
I started watching this movie "Storytelling" yesterday, and the first story was so disturbing I had to stop watching.

Briefly (or... or not so briefly): story starts with this girl having sex with a physically discapacitated guy, who self-destructively blames himself for not being the "man" his girl needs. They both attend a literature class with a black man who aggressively critizices the discapacitated guy's short story in front of the class, so the poor guy, both feeling down because of his physical condition and mistreated, picks a fight with the girl. Before leaving her in tears, he says: "and you just wanna fuck this black teacher, just as anyone else on campus". Right there I foresaw what was coming...

Then, the girl goes to a bar, apparently feeling hurt by the fight, sees the professor sitting off alone, goes to his table, he behaves mean and rude (which don't seem to stop the girl, au contraire), takes her to his apartment where she sees some pictures of other students naked and tied. Instead of getting the hell out of there, she goes to the bedroom, the professor tells her to get off her clothes, she does... then to bend over, and he fucks her senselessly, commanding her to ask him to do it in a very... obscene way.

There is another disturbing detail: when having sex with his discapacitated boyfriend, he notices that she doesn't sweat, so he inferes she doesn't feel excited enough. When the girl gets half-raped by the professor, she comes back to his boyfriend, holds him, and he exclaims: "hey, you're sweating a lot!!".

Here's two things that disturb me. First off, the fact that the discapacitated guy was partly right about the difficulty for other people to overcome his condition and treat him equally, and in the movie, things turn out to be as the poor dude foretells. Sad.

Secondly, sex being this strong motivator for people. I know this is personal, because I've always lived by my feelings and thoughts, not by my sexual arousal. So it makes me uneasy to feel this difference, to know that for most of people it is enough getting laid no-matter-what, no-matter-with-whom. For me it's like Darth Vader meets Snoopy, encountering opposites if you get the point.

For me, having sex is a great way to communicate, and I don't mind having sex with people I've just met as long as there is some real connection between us, not merely the physical attraction. And I'm not talking about love here, mind you. That's why rarely feel attracted to women if I don't cross a word with them.

Uhmm... am I rambling? :p

If it is rambling, it's interesting rambling! Sounds like a pretty memorable idea for a movie. Shocking and affecting. Really misogynystic though in my opinion. Suggesting a woman can't understand why a handicapped guy would get really defensive and be slightly more inclined to lash out (due to the day-to-day stress of dealing with dissability) which I guess is a result of women being emotionally selfish, or void of any sentimentality outside of what benefits them. I know it's just one character essentially, but that one character, if the film is well thought out, will be representative of her class gender and social group.

Then again the film does take the idea a little further, showing the images of many girls tied up in the teachers office, almost as if pretty much every girl on campus is at some point going to cheat on their boyfriend or if they're single, turn to the authoritive figure in their life to be objectified for validation.
I saw Volver from Almodóvar yesterday. I love his films, because he really manages to visualise my own thoughts about and admiration towards women, without idealising them or without turning the whole film into a farse. Penelope Cruz is a fantastic actress, as is the rest of the female cast in this film.
If it is rambling, it's interesting rambling! (..)

Interesting because I haven't told the end of the story, yet it makes your observations even more appropiate for the occasion.

The story ends with a new reunion in class, where the girl reads the story that she has lived, in front of her classmates and the teacher. Everybody thinks exaggeration covers it up, some of them throws in that the story is "racist", and you said it was "misogynystic".

The girl simply states: "Yeah, but it happened".

What scares me the most is that, by logic or reason, we can agree on the same points you argued. You can't take a woman by some idiotic gender detached from any sensibility... yet you can take humans by messed up beings whose biology and feelings often overwhelms the slight sense of reason they might have.

In a fair world we could expect people to rationalize and act according to certain code of defined principles. In this particular world, exceptions are not exceptional...

So, in the end no matter how unreasonable something sounds, it might happen.


P.S: Thanks for taking the time to read and answer properly, man.
At first Hostel terrified me as well and i gave it up for a few days. But then i got curious and with the help of the pause button and a spoiler, i managed to watch all of it. I found it rather interesting in the end, especially since it's supposed to be based on true stuff. It was also quite interesting to find out that what was scaring me after all was my imagination, rather than the film itself.

The other movie that impressed me a lot was Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance. I highly recommend it, even though the violence might put some people off.
As is, I'm really only looking forward to Smokin' Aces. Just cause I like funny movies like that.

Yeah, I want to see that one too, reminds somewhat of earlier Ritchie's movies (Lock/Stock, Snatch), coming out in January or in March - saw 2 different dates for it. First teaser was hilarious - "from the creator of Jones diary, 4 funeral and a wedding..."
True stuff? Oh noez, I didnt know you were so easy to fool.

Roth (or what was director's name?) saw a web-site which offered following service: for $10,000 you could kill someone any way you liked. They never figured if the site was real, they carried on with the plot.

In the second one they should be torturing girls... more girls - protagonist's girlfriend is going to find out that there are more "hostels" around the world than just that one...
i've been overdosing on elio petri's movies last week. the more i know about italian political cinema of the 70s, the more i understand that it makes for shallow fascination. it's very appealing at the start, both because it seems less stupid than other efforts, and because the actors are just amazing sometimes. on the other hand, once one has scratched the surface of the literary inspiration of the plots, the message is pretty hollow.
True stuff? Oh noez, I didnt know you were so easy to fool.
Oh yeah, i forgot we live in a perfect little world where everyone loves each other and respects the value of human life. I sincerely apologise for popping your bubble like that.

I suggest though that next time you research your facts and pay attention to my wording before mocking me.

Just for the sake of discussion, i said it's supposed to be based on true facts. Eli Roth (ie the director) supposedly wanted to make a documentary about this, but he decided to make a movie out of it instead, because after a point it was extremely hard to get information and because his life started getting in danger by questioning around.

I also don't see how it makes me a fool when i draw connections between the things depicted in the movie (ie people travelling to torture and kill other people for fun) and real life facts like people travelling in eastern countries (such as Thailand) to have sex with kids for fun.
In Hollywood movies often based on true events, but that doesn't mean they tell the actual story: Hostel, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Wolf Creek (well, the last one isn't really a Hollywood movie). And it's not "was supposed to be based" it is based, as I said - teh website:

"SPOILER: The trailers bill the movie as "inspired by true events". Director Eli Roth says that he found a Thai website that advertised itself as a "murder vacation," offering users the chance to torture and kill someone for the price of $10,000. Roth later showed the site to Quentin Tarantino and the two developed the idea for the film. Tarantino and Roth said later on an Icelandic talk show that they have no idea if the website was real or not."

Trivia for Hostel (2005)

So, in Thailand you can have sex with kids and then kill them. Oh well, I'm back to my bubble.
Oh yeah, i forgot we live in a perfect little world where everyone loves each other and respects the value of human life. I sincerely apologise for popping your bubble like that.

I suggest though that next time you research your facts and pay attention to my wording before mocking me.

Just for the sake of discussion, i said it's supposed to be based on true facts. Eli Roth (ie the director) supposedly wanted to make a documentary about this, but he decided to make a movie out of it instead, because after a point it was extremely hard to get information and because his life started getting in danger by questioning around.

I also don't see how it makes me a fool when i draw connections between the things depicted in the movie (ie people travelling to torture and kill other people for fun) and real life facts like people travelling in eastern countries (such as Thailand) to have sex with kids for fun.

I thought this :D (meaning the smilie) wouldnt be necessary, but I was wrong. :(