Music Collection Size Queenery

way i see it is if you’re gonna do that you might just as well have all those mp3 albums on a usb stick or sd card and not have to deal with optical media

but i guess if you have a cd changer and its a proprietary thing and not DIN then you run what ya brung
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way i see it is if you’re gonna do that you might just as well have all those mp3 albums on a usb stick or sd card and not have to deal with optical media

but i guess if you have a cd changer and its a proprietary thing and not DIN then you run what ya brung
Yeah, I wish there was a usb slot in my car tbh.
I have no idea what yall are talking about. I still grab 5 cds for each car ride.

Im driving my 2008 Honda until it croaks. Fuck car payments. And fuck car without cd players. I mean what the hell is that about. Goddamn bluetooth
Been using mp3 players and aux cords in the car for years. Just recently started using bluetooth, as the new car is the first one I've had with the capability. It is mighty handy. Also, the CD player is hidden in the glove box, which is not very handy.
my 2013 citroen whatever has bluetooth but it's broken. it syncs but the quality is terrible and sounds like a 64 kbps mp3 or worse

if you search round the internet the issue is known and would be easily fixable with a firmware update but citroen is like "fuck you got mine lol" and haven't released a patch as far as i know. at least not one you can install yourself, and i'm not fucking going to a dealer for anything. so yeah. i use an aux cord and end up having to look at my fuckin phone every time i want to change songs. at least physical connections FUCKIN WORK

meanwhile the pioneer bluetooth stereo in my $200 seat cordoba works flawlessly. so it goes


check out this fuckin car

its green
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Was it the Pale Folklore splatter vinyl box that they only sold in Canada at the "Day of the Equinox" festival? If so, that was limited to 60 copies total and its worth anywhere from $600-1000 at this point. If it was the "Ashes Against the Grain" CD box, then that's probably around $150 right now. The vinyl box with PF, The Mantle, Ashes, and the EP is worth around $500.00
Ahhh shit, no it was *Ashes Against the Grain*
Opeth17 was a fucking poseur. "I've outgrown metal, getting a gf made me all sophisticated, I now listen to The Vines." Fn pussy

Reign in Acai, you faggot, get in here!


well i'm just saying look at history and you will see that you are full of crap

if you think that, in ten years, my generation will not be all nostalgic for cd's and pay big buxxx for ~VINTAGE CD PLAYERS~ that you currently literally cannot even give away you are wrong

print out this post and stick it on your wall to see how right i am circa 2023

Vinyl sales were up to almost 19 million last year. CDs might take longer to rebound, but I can see it. I wish I had a stereo with a 6 disc changer like I had in the early oughts.

check out this guy above me, look at his face. thats the face of ownage. you just got owned.

:lol: This thread is the kind of high quality content I missed.
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