MP3s... has anyone stopped buying CDs?

man, i still only buy CDs. i've never downloaded an album illegally or bought an mp3. and to be frank, i wouldn't know how. i bought my wife an ipod about 3 years ago and it's still in the wrapper. i'd probably use it if i knew how. do i have to get some cd ripping download or something? i'm being dead serious.

i do have one cdr, but it's only because it was never properly released. it's arcane sun's second album.

i have $45 worth of Itunes gift cards collecting dust. people give me this shit for christmas and i dont know how to use it. but i do know how to sell stuff on eBay.
I'm considering going on a kick of basically only vinyl or only Mp3. The purest form or the most ethereal. May also be the Scotch talking.
i was actually laughing at dorian.

seems booze makes one post really super fast ... like Lee is showing an example of right now
We'll use silence as the musical equivalent of negative space, literally non-hearing music through shaping quiet.
man, i still only buy CDs. i've never downloaded an album illegally or bought an mp3. and to be frank, i wouldn't know how. i bought my wife an ipod about 3 years ago and it's still in the wrapper. i'd probably use it if i knew how. do i have to get some cd ripping download or something? i'm being dead serious.

iTunes will do the ripping for you, and is used to fill the ipod with music.
i don't have enough money to buy all the music i want so recently i've been downloading and burning to cd-r a bunch of albums

i still own like 1000+ things on physical format though so i think im entitled to a li'l bit of downloading

i fully intend to buy the things that are worth buying, it's just that i have an actual life these days so i have a million other things to buy

edit: that said, i have a hard time justifying these material desires to my more philosophical self. i mean REALLY, why do i need a shelf full of cds? im not sure if its pure vanity or what but i cannot explain it to myself. because "i like owning a physical object" is probably true but i don't want it to be
Just went to google for shits n giggles, typed in 3 bands I would purchase music from, none had mp3s for purchase. What act's albums are you buying? I listen to metal, not Justin Bieber. <3 (I say that with love friend, not being a dick here.)
At this point, it's hit or miss. I just typed in Sólstafir, Wolves In The Throne Room and Falls of Rauros, and they had all three. That said, yeah, with the type of music primarily discussed here, it will be somewhat hit and miss.

And neither can I, nor any of us who once made the leap. I'm just trying to create the conditions where the old tingle will happen again a little.
Completely understood.

Excuse my ignorance here...but what happens to all these arrangements of ones and zeroes if the storage device dies? Everything you paid for is gone, right?
Two options... backups or re-download from source.