
King Chaos said:
just saw Brick. Was fucking amazing. Such an immense plot and likeable cast. The visuals are fucking brilliant without being undetached from our dimension.
I saw it last night as well and was quite like o_O
What took me a while to understand was that the appearances of the people were not at all what they should have been, so the actions seemed quite illogical in the beginning. I mean, the main guy doesnt look like a fuckup or misanthrope goth or whatever, but behaves like one (he eats his lunch away from everyone because he cant stand people?).. I dont know, I think Ive only figured out half the movie, heh.

The football player was hilarious though :lol: "The coach doesnt put me in the game, so what needs doing isnt gonna be done!!" :lol:
Rayna said:
I only relaly liked it for 1 reason though.... His best friend :)... God i am such a girl....

Don't feel bad, my gf only watched it for that reason too.

Probably gonna see The Departed soon. It looks a tad interesting.

And I found it funny that my gf didn't look at Children of Men as a post-apocalyptic film, but as a utopian film.

The Departed ? Thats the one with Matt Damon in isnt it?
I want to see that, not just for Matt Damon but its just my kinda thing, CIA like :) ~bounces~

There are only 2 Sets of movies I have ever watched just for a guy and they are.
Starwars 2 and 3 (guess who)
my fave is vampire clan it about these guys who think they are vampires...based on a true story, actually i thought the lead guy in it was cute (drew fuller) .gossip (you tube it - go 2 where you can watch anything ie music vids tv shows ) its a very understated movie. jeepers creeper, blade, i will more sometime.

I'm hooked :) just started watching - it's so cool, even though it's not HBO. But fucking cliché shit, romance and whatever the fuck... wish it was HBO =)

Sadly enough, movies are not that cool as TV shows any longer - I mean Pirates are a saga, but since when? Can't say since Matrix, cuz 2 und 3 were fucked up shit for acid trippers, so I'll say since Indiana Jones (fuck new Star Wars and fuck Ja-Ja Binx twice). I mean - I'm walking into a video store, and there's nothing to watch. Well, except some really good DVD boxes of TV shows. Can't watch TV - fuckign ads, and HBO is way expensive for 2-3 flicks a week... plus I don't live on their fucking schedule.
Has anyone seen/heard of a Japanese flick Survive Style 5+ (I didn't wade through 68 pages, sorry)? It's fantastic but as so far as I know, you can only get it in Japan and/or ebay. Its an artsy flick, very colorful, about five seperate people/groups whose lives intertwine in cool, fascinating and unusual ways. A great movie...
Taliesin said:
Lost looks cliché at first, but soon enough you'll realize it isnt. I think it's a great series :)

Yeah, and I'm not looking for mind-twisting shit - it's fucking PG-13 of TV, quite any HBO show would rule it, but hey - it's awesome!!

BTW, I thought HBO would show anything (after all those d.r.u.g.s. taken on screen and two men kissing each other :zombie: , hence violence), however, a child in a coffin was abit too much for them (coffin was closed). With all the camera angles possible they chose not to (Oz).
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
Just watched " The Descent " a week ago with Mrs.Gigi.

I w a s s c a r e d t o d e a t h .

The creatures were funny, because now that I think about it they look like a combination of Gollum (preciousssss....) and something takn out of Resident Evil (the game of course).
Heh I thought the same :D
Major waste of time though. It was like "Hey, let's make a porn movie! Oh shit, we dont have enough money for a hotel room, but there are 7 hookers on our backseats.. we'll just get a cave then!"
*10 minutes later*
"Aw man, cant shoot a got porn movie here, it's too dark! We'll make a horror movie then! I know the guy who did Gollum in LotR, he'll be the monster.. it'll be great!"

Tada.. the story to The Descent.
Taliesin said:
Heh I thought the same :D
Major waste of time though. It was like "Hey, let's make a porn movie! Oh shit, we dont have enough money for a hotel room, but there are 7 hookers on our backseats.. we'll just get a cave then!"
*10 minutes later*
"Aw man, cant shoot a got porn movie here, it's too dark! We'll make a horror movie then! I know the guy who did Gollum in LotR, he'll be the monster.. it'll be great!"

Tada.. the story to The Descent.


I laugh, because my gf's initial reaction when we saw the trailers about a year ago was "WTF? Is this just a really bad lesbian porn film?" To which I, and the spirit of plintus, responded "There's no such thing as a bad..." <slap>.

Kovenant84 said:

I laugh, because my gf's initial reaction when we saw the trailers about a year ago was "WTF? Is this just a really bad lesbian porn film?" To which I, and the spirit of plintus, responded "There's no such thing as a bad..." <slap>.


In fact, I didn't think of that movie this way. BUt it's true - there's no bad porn... until some male switches teams. :zombie:
Well, I was actually specifying 'lesbian porn', but only got about halfway through the first word in that phrase. And don't worry, everyone, it was a playful slap. I was still standing afterwards.

~kov. (she kickboxes.)
Just saw the movie "Stay".
It was awesome, I'm stunned by the beauty of this film,... and the actors are so good !
GO and rent it, FAST :D
I just saw "L'Enfant" (or how in the hell it should be spelled), the Cannes 2005 winner. A very documentary-like and realistic film of the kind of people I work with (with the exception that they didn't use any drugs in the film). Not even nearly as good as Oldboy (Cannes 2004 winner) in any way, but still worth watching.
