
transamerica is worth seeing. first, it's a movie about non-ordinary sexuality that doesn't end in a homicide, and that's refreshing after the bloody endings of boys don't cry and brokeback mountain. second, while it does give a simplified view of the world (for example, toby's character is portrayed as way less troubled than a drug-taking teen wanting to work in the porn industry ordinarily is), it still gives a comforting vibe of acceptance. finally, the movie is not centered on sexual intercourse, and although one sees naked bodies quite often the whole question of sex changes is tackled without resorting to graphic embraces when unneeded.

the inside man is not as good as i was hoping. spike lee sometimes does wonders and sometimes does not do anything much - the latter is the case with this film. i must admit that i did not understand all the dialogue, and normally this is a serious limitation when considering a lee film, but somehow i have the feeling i didn't miss much.

syriana is not recommended. at least, i'm not recommending it. it's too confusing, and confused too. some characters are nicely interesting and some reconstructions of places and moods are quite catchy, but all in all there's no big vision behind it. people should not make political movies without big visions.
Wow, there are a lot of great flicks out there, but here are some of my faves in no particular order:

- The Godfather I & II
- Indiana Jones Trilogy
- Lord of the Rings Trilogy
- The original Star Wars Trilogy (ep. IV-VI)
- The Usual Suspects
- The Shawshank Redemption
- Gladiator
- Kingdom of Heaven
- Seven
- Wedding Crashers
- Good Night and Good Luck
- There's Something About Mary
- The Untouchables
- Donnie Darko
- LA Confidential

I'm sure there are plenty of others, but I think these are enough for now. Cheers. :kickass:


meh, not so good. dragged at the beginning, had mediocre characters, and took way too much out of other films... so imo it was sort of a hollywoodized version of Saw + Ichi the Killer + Suicide Club

the last half hour or so was good though
I love Jarmusch, especially Down By Law (Fellini and Tom Waits totally rule here), Dead Man and Ghost Dog (Forest is one of my most favourite actors). I really liked Coffee and Cigarettes, too, especially the Wu-tang tea session with Bill Murray. I am looking forward to Broken Flowers, havent seen it yet. I am very glad that our city is as it is, that people here care about culture. I was truly happy, when they built Max (a shopping mall) here, because all the shitty movies will be shown there from now on (there are 3 large halls) and our old small cinema was bought by the city and made into an art club cinema. That was really cool. So now we dont have only Mondays, but also Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays for really good films, and Tuesdays and Thursdays for theatre. We have a good mayor, things got moving in a good direction, some of the citizens with big money started to support music clubs, etc. But, we have elections in June, and the lefties are up in arms, eager like fuck to win and tell us all how its gonna be. We will see.
V for Vendetta
I loved it. The only annoying thing was Portman trying to speak with a british accent.
^I don't like her at all, I haven't seen it yet because I can't stand her. Maybe I'll brave it when it comes out on VHS/DVD :(
Slither was a fun little flick, but its best to catch a matinee of it. Kinda like a Troma flick with a bigger budget. Good to see Michael Rooker in another flick though.:kickass:

Almost nobody in the theater though.:erk: And the previews were a big 'meh'. Do we REALLY need Fast and the Furious 3? Shit if even Paul Walker won't come back, thats a bad sign. But getting Little Bow Wow to star?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i want to see V, but i don't have the time today :( maybe if i start working right after lunch and if i'm really quick in doing what i have to do i will be able to see a part of it before my mad friend comes over at 9pm. but i don't want to watch a mere part.
indeed, i agree with you twice in the brief span of about 24 hours. if you weren't married, or if you were a muslim, i would ask you to marry me. :p
catch-22 here: the fact that we agree on the evils of (fundamentalist) islam, while encouraging the prospect of our marriage on the grounds of being another point in common, actually prevents it, because we will not convert anytime soon. duh!