Music books


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
I'm most of the way through Motley Crue's The Dirt, and really don't want it to end. Such a good book to read.

So, which other music books have you lot read which you can recommend or warn me off? I'm also reading a book on GnR by Danny Sugerman, which suffers from not having any direct interviews with the band and spends too much time crapping on about Greek gods. Anyone read the Midnight Oil book? I got it for my birthday, but haven't read it yet.

This topic has probably been covered before, but what the heck....
Tommy Lee's book is ment to be good, I think it is called Tommyland, like the Dirt, only focused purely on Tommy's life obviously. Also there is a book called Starman, I can't remember the author's name, but he was a security bloke for alsorts of band in the 70's and 80's
Ah, those would be interesting! David Lee-Roth would surely have some interesting stories to tell, a la Vince Neil. Security guards would have seen it all! I didn't know Tommy Lee had a book...
Aerosmith's "Walk This Way" autobiography is great. The Dirt is my fave... Haven't read Crazy From The Heat yet but I'm DYING to...

Kiss & Makeup sucks, its just Gene bragging about himself and putting down every other member (except the 2 Erics). But apparently that other KISS autobiography Behind The Masks or whatever its called is amazing... gotta read that one.
Behind The Mask is due out in paperback before the end of the month :rock:

From what I've seen of a friend's hardback copy, it has Gene & Paul's comments on every song they've ever written and leaves you in no doubt that Bob Kulick is a bitter, bitter man.

Whats Run to the Hills like? I saw it the other day for the first time and thought about grabbing it. Also saw a book called Ritchie Blackmores Rainbow which looked quite good. But 1/3 of its 250 pages were just stats and bios and shit
Run to the Hills does go into a great bit of detail about the early pre-album days, though. I like that aspect of it, but once it got into the 80s it was quite dull because we know everything already.
I read the book before really getting into the band, I only owned 3 albums I think, and I loved it, and bought the entire back catalogue shortly after. Many people say it is good but not really great, but I enjoyed it muchly. I read the first version, the newest one would be cool.
Brian, is Bang Your Head the one I read part of at your joint? With an Alice Cooper chapter? I wrote down the name of it, but lost the bit of paper, because I'm a dickhead.

Is Starman just about Bon Jovi, or various things?

Ah there's years of reading material here!
Starman is interesting because I read that before I read The Dirt and there's chapters in both about the Moscow Peace Festival. In Michael Francis' version, the Crue are wildly out of control on the plane, and at the incident with Bon Jovi's fireworks provoking Tommy Lee to punch Doc McGhee out happens on the second night, with everyone threatening to beat up on the Crue in the bar after the show. In Lee's version, they were all sober going to the show and the fireworks thing happened on the first night, with them deciding to do the second show for old times' sake. One of them is either wrong, or lying.