chicks. I wasn't expecting it to be good at all, but it turned out to be pretty funny.
Taliesin said:
Garden State is one of the best films Ive ever seen, I absolutely loved it

here in my fucking boring town with 100.000 people they dont show it so I was forced to "borrow " it from the wwwunderfee
but really cool movie. I like these slacker films with the people drifting through life without sense-reminds me of myself...
I love the party scene where hes just sitting there and looking around and the world speeds around him. and this knight who fucks the mother of his friend...just cool
The scene at the doctor's the next morning with the CAT scan and all.. that's just class :D
It's been a while since I last saw such funny drawings on a person ;)
i just watched ken loach's sweet sixteen. good. although it's not mind-blowing, it's an original take on the old subjects of social exclusion, the fight to leave it behind, and coming of age in hostile environment. i'd recommend it.
(im sorry rusty and thanks for the copy, BUT)

garden state sucks. its like, yeah lets see how many mental disorders we can put on our characters, that'll make them cooler and deeper and like, shit, we can have lots of close ups for zacks face lookign all empty and thatll be like some sort of analogy to the world and like


please gimme a break

terribly cheesy (that whole "look into the abyss- oh i will" and then shouting in the rain was cheesier than power metal at its best)

i mean it had some good points:
i loved when he is a waiter and he gets that bitch asking for bread), natalie portman shines in it (or maybe its because i'd seen star wars 3 before this) and there are some very pretty artsy shots

but other than that... meh
I saw "Hostage" and it was quite ok. I'm glad it didn't turn out to be just another hollywood style action bullshit like most new movies these days. I like how the plot develops starting from just a small incident that grows big later on.

I also saw "Constantine". The special effects might be the best I have ever seen in any film. Too bad the movie isn't good. Keanu Reeves sucks and the plot has nothing special in it. Overall it's a (very) bad movie with darn awesome special effects. Now that's an unpleasant combination...
ok its nothing real extraordinary this garden state but a real nice slacker movie...better than stupid boring hollywood crap like kingdom of heavens(damn ridely scott did some real great movies...but now he sucks)

just watched HULK. well better than I expected, for a comicbased movie really good.well the green hulk looks really shitty but I must say I liked the movie more than constantine(who was really disappointing).one of the better comicmovies.hulk not constantine. but the best comicbased movie is and will be sin city forever:D
Hitori said:
(im sorry rusty and thanks for the copy, BUT)

garden state sucks. its like, yeah lets see how many mental disorders we can put on our characters, that'll make them cooler and deeper and like, shit, we can have lots of close ups for zacks face lookign all empty and thatll be like some sort of analogy to the world and like


please gimme a break

terribly cheesy (that whole "look into the abyss- oh i will" and then shouting in the rain was cheesier than power metal at its best)

i mean it had some good points:
i loved when he is a waiter and he gets that bitch asking for bread), natalie portman shines in it (or maybe its because i'd seen star wars 3 before this) and there are some very pretty artsy shots

but other than that... meh
You're a great person and all, but stop being so very wrong.
I watched Troy last night. It was quite ok, despite the historical inaccuracies which were kind of.. all over the place. But they worked good for the movie, and anyway it's said in the titles that the movie was inspired by the Iliad.

Ector was the most likeable character. Orlando Bloom was the perfect Paris, he was such an ass that you just wanted to see him drop dead in the next scene. Helen was really disappointing, i'd have expected someone much more beautiful for this role, this woman was cold and with no personality. Briseis was enchanting, such a sweet creature she seemed to be. Odysseas was uhm.. i'd have expected someone more impressive for this role. Agamemnon was just repulsive, so i guess the selection for the role was good, according to what the director wanted to convey. And last but most important, Brad Pitt: his head looked too girly for the role, in some scenes his acting sucked, but in some others he was.. TEH man. :D

Another thing that impressed me about this movie (since you must have figured that the other one was Pitt - and no, i don't normally like him), was the way the whole gayness issue was avoided. Despite of the pretty obvious way to turn this movie into a gay feast, like Alexander, they invented a very comfortable lie to justify the Achilles-Patroclos' relationship. I was surprised to not find a single gayity hint, and instead to see the testosterone flood my screne.

So, all in all, i liked the movie. :D

edit: oh, and it would have been so much better without the cheesy song in the end.