
Bah, can't stand that show. Hate it more than just about anything else on TV.

You are from Long Island, correct? :heh:

Anyway, you see, you are kinda from New York, adn show meant for real newyorkers. Or potential, like me. Yeah.

Season 7 was meh :Smug:
Saw Crank and The Illusionist yesterday night. Two very different movies, but they were so good! :) I laughed so much at Crank.... crazy situations! And the Illusionist was pretty intense ! Edward Norton performance is great !
:) I suggest both of them
Crank was fun to watch, if nothing else. The dialogue with his girlfriend was priceless.


Yeah hahahahahahaha !!!!
And when he's seeing himself on the television, in the street, and he has this big erection... oh god, I laughed for five minutes non-stop ! Hahahahahah!!!!:lol:
I entered an inadvertent Stephen Frears rampage this weekend. Without even knowing that he directed both, I watched Dangerous Liaisons last night and The Queen right about now. I didn't like either, to be honest.
I think I'll have a go at The Prestige later or on Tuesday.
I saw two incredible Czech films this weekend. The first one is the newest Czech film from Menzel based on the novel I Served the King of England from Bohumil Hrabal - an excellent film. As I really like Hrabal, I was afraid if the director manages to transfer the Hrabals stream of consciousness and poetics onto the screen, but he did. The second one is an old cult (at least here) film with Rudolf Hrusinsky playing the leading character - The Cremator from 1968 by Juraj Herz (a Slovak director) - a macabre portrayal of a director of a crematory, who sees himself as the saviour of the souls from the suffering bodies (in terms of buddhism) on the background of the year 1938 in Czechoslovakia (the rise of the Protectorate) - also an excellent piece.
Gonna have a go at The Prestige when it finishes downloading.

Marduk, those sound like very intriguing movies. Might they be in English? (or w/ subtitles?)

Anyone else looking forward to 300? From a purely testosterone-driven point of view, I can't wait. Promises to be kick-ass-ness of the highest order. And having read the graphic novel, I think the story is actually rather interesting as well. (Yes, I know it's based on a historical event, but there were certain liberties taken with the novel that differentiate it.) I think the only thing I'm worried about right now is what I saw someone ask online - "Is every line that epic?" It's true, it does seem almost overdone. But overall, I can't wait. Just figured I'd ask if anyone else felt the same.

@marduk: did you never get my email or was there simply nothing to say about it? :)
Saw Babel yesterday, great movie!

Funny thing was that I got sick in the middle of the movie, pretty strange hehe. So I had to go to the clinic and all 'cause I was feeling so bad :cry: .
Anyone else looking forward to 300? From a purely testosterone-driven point of view, I can't wait. Promises to be kick-ass-ness of the highest order. And having read the graphic novel, I think the story is actually rather interesting as well. (Yes, I know it's based on a historical event, but there were certain liberties taken with the novel that differentiate it.) I think the only thing I'm worried about right now is what I saw someone ask online - "Is every line that epic?" It's true, it does seem almost overdone. But overall, I can't wait. Just figured I'd ask if anyone else felt the same.


Hell yeah! Its the only movie I want to see that's coming out any time soon (besides Army of Shadows, which I haven't seen but am promptly looking forward to). The movie is based on a graphic novel that was based on a movie that wasn't factually accurate in the first place, so don't expect history, just an interpretation of it. Addressing your concern about epic comments, in all trailers (I've watched them all :rolleyes: ) they use lines of dialog that are supposed to be actual quotes from the original text record of the epic. I cannot believe that every single line in that movie is going to be a literal translation, or that cheesy. At any rate, I really enjoyed Sin City and this looks to be an awesome movie, if not an entertaining action-wankfest.
Marduk, those sound like very intriguing movies. Might they be in English? (or w/ subtitles?)

I dont know, but I hope so. I Served the King of England will definitely be out in English soon, as its a new film, but The Cremator is from 1968, so I really dont know - do some search when youre bored enough for it. ;)
Hehe, I figured Siren would want to see it :p

Marduk, thanks. I'll take a look around later to see if I can find it. Currently waiting for The Prestige to finish on my torrent, (more than one at a time and my bandwidth goes to all hell for WoW, hehe) and then I'll check it out.

~kov. (just realized I made myself an apple product up there... iKov!)
@Kov: i've seen the trailers and it seems a bit idiotic at times (like making King Leonidas shout all the time), but i keep in mind that it's the adaptation of a comic book and i don't expect a lot of historic accuracy. I still expect it to be pretty damn impressive. :D