
The Hills Have Eyes (2006) - unrated, brutal shit... well, brutal enough for Hollywood ;)
Nightwatch (Ночной Дозор) - bleh
Find Me Guilty - ah, nothing sdpecial really.

Seeing Pirates on Thursday.

marduk1507 said:
Hmm, why did you watch it? Curious? With this movie it was enough what my friends had told me, I didnt even bother.
It's more like an "education" thing for me. When something has been talked about this much (both here and among my friends) i just feel the need to watch it, have my own visual image and shape my opinion about it. So, yeah, it's basically curiosity. :p

edit: and the knowledge that it was chocolate+orange marmalade. :p
well, sorry for the repetition to those who read about it in the other thread, but really i think that one can stand the 120 days of sodom only if you watch it bearing in mind that it was a political movie. probably if you saw, say, a very gruesome movie today about the abusive soldiers at guantanamo you wouldn't be overly impressed by the violence because you are very aware of the point it's trying to make, and most would be inclined to agree. pasolini made that movie to represent the corruption of fascist leaders, which at the time was still very fresh in the viewers' eyes (ok, he also made it for shock value, but the political intent came first), so they were not horrified by the disgusting scenes per se - they focused on the anti-fascist message.

i think that all movies that make extreme use of violent, sexual etc. imagery to make a statement that has to do with religion, politics etc. run the same risk - if the viewer lives several years or even generations after the events the film is commenting upon, or if s/he has a point of view that doesn't coincide with the director's, the squick value of the film stays, the message doesn't. it's different with war movies, as they're more universal - i found the beginning to saving private ryan quite sickening, in the sense that it was a trifle too gory for my liking, but eventhough the events in the film are historically distant from me they still relate to a concept that is always contemporary, ie war.
@hyena: even though i know little about the historical background of the movie, i did have a vague idea about the message it intends to pass (and then of course i read more). and a friend's comment was exactly this: how this movie manages to make you hate fascists.
but i have a question: did these things take place for real in the republic of Salo, or is it taken from the book of de Sade and applied on Salo?
well, nobody knows for sure, but there was a patrician house in milan known as villa triste that was sequestered by salò policemen and horrid things took place there at the expense of resistance fighters, regular army officers who didn't want to desert the king in favor of mussolini, and their families. the same happened in a low-grade hotel in rome. these events inspired the film, although they were infinitely less terrifying than pasolini made them out to be (don't get me wrong - they were terrifying, but not in that degrading way). i think they were more on the side of torture than the side of sex, and no clergy was involved whatsoever (the cardinal in the film is just there because of pasolini's hatred for the church).
La Rocque said:
Syriana ... just picked up the DVD and this is the best movies I've watched in many months, takes a hold of Your mind and is very intense.
Its got it all corruption, religion, geopolitics. Very complex story of the USA's oil addiction.
Has an underlying story of what makes a suicide bomber do what they do. Gave me somewhat of an understanding of these actions?
Written and directed by Stephen Gaghan, who also gave us Traffic, another thought provoking movie.
Recommended -

I've wanted to see that one as also Capote, I'll rent them sometime soon. funny fact thatr Syrannia was airde in CRntheaters for like 3 days and then they didn't play it no more. Maybe the owner of the theaters is a "gringo".

I saw Cars today, what a great movie!!!

The animation is really amazing, the best there is now IMO. The plot is also pretty good, notihing surprised, but pretty well done still. What I loved about this movie is how you really got attached to the characters, it happens as soon as you see each one of them.

It's funny that when I saw the preview I though "oh that sucks", but it turns out it was really good. On the contrary o "Over the Hedge", ehich aspparently sucks.

Oh, and I also saw the preview for " Spider Man 3 ". Well, all I can say, is... I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Though I was told that Venom appeared, so I was kinda dissapointed that he didn't.
You are not to mess with the following shit:
Hostel - Tarantino, what shit did you put your name into, predictable crap.

See No Evil - Yay, a wrestler as a monster, who would have guessed it.

Ultraviolet - This movie has only one redeeming quality and it's not her acting.

Firewall - Yet another Harrison "I'm the calmly dad who turns into a superhero
to save my family" Ford movie that utterly sucks, don't worry, despite the
name and a few fancy gadgets, it does not deal with computers in any way.

Mission: Impossible III - um, go Tom go, go away that is.
Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest

Beyond awesome, great summer movie :) Some serious drama, too! Even grim some places.
plintus said:
Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest

Beyond awesome, great summer movie :) Some serious drama, too! Even grim some places.

I'll see it in about 3 hours! Hopefully Depp is as crazy as in the first.
Just watched the DVD, 'Munich' Steven Spielberg is amazing as always.
I'm starting to really like movies with Eric Bana.
Anyone seen his movie, 'Chopper'? Try to find it great stuff.
Back to Munich this real life story happened over 35 years ago, Palestinians killing Jews. Today Israel is reigning destruction on Palestine. Probably a 100 years from now the grandchildren of these two countries will still be at it -
La Rocque said:
Enough is enough!!! I've had it with these mother-fuckin' snakes on this mother-fuckin's plane!!! :kickass:

I see this phrase popping on the 'net everywhere... shoulda go see this flick :lol:

Samuel should replace all 'em fucking preachers on fucking TV and preach himself. Bible would never be more popular :D