
Well being from a small town that's over run with chavs, and working at the only shop on the townstreet that's open past 8.00pm, I've developed a pretty bleak view of the chav kind. But I don't see chav's as a race... so to hate them isn't racist... it's just biggoted. Anyway... only really because I'm affraid of getting my face beaten; I am kind to every person I meet, be them punk, metal, emo or indeed a chav. But I'm prejudice to chavs generally because to embrace a culture like there's as they do automatically makes you pretty much void of thought.

Oh, and I've never met a chav who didn't find Ali G funny. The irony is lost on them.

The other day 4 chavs got on my bus with their dog. Started hitting their pitbull... kicking it... choking it on it's lead. It started barking and yelping a snarling something awful. Then they let it off the lead and it went fucking crazy. While doing this they were smoking and listening to dance music on a portable stereo. This went on for fifteen minutes until one of them set fire to a seat on the bus. I sighed and got off four stops early.

I could probably give you other equally depressing recent happenings involving all the other chavs I know. Like the regular terrorisers at my store stabbed a guy 7 times in his back for sticking up for some girls the chavs were yelling at. Then after coming up empty on a search for his wallet they took all his change. These guys are still on the streets. I had to ask them to leave my store tonight.

Dunno. I think your sympathy is wasted on parasites like those guys. They're all given the same oppotunities I am... They're just so goddamn anti-social. they are in most cases pure fucking evil.
@gav: of course i don't condone men who beat women, stab other men, and kick dogs around. but i guess that you could find decent people who wear the "wrong" shirt, that was the point i was trying to make - if your older brother is a dick and you're 13 you're probably going to want to dress like he does because he's your brother, but this doesn't make you a dick. i've met people with lousy backgrounds who could be turned around, and people with excellent backgrounds who turned out to be complete slackers.
You see what I'm talking about? We feel so superior to these people, don't we? And it's just cool that Ali G should ridicule them.
In general, I would advise people who laugh at the Ali G skits to try and be slightly more mature - someone can be a "wigger" and still have potential, if you try to see through their acquired habits. If they have potential, they will probably be better company than snot-nosed kids from "good" families who spend their day switching between the PlayStation and the XBox.
I agree that many of those Chavs or Scallies or whatever have some pontential, but that just makes it worse, doesnt it? Even if they have bad influences from all over the place, it's still their lives and their decisions and taking that responsibility from them would be a big mistake.
There's certainly idiots among the lawyers and comparable groups or social classes, but I'd give them more credit any day, even if the influences on their lives were far more positive, those people actually have some achievements to show as well. The Chavs have potential, that's good for them, they're still living far below it, most of them arent making it show at all.
I'll give them all the credit they deserve the first day they actually try and make it count, but around here, I dont see that happening.
All I see around here is Chavs cutting the seats of trams, writing obscene stupidities on the walls, mugging people.. am I to dig through 20 years of wasted life to find a spark of potential? Im certainly not if he isnt trying either.
Actually, I think it's more racist to call this "black culture" than Ali G's jokes could ever be.
I'll have agree with Tale on this one.

Haven't seen the Borat movie, but I grabbed Saw III and Hostel. About halfway through Saw right now, and it's so far kinda disappointing.

That, and as far as TV is concerned, Heroes is fun.

Saw My Date with Drew last night. Started kinda shit I thought, but got really good later on. Very enjoyable. Although it makes getting by in LA seem amazingly easy... He's struggeling for cash in his real life, so he is sent a cheque for $100... problem sorted for a month. :guh:

The best thing was I felt really nervous for him from time to time... And I thought he was a really nice guy generally. And his phone argument with his ex is classic.

It beats the shit out of Grizzly man as a character study.

Edit: I said really really really alot in this post so Im cutting them out.
I know it is not a movie, but this is probably the closest thread for this:

I started watching The Prisoner TV series from the late sixties. Simply brilliant stuff. Only 17 episodes (got them all on DVD from, but there's so much to "chew" in every episode: conspiracies, psychology, paranoia, social commentary, etc. A nameless man (later referred to as "Number 6" and played by Patrick McGoohan) resigns from a British intelligence agency and is taken to "The Village", where people are only known by their numbers and of which there is no way out. Number 6 is a very multidimensional character, struggling to cope with his new surroundings, maintain his identity and escape from his "prison". The silly sci-fi stuff aside, it seems unbelievable that something this good was made so long ago.

Was it referenced in one of Maiden's songs? Or whoever's, it escapes me... something with someone who wants to be free... grrr, can't recall.


The easiest scene was lobotomy, the rest was just gore... no surprises for me whatsoever...
Lobotomy? I've got to watch it. :p

The last few days have been movie-packed for me: Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Chicken Little, Groundhog Day.
And there's Love actually, Ice Age 2, Hostel and the rest of the Vengeance trilogy in the 'coming' list. :D
Just went through

Dazed and Confused, which was good but not great. What can I say? Ben Affleck was in it. Eewww.

I Love Your Work- Ribisi is interesting, Potente is boring and the movie is not impressive.

Thumbsucker Keanu Reeves sucks. Big time. The rest was good.
Can anyone give me one good reason to watch Hostel past minute 34, when the first toe gets chopped off?
@Rampy: yes, i'm sure it will get extremely boring if more things get chopped off and i end up looking at my palm for the duration of this movie. i think i should read a textbook instead. ;)
you should get to the eye and bathroom scene - they are infinitely worthy suffering from semi-clothed females in before that. Yum.

I actually like the part when small children throw rocks on the bad guys. OMG it was fuckin hilarous. Or when that japanese girl jumps in front of the train then blood splashes on some old women haha. :lol:

reason 1: It gets even more boring.

reason 2: It's so pointless that it ends up being an hilarious movie.

Why was it hilarious???

It had a couple of funny parts

The beggining was soft porn

The ending was retarted

The thing that sucks more is that they are making a second movie