I finally saw Total Recall a couple of days ago.
Funny shit.
And the Ring was interesting, but kinda gay.
Funny shit.
And the Ring was interesting, but kinda gay.
Japanese Horror's not worth watching to you? I grant if you've seen one you've (pretty much) seen em all, but don't go fixing what isn't broke and all that shite.Misanthrope said:Boy does anyone on this fucking board watches something worth watching anymore? You ALL need to get fucking emule and start downloading movies worth seeing instead of throwing your money away on garbage like "ice age"
Misanthrope said:Boy does anyone on this fucking board watches something worth watching anymore? You ALL need to get fucking emule and start downloading movies worth seeing instead of throwing your money away on garbage like "ice age"
King Chaos said:Japanese Horror's not worth watching to you?
I understand you see your film as art, I do too primarily and that's why I'd like to point out that alot of horror's not all just mindless "boo" and gore (granted every horror movie to come out of hollywood in the last 15 years has been). But on the subject of Japan, take for instance the fact that it's become an almost generic cultural theme for Japanese horrors to have subtexts critiqueing father figures. And people who don't even know how to read films can see how extremely symptomatic a horror like texas chainsaw massacre is of it's time.Misanthrope said:No. In fact you can say that about 99% of all horror.
But at the very least, even if you see it is not worth commenting about it, not any more than you comment about a car crash or some accident you saw or some other morbid ocurrances.
King Chaos said:I understand you see your film as art, I do too primarily and that's why I'd like to point out that alot of horror's not all just mindless "boo" and gore (granted every horror movie to come out of hollywood in the last 15 years has been). But on the subject of Japan, take for instance the fact that it's become an almost generic cultural theme for Japanese horrors to have subtexts critiqueing father figures. And people who don't even know how to read films can see how extremely symptomatic a horror like texas chainsaw massacre is of it's time.
King Chaos said:I understand you see your film as art, I do too primarily and that's why I'd like to point out that alot of horror's not all just mindless "boo" and gore (granted every horror movie to come out of hollywood in the last 15 years has been). But on the subject of Japan, take for instance the fact that it's become an almost generic cultural theme for Japanese horrors to have subtexts critiqueing father figures. And people who don't even know how to read films can see how extremely symptomatic a horror like texas chainsaw massacre is of it's time.
King Chaos said:the slasher movie is a sub-genre of the horror genre.
*might have a spoiler* And I disagree about the remake... It's pretty trashy. Typical slasher movie... where the original was just psychological mayhem from start to finish. The only bit I liked in the remake was where she had to stab her mate dead to put him out of his crucified misery. That was only good because I didn't expect it from an MTV movie.
Misanthrope said:Seeing too much into a film that doesnt encourages you to is futile to me. Do what you most, ill rephrase so you shut the fuck up: Do you people ever watch something other than cheesy horror and cartoons? And no stupid hollywood crap doesnt interests me either. For a metal forum you're all either extremely ignorant or extremely narrow minded when it comes to movies and variety.
King Chaos said:I'm one to talk, but don't you think you're being a little pretentious?
Watched Sympathy for Lady Vengeance last night... Wasn't as good as Sympathy for MR Vengeance or Oldboy... Although I reckon with a few more watches I might be able to appreciate it as much as. It just seems Park Chan-Wook has taken all the subtle things that made Sympathy for MR Vangeance good, and totally overblown them. He was half way towards doing that in Oldboy anyway.
Misanthrope said:For a metal forum you're all either extremely ignorant or extremely narrow minded when it comes to movies and variety.