
I've seen your pictures and i've seen her.. it must be something about all that bow training ;)
I just thought it was an interesting trivia i could mention. :p
ok, but don't watch the new one with Keira Knightley, you have to see the one with Colin Firth :D

also, sorry to disappoint you, but in the end (other books) Susan turns out to be superficial and dumb :(
UndoControl said:
Will do, thank you. Any particular reason, though?

of course!

errr... well it's one my friends and I find very convincing :p
UndoControl said:
I watched "Chronicles of Narnia" the other day. Hell, i want a girl that's just like Susan: smart, logical, pretty, and good with bow and arrows. ;) No, seriously, i enjoyed the film, and i heard somewhere that it was far better than the book, so that does it for me. :)

That archer was totally unfuckable :hypno:
Well, i liked her. ;)

Besides, it's not like i'm really going to hook up with her. She's an actress and most likely doesn't live anywhere near Mexico, and i'd have to talk to her and see what's behind her eyes to know if i want someone like her or not.
Same goes for me and Brad Pitt, but i have a slight concern that that Angelina bitch will also make it a bit harder.. =/