
wow, UndoControl, I never met ANY guy who enjoyed Jane Austen
I'm more of a Pride and Prejudice fan myself ;)

yesterday I watched:

What the bleep do we know?
I really enjoyed it, despite certain seemingly propagandistic moments. It still made me think a bit.

The man who cried
meh, despite having a good cast, it was quite disappointing... predictable and at parts cheesy. Johny Depp was good though.
@La Rocque: man, I hate that!

Yesterday I saw the first 15 minutes or so of that movie whatsitsname where the dragons take over the world with Christian Bale, Mathew McConawnfnjwnfnue and sexy Isabel Scorupko (Skorupko?). It was the worst shit I have seen so far.

I am happy that the film club season is starting again, Monday evenings will be cool again! :)
I just watched Munich yesterday. Just when I was about to lose hope that Spielberg will ever make a good movie again...Great movie. It's not only about the action and revenge, there's more. Eric Bana really impressed me and well, Geoffrey Rush was as good as ever. I definitely recommend this movie to anyone who likes to question himself about the importance of nationality, revenge, wrath, and home.
I just want to say that the way Slovakia is portrayed in Hostel is totally stupid and far from reality. Its not a B-movie, but maybe an X-movie. Horror fans might like it, but its idiocy is beyond belief.
@Hitori: If I remember correctly, Reign of Fire was one of these "that movie gotta be bad - let´s rent it" -films.

Last saw "Cursed" (2005) by Wes Craven (Screams, Nitemare on da Elm..). Good horror-comedy. I especially liked Christina Ricci´s figure and the loveable characters - school-bully was teh sweetest.
RampageSword said:
Just watched Naked Lunch and all I can say is damn! Cronenberg makes such great movies! Though I'll have to do some research if I want to fully understand that one...

Im glad you liked it, one of my favorite movies ever. Anyway here's a small take on the movie you could find usefull:

Naked Lunch Script was written by Cronenberg himself, and while it was supposed to "adapt" the novel of the same name by William S Burroughs, Cronenberg instead takes an entire new approach to the screenwrite: He mixes parts of Several nobels from Burroughs ( i think parts from Naked Lunch, The exterminator and Junkie but im not sure thats all of the included ones ) along with some real life events from the life of William Burroughs which ( obviously ) inspired his work. When you convine this with chronical drug abuse you got a very confusing script that nontheless portrays both the nature of Burroughs novels and the chaotic real events from his life that surrounded him , often without letting us know when Burroughs jumps from one aspect of his life to his "novels".

So there's really not any real explanation to the movies beyond Cronenberg portraying but the confusing life of Burroughs and the chaotic nature of his Novel Naked Lunch into a single, unique product on its own. If you cant make much sense of it all then the movie was succesfull because the disorienting nature was precisely its objective. Great great work.
Chronicles of Narnia - good
Donnie Darko - good

Enjoyed both, very atmopspheric (especially DD), but both are nothing epic.

marduk1507 said:
I just want to say that the way Slovakia is portrayed in Hostel is totally stupid and far from reality. Its not a B-movie, but maybe an X-movie. Horror fans might like it, but its idiocy is beyond belief.

The only source I get impressions from Slovakia and Czech Republic are euro-porn movies :D Which aren't real, I think, but I'm going to see Hostel tonight, and add those impressions as well :D
Hitori: I haven't watched "Pride and prejudice", but from time to time i see an ad or a commercial on tv and i feel like watching it. If you like it better than SAS, then it must be good. ;)

Freddy: I agree. Johnny Depp is my single favorite actor. :D

Marduk: That would be "Reign of fire" (or something like that; at least that's what they translated it like down here where i live). I didn't like it too much either.

Rampage: Thanks for that very educational review (no sarcasm). I'd been wondering whether i should or should not watch that film, but i've made my mind now. :) And Geoffrey Rush is amazing.

I watched "Chronicles of Narnia" the other day. Hell, i want a girl that's just like Susan: smart, logical, pretty, and good with bow and arrows. ;) No, seriously, i enjoyed the film, and i heard somewhere that it was far better than the book, so that does it for me. :)

And on saturday i watched "Trainspotting" on my brother's reccommendation. Not the best film i've seen, but it was interesting. Wouldn't really watch it again, but i don't regret having watched it.
UndoControl said:
Hell, i want a girl that's just like Susan: smart, logical, pretty, and good with bow and arrows. ;)
I have a friend who's into bow and arrows, she's smart, logical and quite pretty. Want me to hook you up? ;)