
Misanthrope said:
Boy does anyone on this fucking board watches something worth watching anymore? You ALL need to get fucking emule and start downloading movies worth seeing instead of throwing your money away on garbage like "ice age"
Japanese Horror's not worth watching to you? I grant if you've seen one you've (pretty much) seen em all, but don't go fixing what isn't broke and all that shite.
Misanthrope said:
Boy does anyone on this fucking board watches something worth watching anymore? You ALL need to get fucking emule and start downloading movies worth seeing instead of throwing your money away on garbage like "ice age"

But that squirrel is soooo funny! Chill.
King Chaos said:
Japanese Horror's not worth watching to you?

No. In fact you can say that about 99% of all horror.

But at the very least, even if you see it is not worth commenting about it, not any more than you comment about a car crash or some accident you saw or some other morbid ocurrances.
Misanthrope said:
No. In fact you can say that about 99% of all horror.

But at the very least, even if you see it is not worth commenting about it, not any more than you comment about a car crash or some accident you saw or some other morbid ocurrances.
I understand you see your film as art, I do too primarily and that's why I'd like to point out that alot of horror's not all just mindless "boo" and gore (granted every horror movie to come out of hollywood in the last 15 years has been). But on the subject of Japan, take for instance the fact that it's become an almost generic cultural theme for Japanese horrors to have subtexts critiqueing father figures. And people who don't even know how to read films can see how extremely symptomatic a horror like texas chainsaw massacre is of it's time.
King Chaos said:
I understand you see your film as art, I do too primarily and that's why I'd like to point out that alot of horror's not all just mindless "boo" and gore (granted every horror movie to come out of hollywood in the last 15 years has been). But on the subject of Japan, take for instance the fact that it's become an almost generic cultural theme for Japanese horrors to have subtexts critiqueing father figures. And people who don't even know how to read films can see how extremely symptomatic a horror like texas chainsaw massacre is of it's time.

Chainsaw Massacre isn't a horror - it's a thriller-slasher.

And the remake is godly.

the slasher movie is a sub-genre of the horror genre.

*might have a spoiler* And I disagree about the remake... It's pretty trashy. Typical slasher movie... where the original was just psychological mayhem from start to finish. The only bit I liked in the remake was where she had to stab her mate dead to put him out of his crucified misery. That was only good because I didn't expect it from an MTV movie.
King Chaos said:
I understand you see your film as art, I do too primarily and that's why I'd like to point out that alot of horror's not all just mindless "boo" and gore (granted every horror movie to come out of hollywood in the last 15 years has been). But on the subject of Japan, take for instance the fact that it's become an almost generic cultural theme for Japanese horrors to have subtexts critiqueing father figures. And people who don't even know how to read films can see how extremely symptomatic a horror like texas chainsaw massacre is of it's time.

Seeing too much into a film that doesnt encourages you to is futile to me. Do what you most, ill rephrase so you shut the fuck up: Do you people ever watch something other than cheesy horror and cartoons? And no stupid hollywood crap doesnt interests me either. For a metal forum you're all either extremely ignorant or extremely narrow minded when it comes to movies and variety.

There you happy now? Now drop it and post about a fucking movie.
I'm one to talk, but don't you think you're being a little pretentious? Although I do agree, generally, people here don't seem as interested in highbrow movies. So yeah, sorry to cross you on that... or something.

Watched Sympathy for Lady Vengeance last night... Wasn't as good as Sympathy for MR Vengeance or Oldboy... Although I reckon with a few more watches I might be able to appreciate it as much as. It just seems Park Chan-Wook has taken all the subtle things that made Sympathy for MR Vangeance good, and totally overblown them. He was half way towards doing that in Oldboy anyway. This looked more like a Jean-Pierre Jeunet movie. And although I like his work, it's really not the same thing.

Also rewatched Weekend the other night. It's so goddamn pretentious. But that's pretty much goddard (especially towards the end of his semi prolific new wave assault). But the pig murder and the traffic jam are just totally legendary scenes, I'll admit that. The whole film is just chaos. It so resembles that fruhstration and confussion of my nightmares. Like just watching the film you find yourself asking the questions "Why am I here, infront of this television, letting this incoherant, drawn out madness corrupt me?"... and when it's all done, you feel like you died a little inside. Not many films can give you that feeling. So that's probably why.
Mission: Impossible III


King Chaos said:
the slasher movie is a sub-genre of the horror genre.

*might have a spoiler* And I disagree about the remake... It's pretty trashy. Typical slasher movie... where the original was just psychological mayhem from start to finish. The only bit I liked in the remake was where she had to stab her mate dead to put him out of his crucified misery. That was only good because I didn't expect it from an MTV movie.

Yeah, a very strong moment, really, that kind of stuff made me appreciate what the've shot more, since they were balancing at NC-17 :D

Misanthrope said:
Seeing too much into a film that doesnt encourages you to is futile to me. Do what you most, ill rephrase so you shut the fuck up: Do you people ever watch something other than cheesy horror and cartoons? And no stupid hollywood crap doesnt interests me either. For a metal forum you're all either extremely ignorant or extremely narrow minded when it comes to movies and variety.

Why don't you just go and please yourself?
King Chaos said:
I'm one to talk, but don't you think you're being a little pretentious?

Yes i am, so? You do agree with me and that makes you pretencious too you know.

Watched Sympathy for Lady Vengeance last night... Wasn't as good as Sympathy for MR Vengeance or Oldboy... Although I reckon with a few more watches I might be able to appreciate it as much as. It just seems Park Chan-Wook has taken all the subtle things that made Sympathy for MR Vangeance good, and totally overblown them. He was half way towards doing that in Oldboy anyway.

I disagree, I dont see Lady vengance ( and oldboy ) as less subtle, they just have a different pacing. There's a reason why I always try to mention this movies are barely a trilogy at all, and that is because it does leads to what I consider unfair comparitions: The peacing and directing of each movie is tailor made to portray the different characters on each movie. As cliche as it sound, is obvious that Lady Vengeance is going to seem more melodramatic cause its a women's point of view and it comes more natural that way, and the film isnt affraid to show it, hence the entire mother-daughter angle.

But to each his own.
Fair point. I never really thought about the film language being specific to certain characters' feelings an emotions and thought it was, as with most linear structured films, being specific to the narrative. I guess I was just dissapointed that with the increase in popularity and funding for his movies, Park's cinematography and use of the camera has become more grandiose and sometimes it felt a little over done and almost too stylized... but yeah, that's women...

Stuff like the clouds in the sky saying "you have no mother"... and especially the violence is being portraid differently. My favourite moment out of any of the three films is When the worker cuts his gut and torso up with the stanley knife in Mr vengeance... The almost minimalistic way it's shot has been redundant since and I think that's a shame.
Aeon Flux.

I didn't think it was as bad as everyone says. It shows they really had a hard time emulating the animations' style, but in the end they pretty much made it. Visually I thought it was great, action's entertaining, the chic is hot, etc. What they didn't achieve is a story as good as the ones from the series, but I've never had anything against mindless action anyway.
Broken Flowers from Jarmusch. Those allusions on his earlier movies are always great. It always amazes me how Jarmusch manages to tell a simple story (of a journey, usually), and still be so political. I especially liked the road sign when Don was on his way to Penny and got lost. It was there only for 2 sec., but it said *arrow to the left* Prong and below that Danzig *arrow to the right*. :)
watched primer last night... It was just confusing as hell. The premise of the film is that some nerdy late twentys office boys are trying to make scientific breakthroughs in their garage, two of them find themselves out of their depth when they create a chamber that can take you back in time, but only like, 6 or 10 hours at a time. Then it gets super confused when they try to prevent some disaster that happened at a mates party... Interesting how the film is pretty much just dialogue but the characters go on a really really immense and complex journey. The film is too smart for it's own good though, and as soon as you think you find yourself understanding one thing, they've already moved briscly to another, and you are just confused. I did however, enjoy the bafflement for the 72 minutes of run time. It's worth a watch.
Watched Call of Cthulhu last night, an extremely faithful adaptation of H.P.Lovecraft's famous horror-story, filmed in black and white and without sound. Has excellent acting and clever cinematography in the vein of classics like Nosferatu et cetera. Recommended to every fan of Lovecraft or silent movies.
