
Snakes on a plane: So good it's great while being so bad it's great. Really entertained me. Had me laughing my ass off.

Don't Come Knocking: Boring... interesting idea, but the son character's performance was godawful. It lacked heart, but had the quirky independent feel that I can't help but instantly warm to.

June Bug: Damn, that's an amazing film. Very very fascinating view of some odd people and odd relationships. Awkward atmospheres galore to uncomfortably indulge in. Shocking in places, harrowing too, but mainly just hearty and real. I liked it.

A Scanner Darkly: Best film this year next to A bitter sweet life. Perfect adaptation of the novel. Even down to the way the events affect you as an audience... sometimes their abuser antics are just hilarious and other times it's just so saddening. Everything you could want in a flick... brilliant story, innovative characters, foreboding relevance to society, unbelievable visuals and just thought provoking as hell. Especially the end...
King Chaos said:
A Scanner Darkly: Best film this year next to A bitter sweet life. Perfect adaptation of the novel. Even down to the way the events affect you as an audience... sometimes their abuser antics are just hilarious and other times it's just so saddening. Everything you could want in a flick... brilliant story, innovative characters, foreboding relevance to society...

..and a box-office disaster.

In times when morons like Ferrel (or whateverthefuckhisface) have an opportunity to make movies - we are fucked. I know I am.
united 93

not a great movie in the technical sense, but very intense and scary, scary, scary. recommended if you're looking for a deep reality check.

Last episode was like a hammer on the head (I know history, but still). Totally.

The Wire - Season 3

HBO doesn't make shit, but it's all the same shit again, even the actors.

hyena said:
united 93

not a great movie in the technical sense, but very intense and scary, scary, scary. recommended if you're looking for a deep reality check.

I'll watch it on my plane to LA. Nothing goes deeper, I guess.
I liked the first 3 seasons of 24, even though the first season was basically 2 in 1, you know, the whole "Hey, we ran out of material after 12 eps, let's just do the same shit again and abduct his wife and daughter again!"
After that it just went downhill. I mean why the fuck is it called 24 when they never have material for 24 eps? From ep 18 on it's always "We need that chip or we wont ever get those terrorists! Damn they destroyed the chip.. hmm so we need that guy there or we wont ever get the terrorists! Hmm now they shot the guy.. so we need that harddisc or we wont ever get the terrorists. Hmm now the harddrive is broken..." ARGH!

Speaking of tv shows, I really like The 4400, Prison Break (Engineer Pwnage ;)) and Battlestar Galactica (3rd season in october :D )
4400 was good until i really picked up in the religious pull on it... I remember once by dad brought home a stack of DVDS from good al Singapore and one was called "six" and it basically was a movie about the coming of Jesus Christ and if we didn’t have him in out hearts... We will all burn in hell... I swear to god, i wanted to throw up after that movie... We threw it out so i don’t really remember if it was called 6.
But back to the 4400 we have only had season one up until all the 4400's got sick. And with 24, we are up to the one when the nerve gas is stolen,
Too much buzz about 24, I tried watching it - looks like fucking garbage to me (one of the starting seasons?)

If it's not HBO - it's waste of my time :)
The Wire Season 3

HBO might have blown it on Carnivale (getting into will be long and painful), but that is some quality stuff. Too few lesbian scenes, though.
Saw Laurel Canyon yesterday, a pretty good film with with a very good cast. Frances McDormand and Christian Bale were awesome. Its a huge pity that so many of these American films are never shown in Europe, not even in club cinemas. I saw it as a part of the American Independent Summer on Czech TV.
just saw Brick. Was fucking amazing. Such an immense plot and likeable cast. The visuals are fucking brilliant without being undetached from our dimension. Similar to Darren Aronofskys directing style (using crazy edits or camera work to actually reflect the subjective moment). A rare rare rare rare delight. Similar in immensity to Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and L.A Confidential, but with more heart.

I think I connected because the characters are all based around my kind of age range. Which make it all the more spectacular as a piece of art... i.e. The symptoms of the film. It's definately one that can be analysed as a clever symptomatic view of society burried under what's marketed as just a novel idea... Children in a film noire... along with the *****, sex and violence galore.
Here we go after thinking about it for a while here is my full list of faviorte movies.... The top 3 being my favest.

The Bourne Identity (2002)
The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children (2005)

A Time to Kill
The Three Musketeers (1993)
Walt Disney’s: Aladdin
Walt Disney’s: Beauty and the beast
Walt Disney’s: Pocahontas
Andrew Lloyd Webbers: Phantom of the opera (2004)
Interview with the vampire
Queen of the damned
The Terminator
Terminator 2
Terminator 3
Star wars 2 – Attack of the Clones
Star wars 3 – Revenge of the Sith
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1988)
Police Academy 1
Police Academy 2
Police Academy 3
Police Academy 4
The Frighteners
Harry Potter 1
Harry Potter 2
Harry Potter 3
Harry Potter 4
Spiderman 1
Spiderman 2
The Princess Bride
Ever After
Gav said:
Why does the word d r u g s get starred out?
Because whatever idiot set that on the forum preferences is apparently scared that we’ll all become drug addicts just by reading that word on a forum. Like thew rest of the internet isn’t full of it, and like we don’t say worse words all the time, gah...

Rayna said:
my favest.

The Bourne Identity (2002)
The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
Why does this not surprise me? :D

Rayna said:
The Princess Bride
That film is brilliant. :D

“He can only be revived if he’s only half-dead and if you have a good cause.”
“We want to kill [insert name of bad guy here].”
“That’s a good cause.”
The Office

Bullseye with the cast.

It's scary how some people portrayed - I know a few like that in real life. Wish I knew one like Pam though :D
Just watched " The Descent " a week ago with Mrs.Gigi.

I w a s s c a r e d t o d e a t h .

Honestly, I actualyy considered of leaving th theater (pussy hehe), but somehow we managed to survive. I went out of the theater like this :puke: . Really, I stood up form the chair and nearly puked :ill: :yuk: :lol: :puke: :p .

Great film though, it really manages to capture ye. The creatures were funny, because now that I think about it they look like a combination of Gollum (preciousssss....) and something takn out of Resident Evil (the game of course).

Oh, and I also saw " Click" the other day, I actually liked it. LOL I cried hehe :cry: :p . Adam Sandler is becoming a better actor with each movie he makes, good for him :) .
UndoControl said:
Please tell me they're not going to be stupid and end the series on the third one like they did with X-men...

I dont they can kill spiderman like they did with X-men, apart from the serious plotholes in the movie it wasn't bad lol.... I only relaly liked it for 1 reason though.... His best friend :)... God i am such a girl....