
I saw Beowulf tonight and if you've ever read the poem the movie sucks arse.

Plinny: I think Ari has lost some of his edge, he's less of a prick and is more caring, I love the old Ari more :).
So you have a thing for mature men with flaccid bellies. Who would have thought that?

i don't know whether the "who would have thought that?" was ironic or serious, but either way it amused me greatly. :lol::lol::lol:

and what's with all you guys being all concerned with washboard abs? if i didn't know a lot about this board, i'd be worried.

incidentally, i did obviously pay special attention to the scene where everybody is almost naked while playing in the pool, and i don't know whether the following comment is another staple for your belly theory, but: i thought that ben stiller was a bit too pumped up, what with the small head and huge pecs. he looked like someone on steroids.
Plinny: I think Ari has lost some of his edge, he's less of a prick and is more caring, I love the old Ari more :).

He was the biggest dick in Season I - I mean, fucking a Russian swimsuit model with the last name Korova (which translates as Cow) is kind of low on any scale, plus overall behavior; I think he found his character and the best in Season 2 and 1st part of Season 3, caring Ari is not really Ari, true that. And his jokes about Lloyd... Haha, I've got to re-watch the rest tonight... as soon as I'm done with this million dollar project :S

By the way, saw Black Hawk Down exactly a week ago (on teh Blu-Ray :heh:), after about 5 years I've seen it for the first and only time, and was surprised how many big names were in there; 5 years ago I didn't know any of them, I think :)
@plintus: re big names, yeah, black hawk down is quite the feat, but i think that the most amazing cast ever award goes to bobby. everybody was in it, possibly wanting to throw their weight behind barack obama's campaign. and i mean everybody, from elijah wood to anthony hopkins who isn't even american and nobody could quite figure out why he was there at all. :p
@plintus: re big names, yeah, black hawk down is quite the feat, but i think that the most amazing cast ever award goes to bobby. everybody was in it, possibly wanting to throw their weight behind barack obama's campaign. and i mean everybody, from elijah wood to anthony hopkins who isn't even american and nobody could quite figure out why he was there at all. :p

As long as there's late Lindsay Lohan in the movie, it drops it's significance for me like I dunno what. So I've never seen it. Was there enough room to act for everyone?

Still nothing beats Ari Gold being shot down in Somalia for me :cool:
@plintus: well, the film is pretty long so everybody kind of got a shot at performing, yes... but i guess that lohan, wood and hopkins stole the scene from everyone else, in a way. anyway, i suggest you watch it. it's real real good.

and black hawk down... since we're at it, get the rancid song (as in: song from the band rancid, not bad song "like curry powder") of the same name, it's really good too. along with the whole album it's on.
Is it available in HD? :) Cuz I'm not wasting my time on a movie, if it's not in high-definition. Yeah, I'm spoiledd :heh:

Blu ray and HD DVD bring all the "home theatre" concept to being a theatre. Next step is whole movie theatre set-up (I'd saay $1mil+), but that's pure heroin.

Speakaing of which: picked up Pirates and Superbad on Blu-ray. Two most memorable movies of the year (not just as movies, but because of what was going on at the time I've seen them). Yeah, who knew? :)

Haha, about 3 years ago I bought first Pirates on DVD - I had to ride my bike in coldest wind, like today, and the place wasn't open for another hour, so I had to come back. Painful memories :)
No Country For Old Men
Fairly ok movie, didn't doze off once while watching it.
That being said the Coen brothers have been better in the past and I think
their stuff is getting a bit predictable now. It ain't no Big Lebowski or Fargo.
Definetly not worth the "best movie of 2007" hype.

There Will Be Blood
I was expecting a lot from this movie, based on the director and all the good
reviews all over the place. What I got was a pile of manure down my throat
and it was not a pleasant experience at all.

Why is DDL being praised for his "acting" in this one?
He is basicly any roleplaying character I played when I was about 14 and
that is not a great feat of acting.

Why did the writer think that people wanna see a movie with no likeable
characters in it?

And what was with all DDLs overacting in every damn scene?
Especially the ending was fucking moronic and made me wanna punch the
god damn screen.

Anyway, if you like to lose almost 3 hours of your live and get absolutely
nothing for it, this is the movie for you.

Again, not worth the hype and not even close to Citizen Kane, which is not
worth the "best movie ever" hype either. Both are shit.
I finally saw Equilibrium. I know, I know, but I simply wasnt much of a cinema-goer/film lover back then, so I didnt see it. Actually, I saw it several times, because this TV channel we have keeps showing it, and I couldnt catch it from the beginning. I really liked it.

I also finally bought Band of Brothers, the 6 DVD package. If you havent seen this WWII series, I sincerely recommend it.
I also finally bought Band of Brothers, the 6 DVD package. If you havent seen this WWII series, I sincerely recommend it.

The only HBO TV show I was watching and couldn't get into :cry:

As good as it is - just did nothing to me. Should go back and re-watch it.

Speaking of which (I posted this earlier somewhere around):


Watched 3-4-1-2-5, was great as it should have been :)
I watched The Devil's Miner, a documentary that takes us in the dangerous mines of Cerro Rico in Bolivia, through the eyes of a 14yo boy and his 12yo brother who work there. See how you can worship Satan and get black lungs, all at the lovely price of 2.5-4$ a day!