Music and lyrics gossip

can you ??

  • listen to bad music with good lyrics

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meshuggah plays headache-metal. and headache is metal for sure. i always get metal-headache after festivals.
Allan said:
Good music with bad lyrics. Was forced to vote that since I can't stop listening to Blazing Eternity these days.

Extracts from the horror cabinet: "going to the lake of freedom but the water is to* cold to swim", "temptation can burn but will I drown**", "I'm still the one I used to be***".

And they're Danish, oh the shame of it.

The music is quite beautiful though.

*: It really sais "to" in the booklet.

* = A spelling mistake/tastefejl. Sorry, we better take the album of the market. This never happened before in any booklets.

** = Ever heard of metaphors ?

*** = What ? Ja ?
i cannot ignore bad lyrics. if it sucks, it sucks. and so many good music exist with good lyrics that i dont need any compromises.
Allan said:
Good music with bad lyrics.. Blazing Eternity..
Extracts from the horror cabinet: "going to the lake of freedom but the water is to* cold to swim", "temptation can burn but will I drown**", "I'm still the one I used to be***".
* ..booklet..
It's editor's failure, not the band I guess. And I just love BLAZING ETERNITY, the lyrics are very realistic and beautiful.. and so the coverART.
yv said:
It's editor's failure, not the band I guess. And I just love BLAZING ETERNITY, the lyrics are very realistic and beautiful.. and so the coverART.

You're just saying that 'cos the blokey from Blazing Eternity just posted a few posts up and you've gone all girly and giggly like ;)
Light said:
You're just saying that 'cos the blokey from Blazing Eternity just posted a few posts up and you've gone all girly and giggly like ;)
Somewhat. Girls become foolishly deaf and blind hearing/reading some "stuff".. All about progesteron, I guess.
Once again, Freud is the winner.

EDIT: Of course I voted "I'm deaf"
yv said:
Somewhat. Girls become foolishly deaf and blind hearing/reading some "stuff".. All about progesteron, I guess.
Once again, Freud is the winner.

EDIT: Of course I voted "I'm deaf"

Ah! I appreciate the nice words :Spin:

Anyway, I have nothing against criticism, but when it's criticism like a letter missing in a lyric, it gets a little to weird for me...
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
but when its about your lyrics being c....just kidding heh :tickled:

But it wasn't really. In that case, I wouldn't care - because it's all a matter of taste, and I know what the lyrics mean to me.

But criticizing a missing letter, misunderstanding metaphors ("what do you mean ? you can't drown in fire"), etc.... well, I just wanted to know what exactly the guy meant, because I didn't get his point on the last two ones, he he. :hotjump: :hypno: :erk:
NattevogterInc said:
But it wasn't really. In that case, I wouldn't care - because it's all a matter of taste, and I know what the lyrics mean to me.

But criticizing a missing letter, misunderstanding metaphors ("what do you mean ? you can't drown in fire"), etc.... well, I just wanted to know what exactly the guy meant, because I didn't get his point on the last two ones, he he. :hotjump: :hypno: :erk:

Sorry that I have upset you, I really like your music, otherwise the crappy lyrics wouldn't bother me.

The missing letter wasn't a central point in my criticism, it was stated to avoid people thinking bad things of my English skill. empty pride, I shouldn't have added it.

I see, it was a metaphor, tricky bastards them things.
I find your metaphors useless and empty, please explain to me the urge to describe freedom as a lake and your fear of it as a fear of swimming.
And while you're at it temptation as burning and a following fear as a fear of drowning. And the use of past tense of something that isn't past.

I do like the line "must face myself and tell the world". Felt the need to add something positive.
Allan said:
Sorry that I have upset you, I really like your music, otherwise the crappy lyrics wouldn't bother me.

The missing letter wasn't a central point in my criticism, it was stated to avoid people thinking bad things of my English skill. empty pride, I shouldn't have added it.

I see, it was a metaphor, tricky bastards them things.
I find your metaphors useless and empty, please explain to me the urge to describe freedom as a lake and your fear of it as a fear of swimming.
And while you're at it temptation as burning and a following fear as a fear of drowning. And the use of past tense of something that isn't past.

I do like the line "must face myself and tell the world". Felt the need to add something positive.

i like yer directness and honesty.
Allan said:
Sorry that I have upset you, I really like your music, otherwise the crappy lyrics wouldn't bother me.

The missing letter wasn't a central point in my criticism, it was stated to avoid people thinking bad things of my English skill. empty pride, I shouldn't have added it.

I see, it was a metaphor, tricky bastards them things.
I find your metaphors useless and empty, please explain to me the urge to describe freedom as a lake and your fear of it as a fear of swimming.
And while you're at it temptation as burning and a following fear as a fear of drowning. And the use of past tense of something that isn't past.

I do like the line "must face myself and tell the world". Felt the need to add something positive.

Did you upset me ? Not at all. I think my posts were written in a quite nice manner. If I were to be upset from criticism from an unknown individual on another band's message board, I would certainly need to work with my temper :Smug: !

Concerning the metaphors - well, how can you judge a metaphor as useless when you don't even know what the lyric is about, or what the metaphors were meant to descripe/the intentions of their use ? "Freedom as a lake"..well, freedom could be descriped as a telephone, a glass of beer, a window or whatever. It's all a matter of what the writer wants to express or have in his mind, and there are no rules or boundaries, as it is all the thoughts of the writer which are being expressed. For me, the metaphors are not useless, as they descripe exactly what I wanted to express.

I would gladly explain these metaphors (or double-metaphors) to you, if I knew that you actually were interested, which I'm not sure you are. I could easily send you a PM, as I don't feel it's necessary to discuss a very personal lyric on (another band's) public message forum, where most people are not interested anyway. But if it's just a matter of saying the lyrics are crappy and a big urge to bash them, then you're free to do so, as it's your opinion and your taste. But then, it's not very constructive and it would just be a waste of my time to discuss further.
But if it really could help you in understanding the words used, I would gladly explain them.

Håber du forstår min pointe. Selve emnet i "(Don't) Tell The World" burde dog alligevel ikke være så svært gennemskueligt. Som sagt diskuterer jeg gerne mine tekster, sålænge det foregår på et sagligt niveau og på en måde hvor begge parter får noget ud af det.

Concerning The Loveless - well it's not new tracks. It's old rehearsalsongs they recorded for me in the rehearsalroom before I released the "Star Rover" album. Funny to hear sometimes.
Du har ret, der var ingen grund til på den måde at fremlægge en subjektiv kritik offentligt. Det blev gjort uden særlig omtanke. Og af desperation over ikke at synes om teksterne til nogen sange jeg syntes var gode, absolut ikke af lyst til at svine dig/jer til

Jeg tror godt jeg forstår hvad du mener i de nævnte tekststykker. Jeg kan bare ikke se en begrundelse for brugen af disse metaforer. Det virker som om det bare er et forsøg på at romantisere eller dramatisere i stedet for at udtrykke sig så præcist som muligt.
Allan said:
Du har ret, der var ingen grund til på den måde at fremlægge en subjektiv kritik offentligt. Det blev gjort uden særlig omtanke. Og af desperation over ikke at synes om teksterne til nogen sange jeg syntes var gode, absolut ikke af lyst til at svine dig/jer til

Jeg tror godt jeg forstår hvad du mener i de nævnte tekststykker. Jeg kan bare ikke se en begrundelse for brugen af disse metaforer. Det virker som om det bare er et forsøg på at romantisere eller dramatisere i stedet for at udtrykke sig så præcist som muligt.

Glad for at du forstår min pointe bare lidt :)

Mht. de omtalte metaforer, så bunder det i at teksternes emner ofte er meget personlige, og at jeg af forskellige årsager netop ikke ønsker at udstille mig så direkte ved f.eks. at udtrykke mig direkte og præcist. Mit ordvalg er dog ikke for hverken at dramatisere eller romantisere, men snarere et produkt af mit eget billedsprog i hovedet. At ville svømme i frihedens sø, umuliggøres af, at vandet er for koldt. Dette kan oversættes til at være bundet af noget (i dette tilfælde narkotika), og at stå på søbredden (det modsatte af frihed) og have et knugende ønske om at blive frigjort. Men dette lader sig ikke gøre da konsekvensen og omkostningerne ved frihed samtidig er for uoverskuelige. Dette er billeder jeg selv har fået i hovedet, og jeg vælger så at beskrive det på den måde. Men det er jo en helt personlig ting hvorledes man kunne vælge dette. Personligt er jeg glad for at bruge halvmærkelige metaforer, da teksterne ofte er af en sådan personlig karakter at de må "sløres" en del for ikke at virke for direkte eller gennemskuelige.
Men om man så kan lide måden eller stilen er jo smag og behag. Du kan ikke, mens en anden bruger herinde godt kan. Og fred være med det.

Et helt andet spørgsmål. Nu hvor du studerer engelsk på universitetet, oplever du så ikke at det undertiden kan skade din lytteoplevelse, hvis du bliver for opmærksom på en grammatisk fejl, netop fordi du måske lægger ekstra mærke til det end andre ville gøre det ?