
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

Boring slasher, gory and stuff, but the original remake was way better, more atmospheric and 10 times more terrifying =)
Yesterday I watched V for Vendetta for the third time, I love it so much...can't believe how a movie can be so powerful and meaningful (at least, for me), and the screenplay is sooooo good !!
Yesterday I watched V for Vendetta for the third time, I love it so much...can't believe how a movie can be so powerful and meaningful (at least, for me), and the screenplay is sooooo good !!

Whe I was seeing it in tehatre, it was packed, so I got the last seat available - top left corner, and someone puked on the side of it, like night before... but I figured it out later after the movie :D "Hey, what's that smell???" :heh:

So all the experience was crap. Just glad it wasn't semen!! :kickass:
Whe I was seeing it in tehatre, it was packed, so I got the last seat available - top left corner, and someone puked on the side of it, like night before... but I figured it out later after the movie :D "Hey, what's that smell???" :heh:

So all the experience was crap. Just glad it wasn't semen!! :kickass:

Hahahahaha!!!!!! It would have been... disturbing! :p
My advice: watch it again, with a good smell it'll be better I swear :D
Last week some friends of mine and me went to see the Sneak Preview (for those who don't know: sneak preview is every wednesday in our cinema at 11pm, tickets are cheaper than normal but you don't know what you're going to see). The movie turned out to be "The Fountain". I don't think I have anything to say about it, the movie sucks except one of the last scene where a man becomes a flower bed.
Last week some friends of mine and me went to see the Sneak Preview (for those who don't know: sneak preview is every wednesday in our cinema at 11pm, tickets are cheaper than normal but you don't know what you're going to see). The movie turned out to be "The Fountain". I don't think I have anything to say about it, the movie sucks except one of the last scene where a man becomes a flower bed.

Why would you go to the movies if you don't know which movie you are going to see? :D

@Kat: V for Vendetta - I'm not wasting my time re-watching THAT, didn't like it at all: no boobs, no blood/gore, overall boring.
@Villain: Have you watched Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance? If so, how do you think it compares to Oldboy? (i haven't watched Oldboy yet and won't for some time, so i want to know if i'll be in for a treat or what).
@Villain: Have you watched Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance? If so, how do you think it compares to Oldboy? (i haven't watched Oldboy yet and won't for some time, so i want to know if i'll be in for a treat or what).

To my regret, I haven't watched Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance yet - I ordered it on DVD a while ago (amongst a bunch of other DVDs), but it hasn't even been sent yet. I hope it arrives soon; when it does, I promise to come here and compare it to Oldboy.

As for Oldboy, it is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Horribly disturbing, yet thought-provoking, with wonderful cinematography and an amazing performance by Min-Sik Choi (who also played a major role in Lady Vengeance). And it's also a terribly funny movie. Then again, the wife of my best friend couldn't watch it even halfway through, and a few other people have made similar comments about it. It seems to divide people to those who love it and to those who hate it.

To my regret, I haven't watched Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance yet - I ordered it on DVD a while ago (amongst a bunch of other DVDs), but it hasn't even been sent yet. I hope it arrives soon; when it does, I promise to come here and compare it to Oldboy.

As for Oldboy, it is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Horribly disturbing, yet thought-provoking, with wonderful cinematography and an amazing performance by Min-Sik Choi (who also played a major role in Lady Vengeance). And it's also a terribly funny movie. Then again, the wife of my best friend couldn't watch it even halfway through, and a few other people have made similar comments about it. It seems to divide people to those who love it and to those who hate it.


I have Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance for months on DVD, but never popped it in to watch after I saw Old Boy.

I was hyped by the media with all that "critically acclaimed" crap, "what an awesome movie" and shit. It was just... boring. Plain boring. I mean - what's so cool about it that I missed? It wasn't even violent enough, and I wildly guessed who was that girl the main character was dealing with whole time. Meh.

And the ending... Koreans are just like that, I guess, it would be 1000% cooler to see a... Finnish guy to do to himself something like that :heh: I guess it strikes you if you can relate to the person (if there was a Caucasian male instead of an Asian it would be much more terrifying... I think... but I don't mind watching Pampers cutting his organs out :saint: )
I have Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance for months on DVD, but never popped it in to watch after I saw Old Boy.

I was hyped by the media with all that "critically acclaimed" crap, "what an awesome movie" and shit. It was just... boring. Plain boring. I mean - what's so cool about it that I missed? It wasn't even violent enough, and I wildly guessed who was that girl the main character was dealing with whole time. Meh.

And the ending... Koreans are just like that, I guess, it would be 1000% cooler to see a... Finnish guy to do to himself something like that :heh: I guess it strikes you if you can relate to the person (if there was a Caucasian male instead of an Asian it would be much more terrifying... I think... but I don't mind watching Pampers cutting his organs out :saint: )

Well, considering that you seem to worship the lamest snoozefest of the decade, namely the Pirates of the Caribbean, I'm not surprised you can't find the substance in Oldboy. I mean, it actually requires thinking while watching, unlike the vast majority of modern movies. As for coolness, I'll tell you this: everything in Oldboy is beyond cool. And yet there's meaning in every single scene of the movie.

I knew nothing about it when I watched it the first time, but I immediately admired the editing of the very first scene - and was soon hooked like never before. It was so powerful from the first moment to the last shot before the end credits that I could not take my eyes off the screen at any point. Yes, even I guessed some of the plot-twists correctly, was wrong on some others and was taken by surprise by yet some. Guessing-game is not the point of the movie, however: finding the answers to why the things happened like they did after those plot-twists - there's the fun. The movie can be boring only if you passively watch it for the plot (in which case you should rather be reading the excellent manga) instead of trying to put it all into a bigger picture. Just for example, there's a shitload of moral questions without easy answers in almost every scene. If you can't be arsed to spend some time trying to answer those questions, you might as well be watching porn.

Or as Chan-Wook Park says himself: "I don't feel enjoyment watching films that evoke passivity. If you need that kind of comfort, I don't understand why you wouldn't go to a spa."

I bought the movie quickly after I had seen it the first time and have now watched it at least half a dozen times with different people every time. As I said, some love it, some hate it. However, the obvious thing is: you don't need to be some snobbish art-critic to notice that there's plenty to ponder about in this movie.

Why would you go to the movies if you don't know which movie you are going to see? :D
Well, that question surely IS justified :D
normally you get to see a movie that is going to be released in a few month. But the other thing is that those movies are mostly totally crappy. But "The Fountain" was worth the laugh. Have you ever seen a flower bed growing out of a man's body? :D The movie meant it seriously but the whole audience was laughing XD
ok well, to get to a point, sneak preview normally is something you attend at boring wednesday nights, you always know that the movie is going to be shitty, but you never know if it isn't worth it because it may also be fucking ridiculous :D (flower bed? :D)
Well, that question surely IS justified :D
normally you get to see a movie that is going to be released in a few month. But the other thing is that those movies are mostly totally crappy. But "The Fountain" was worth the laugh.

I figured it was kind of preview, but AFAIK Fountain was released already... or was it limited US release - I'm not sure now. But anyway - if a movie takes a few months to get a world-wide release - may be it's not that amazing to watch and boring as Old Boy :heh:

Well, considering that you seem to worship the lamest snoozefest of the decade, namely the Pirates of the Caribbean, I'm not surprised you can't find the substance in Oldboy. I mean, it actually requires thinking while watching, unlike the vast majority of modern movies. As for coolness, I'll tell you this: everything in Oldboy is beyond cool. And yet there's meaning in every single scene of the movie.

Yeah, and judging one's tastes by an avatar - um, not shallow at all, aye? But you are Finnish, I tend to forget that, hmm.

Old Boy makes you think about what? It made me think about things like "I better be in the gym now" or "How does it feel to be in the same bed with Johnny Depp?"

What hidden meaning is there in every scene? Don't make me think too hard - I prefer to enjoy the movies, not give director a sadistic pleasure of fucking with my grey matter 90 minutes of my life. And being a decent person - I don't need to see Old Boy to understand why.

Leaving critics aside, most I heard was from regular people and things like you just said. The movie simply isn't that amazing. It's not bad, but "OMG Old Boi!!1!!!" - yeah, right...
To my regret, I haven't watched Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance yet - I ordered it on DVD a while ago (amongst a bunch of other DVDs), but it hasn't even been sent yet. I hope it arrives soon; when it does, I promise to come here and compare it to Oldboy.

As for Oldboy, it is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Horribly disturbing, yet thought-provoking, with wonderful cinematography and an amazing performance by Min-Sik Choi (who also played a major role in Lady Vengeance). And it's also a terribly funny movie. Then again, the wife of my best friend couldn't watch it even halfway through, and a few other people have made similar comments about it. It seems to divide people to those who love it and to those who hate it.

Do watch Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance as soon as you can!
My reactions after watching it were similar to yours about Oldboy, though i suspect Oldboy might be a bit better. My first Chan-Wook Park movie was Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, which at the time i thought was brilliant. Then i watched Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and i immediately thought that Lady was not nearly as powerful or interesting.

/Siren (who loves both films like these and the Pirates of the Caribbean :saint:)
Do watch Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance as soon as you can!
My reactions after watching it were similar to yours about Oldboy, though i suspect Oldboy might be a bit better. My first Chan-Wook Park movie was Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, which at the time i thought was brilliant. Then i watched Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and i immediately thought that Lady was not nearly as powerful or interesting.

/Siren (who loves both films like these and the Pirates of the Caribbean :saint:)

I agree with all thats said here like. But I would say Mr vengeance is actually the best. Oldboy is an amazing film, and it's just my opinion I guess, but when I first saw Sympathy for Mr Vengeance it was like nothing I'd ever encountered in cinema previously... where oldboy is really a darker and more high-budget sympathy for mr vengeance, so I felt a little like I'd 'seen it all' before.
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How can they not fuck it up? I hate when a series or a movie is made after a book, it takes all the inspiration and freedom from the book. Rereading the books will be like rewatching the movie.. :yuk:
The only reason I'm holding out hope, is that it seems Martin is going to be sitting there staring at the writers the whole time, making sure they don't fuck it up. That could be wishful thinking on my part, but it gives me more hope than an announcement like this normally does.
