
have you ever seen the ali g skits? i was "treated" to one by a friend and ended up being quite disgusted.
Silent Hill was kinda creepy. Bandidas was ok, some funny parts there, though it was so obvious that they were trying to get all the guys horny by making two hot girls fight and stuff.

Last night i watched Wicker Park because it was on tv, but it was boring.
have you ever seen the ali g skits? i was "treated" to one by a friend and ended up being quite disgusted.
Well, I guess there are comedians you have no connection to, just like it happens with bands. I think he's hilarious, both as Ali G and Borat. The interview with Beckham or the interview with the drug expert are legendary :D

"What is the kind of acid that actually makes you fly?" :lol:
I don't care, but I might be ending up seeing Borat after all the fuss... I mean - it's kinda overwhelming, fuck MySpace shitheads, of course, but Rolling Stone giving THAT 4 stars (like a "classic" status)... well, that really makes me wonder about if the movie is really something after all.

You should go see it. It is the funniest movie I've seen in a long time, years even. Its all low-brow, but its some of the most inventive low-brow and physical comedy I've seen. However, it isn't for the prudent nor easily disgusted. However, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It's probably better than what Rolling Stone gives it credit for - Rolling Stone reviews suck (IMO *points to Led Zeppelin, a band they bashed for the duration of thier career only to embrace later on*), and it's short enough that it doesn't draw on. Go check it out.

(I did not see Da Ali G Show, either) isn't for the prudent nor easily disgusted.

Not me - I just had raw fish for lunch :heh:

Rolling Stone might be full of crap, but I'm subscribed to it (yes, the only magazine I receive in mail), prolly because it covers way too many topics, and not why reviews suck (in fact review has to be a page long - like Borat - to draw my attention, but I agree with some of them, like RHCP's and My Chemical Romance last albums' "classic rating")... plus they make all these feature/cover story articles about cool bands I never heard, so it's somewhat educating (they did a Led Zeppelin story a few issues back).

And 1000s issue was something - they went back to tehir most famous covers and stuff, telling stories of the creation and stuff - read that issue for weeks on the train, even after the new came out :)
Not me - I just had raw fish for lunch :heh:

Rolling Stone might be full of crap, but I'm subscribed to it (yes, the only magazine I receive in mail), prolly because it covers way too many topics, and not why reviews suck (in fact review has to be a page long - like Borat - to draw my attention, but I agree with some of them, like RHCP's and My Chemical Romance last albums' "classic rating")... plus they make all these feature/cover story articles about cool bands I never heard, so it's somewhat educating (they did a Led Zeppelin story a few issues back).

They have had some cool things, and I will admit that I did read the Zep issue. Sometimes they give waaay to much credit for bad cds, and too little credit for good ones (unfortunately I can't think of any immediate examples, but it's there). Ah yes, they did press for Fall Out Boy's Nightmare Before Christmas cover, when there are two or three covers that are much better and equally free to listen to. Somewhat minor, but that kind of stuff comes around all the time...
@tali: what i loathe about ali g is not that subjective. everyone knows i'm not a fan of political correctness, but the character is racist. also, the whole idea conflicts with a part of my ethical system (is wanting to be tough enough to defend yourself so fucking funny? so you'll want to lean on someone else, right?). but no, keep on mocking any culture that has some vestige of pride, and if this culture happens to correspond with a race, it's freebies for everyone.
@tali: what i loathe about ali g is not that subjective. everyone knows i'm not a fan of political correctness, but the character is racist. also, the whole idea conflicts with a part of my ethical system (is wanting to be tough enough to defend yourself so fucking funny? so you'll want to lean on someone else, right?). but no, keep on mocking any culture that has some vestige of pride, and if this culture happens to correspond with a race, it's freebies for everyone.

I can't see how the character of Ali G is racist.
Yeah, really, define "racist".

If he's making fun of what's already there - well, it's already there anyway.

And yes - Cohen is from jewish family (why Germans use word "jew" instead of "jewish" on every occasion? I don't greet every German with zieg heil or throwing my arm front and up, you know...)
And what's so wrong about saying "He's a jew", then? And how that led you to the rest of your post, I'll never know
(why Germans use word "jew" instead of "jewish" on every occasion? I don't greet every German with zieg heil or throwing my arm front and up, you know...)

Language structure: nouns are preferred over adjectives when certain characteristics are discussed - ethnicity, nationality, etc... In English someone is Italian, French, German, Christian, Jewish, and so on. In other languages, including mine and Taliesin's, it's more common to call someone an Italian, a French, a German, and so on. And since we're creatures of habit, that's what we tend to translate our thoughts into when we use English as well.
Ali G is racist because it pictures rap (black) culture as stupid and lame. It's completely shallow, too.
Ali G is racist because it pictures rap (black) culture as stupid and lame. It's completely shallow, too.

You're missing the point.
And what's so wrong about saying "He's a jew", then? And how that led you to the rest of your post, I'll never know

No one will :heh: There's hardly any logic there, but logic of a moment, once you are out of the zone (if you ever are in it) - it would make little sense to unenlightened.

Language structure: nouns are preferred over adjectives when certain characteristics are discussed - ethnicity, nationality, etc... In English someone is Italian, French, German, Christian, Jewish, and so on. In other languages, including mine and Taliesin's, it's more common to call someone an Italian, a French, a German, and so on. And since we're creatures of habit, that's what we tend to translate our thoughts into when we use English as well.

I realized that, I couldn't help myself :zombie:

Ali G is racist because it pictures rap (black) culture as stupid and lame. It's completely shallow, too.

I dunno how he portrays that, but... turn on BET or something... nowadays there's no such thing as "black culture" - what culture are we talking about when we can hear word "my pals" more often than "the" from the stage (under stage I mean anything associated with defining culture)? And when white boiz want to look "ghetto", talk "ghetto", act "ghetto"... well, it's fucking disgusting if it's not Cohen then :err:
Ali G is racist because it pictures rap (black) culture as stupid and lame. It's completely shallow, too.

You are missing the point. He's an indian and he's taking cultural influence from black african american 'ghetto' cultures. Most of the underlying humour in Ali G is that the character is ignorantly playing up to the wrong minority stereotype.

What is pretty shameful about it all is I once knew this absolute cunt of a girl who went to my school (was indian of descent) was confinced Ali G was the example of cool, and started copying him... also acting like some kind of product of the ghetto. My mate majorly pwned her, but it was slightly racial, she deserved it, I don't particularly want to post what was said though as it could be seen as offensive :p.

Anyway, Ali G is observational of culture here in the UK too. You've all heard of townies I'm sure... chav, skalies, dons, garys... whatever you want to call them, it's poor and uneducated children who think they're gangsters... could also refer to alot of them as wiggers. Ali G is one of them. Everyday I see many real life Ali Gs... Saddening.
He's an indian and he's taking cultural influence from black african american 'ghetto' cultures...

Umm, he's actually English with Welsh, Persian and Jewish ancestry.
Anyway, Ali G is observational of culture here in the UK too. You've all heard of townies I'm sure... chav, skalies, dons, garys... whatever you want to call them, it's poor and uneducated children who think they're gangsters... could also refer to alot of them as wiggers. Ali G is one of them. Everyday I see many real life Ali Gs... Saddening.

You see what I'm talking about? We feel so superior to these people, don't we? And it's just cool that Ali G should ridicule them.

Now, this is racist if these people are ridiculed because of the color of their skin, and just plain stuck-up if they are ridiculed because they're "townies". I don't like many people, and I most definitely don't like chavs as a rule, but it's not because of their shirts - it's because I don't have a lot to tell them and they don't have a lot to tell me. Much as every other category, unfortunately, including punks whom as a rule I like better than every other subcultural group.

As a famous Italian historian used to say, the percentage of stupid people doesn't vary across geographical areas, professions, or educational levels. Some days ago an acquaintance of mine, who happens to be an accomplished lawyer, was berating a friend of hers and pointing out that "she comes from a small town so she sometimes sticks with the narrow outlook she was brought up with". I was horrified at the idea that a person who succesfully runs her own legal practice could buy into such a demented stereotype.

Conclusion: there's stupid "townies" and there's stupid lawyers living in posh neighborhoods of a national capital, I'd rather do without both of them. Considering yourself better than everyone else because you were born to an educated family in, say, central Paris or London rather than in the middle of nowhere is tantamount to considering yourself better than everyone else because you were born white. What's the individual merit?

Mocking people because of the behavior they acquired by living where they live (when they are teens and don't have a choice, that is) is just silly and I'm not going to change my mind. On the other hand, not wanting to hang out with someone whose inclinations are very different from yours is completely legitimate - not wanting to be best mates with someone is deeply different from disrespecting them based on something they didn't choose.

In general, I would advise people who laugh at the Ali G skits to try and be slightly more mature - someone can be a "wigger" and still have potential, if you try to see through their acquired habits. If they have potential, they will probably be better company than snot-nosed kids from "good" families who spend their day switching between the PlayStation and the XBox.