King Chaos
Pomeo Osoponeor
Well being from a small town that's over run with chavs, and working at the only shop on the townstreet that's open past 8.00pm, I've developed a pretty bleak view of the chav kind. But I don't see chav's as a race... so to hate them isn't racist... it's just biggoted. Anyway... only really because I'm affraid of getting my face beaten; I am kind to every person I meet, be them punk, metal, emo or indeed a chav. But I'm prejudice to chavs generally because to embrace a culture like there's as they do automatically makes you pretty much void of thought.
Oh, and I've never met a chav who didn't find Ali G funny. The irony is lost on them.
The other day 4 chavs got on my bus with their dog. Started hitting their pitbull... kicking it... choking it on it's lead. It started barking and yelping a snarling something awful. Then they let it off the lead and it went fucking crazy. While doing this they were smoking and listening to dance music on a portable stereo. This went on for fifteen minutes until one of them set fire to a seat on the bus. I sighed and got off four stops early.
I could probably give you other equally depressing recent happenings involving all the other chavs I know. Like the regular terrorisers at my store stabbed a guy 7 times in his back for sticking up for some girls the chavs were yelling at. Then after coming up empty on a search for his wallet they took all his change. These guys are still on the streets. I had to ask them to leave my store tonight.
Dunno. I think your sympathy is wasted on parasites like those guys. They're all given the same oppotunities I am... They're just so goddamn anti-social. they are in most cases pure fucking evil.
Oh, and I've never met a chav who didn't find Ali G funny. The irony is lost on them.
The other day 4 chavs got on my bus with their dog. Started hitting their pitbull... kicking it... choking it on it's lead. It started barking and yelping a snarling something awful. Then they let it off the lead and it went fucking crazy. While doing this they were smoking and listening to dance music on a portable stereo. This went on for fifteen minutes until one of them set fire to a seat on the bus. I sighed and got off four stops early.
I could probably give you other equally depressing recent happenings involving all the other chavs I know. Like the regular terrorisers at my store stabbed a guy 7 times in his back for sticking up for some girls the chavs were yelling at. Then after coming up empty on a search for his wallet they took all his change. These guys are still on the streets. I had to ask them to leave my store tonight.
Dunno. I think your sympathy is wasted on parasites like those guys. They're all given the same oppotunities I am... They're just so goddamn anti-social. they are in most cases pure fucking evil.