I watched Troy last night. It was quite ok, despite the historical inaccuracies which were kind of.. all over the place. But they worked good for the movie, and anyway it's said in the titles that the movie was
inspired by the Iliad.
Ector was the most likeable character. Orlando Bloom was the perfect Paris, he was such an ass that you just wanted to see him drop dead in the next scene. Helen was really disappointing, i'd have expected someone much more beautiful for this role, this woman was cold and with no personality. Briseis was enchanting, such a sweet creature she seemed to be. Odysseas was uhm.. i'd have expected someone more impressive for this role. Agamemnon was just repulsive, so i guess the selection for the role was good, according to what the director wanted to convey. And last but most important, Brad Pitt: his head looked too girly for the role, in some scenes his acting sucked, but in some others he was.. TEH man.
Another thing that impressed me about this movie (since you must have figured that the other one was Pitt - and no, i don't normally like him), was the way the whole gayness issue was avoided. Despite of the pretty obvious way to turn this movie into a gay feast, like Alexander, they invented a very comfortable lie to justify the Achilles-Patroclos' relationship. I was surprised to not find a single gayity hint, and instead to see the testosterone flood my screne.
So, all in all, i liked the movie.
edit: oh, and it would have been
so much better without the cheesy song in the end.